
Why can't people read each other's minds?

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Surely if I am you and you are me, I'd be able to read your mind. But I cannot, I can only recognize what's in my own mind. That's why the whole "You are God." thing doesn't resonate with me, because if I'm God I should have the power of God. But I don't, from my honest perspective I am a limited human, who sometimes receives creative inspiration from what some might call a "higher self". But from my point of view, I'm not in awareness or control of anyone else but myself, let alone God. Can anyone help me understand this?

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@EternalForest ALL separation is imaginary.  You are imagining this forum and everyone in it.  You are imagining all others and all other.   If you are not imagining it directly, it does not exist.  Once you become conscious of this reading someone else's mind becomes a moot point.   Even God's infinite power and that you don't have it currently is something you are imagining as God.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@TylerJ I'm not saying I can't receive messages from your mind, its that I can only get those messages if you want to give them. I can't make you do anything you don't want to do. So then how am

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@Inliytened1 Even if I accept this infinite power I still can't, say, flap my arms and fly. If everything's imaginary why can't I just imagine anything I want to?

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3 hours ago, EternalForest said:

@Inliytened1 Even if I accept this infinite power I still can't, say, flap my arms and fly. If everything's imaginary why can't I just imagine anything I want to?

Because you are busy imagining the opposite.

No matter what you imagine, you could always complain: "But why can't I have the opposite?! Why can't I flap my arms and not fly?!"

So here you are. God pretending not to be God.

You expext God to be some other way, but God is busy being precisely the way it is right now. You are always one step behind.

To create the illusion of physical reality God had to make sure it couldn't just flap its arms and fly. That would not be physical reality, that would be some kind of dream world.  But if you were in this dream world you would complain that it doesn't feel solid enough, it doesn't feel real enough.

The cost of things feeling "real" is not being able to change them on a whim.

For Leo to feel real for you, you must be in denial that you are imagining Leo. If you knew for sure that you imagined Leo, then that would destroy the possibility of Leo being "real" for you. You'd know you are pretending. So the game you're playing is pretending that you are not pretending so that you can really pretend.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


For Leo to feel real for you, you must be in denial that you are imagining Leo. If you knew for sure that you imagined Leo, then that would destroy the possibility of Leo being "real" for you. You'd know you are pretending. So the game you're playing is pretending that you are not pretending so that you can really pretend.

Yes! ?

God damn you Infinite Love we played it really good. May I get oscar. 

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You can't actually read other people's mind but if you're a highly sensitive person, you can very well sense feelings and thoughts even if it's just very subtle. Listen to your intuition.


Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

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@EternalForest Because God is infinite and God is everything, so it has to be like this. It has to be like this or it would not be God, because then it would not be everything.

...Or at least that's how I understand it.

Also, you should be careful trying to assign purpose and meaning to God's will because purpose and meaning is a finite human creation and God is infinite and beyond that. This is what I learned from Leo's video on understanding meaning and purpose.


Edited by Osaid

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@Osaid In that case I'd say God's pretty unsympathetic to not just tell us there is no purpose rather than have us finite beings run around in circles trying to figure out what God's "purpose" is. And I recognize that God speaks to us in more ways than words, but considering that's the most direct way for most of us, I just wish God would be more direct.

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@EternalForest You can apply purpose and meaning, just be aware that you are the one creating it and throwing it into reality.

God is everything, so yes God is unsympathetic because it loves all aspects of itself, but God is also sympathetic at the same time because God is everything. This is a glimpse into how unconditional love works.

Instead of wishing for reality to be some other way, you should learn to appreciate how it already is, because that is exactly how it should and must be for everything to work.







Edited by Osaid

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Love of God is Absolute. (you admitted, proud of you, can't escape it really it really is what I am, can't delude myself forever) 

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On 3/25/2020 at 1:06 PM, EternalForest said:

@Leo Gura I understand all that, but my biggest question is why? Why would God do this?

What else would it do?

You got a better idea? Can you imagine something better than reality?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You can, it requires consistent practice which you will not probably do and have to figure many things out, which will take most of your time. Do you really want it? Be careful what you wish for. And you don't even know when and how its going to happend and if its going to happen, taken our way of living into consideration.

What if you get it? You give it a positive projection, just like if i become a millionare or billionare, suddenly my life is somehow better and more free from responsibilities - which is just not true at all. And you might become in worse state o consciousness than when you got the money.

Edited by Applegarden

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@EternalForest Because it's the best thing that could possibly happen. If you've played video games, you know that cheat codes ruin the game and make it extremely boring really fast.

You're basically asking "Why do I need to go on missions and respect the boundaries of the game instead of just flying around and blowing everything up?"

Because the alternative is no fun ;) 

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@LordFall @Leo Gura I never said reality didn't have great aspects. But we could easily keep all the great elements and do away with all the elements that cause suffering and ignorance. Is that so much to ask?

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@Applegarden I don't particularly desire it; I'm speaking in hypotheticals. But let's assume I really want it. How would I go about acquiring it?

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@TylerJ I define being "me" as the unique collection of my own knowledge and experiences, which no one else shares exactly.


@zeroISinfinity I'm sorry, you're proud of me for what?

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@blankisomeone Non-dual teachers claim I am them, and they are me. This is like the non-duality mantra, yet I honestly have no idea what they're on about. For a while I've lied to myself and told myself I did, but I've recently realized...I really don't. Like, not at all.

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