
Dating the Non-Woke

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My approach-ability, has been extremely high this past week or so. One guy even came up to me at the gym and told me, I quote, "You are a beautiful woman, I hope you know that." Another, fist bumped me and called me a pet name (I don't know him), and another, literally came up to me and said, "look at you, all..." *preceded to check me out* and then said  "do you got a man, do you need a man?"  (And was being serious). 

That being said, I have a date on Friday (not with any of the above, lol) 
I'm not really sure what to expect, 
Or if I should cancel: 
A. Convid- 19
B. The more I chat with him, the more it seems clear that he may not be open to the same type of thinking. If I introduce any of this to him too fast, he may actually lose his shit, and that seems like a lot of responsibility (And I already have this whole, I  make everything happen, I created Convid-19 thing to ruminate on, so, my responsibility limits are pretty thin :P

But I also kinda want to go on it still, because, 
A. Anytime I join energies with someone, something magical is created, even if it doesn't quite work, and I learn and grow from it.
B. Experiencing energies is fun, and I see it as a way to spiritually grow. 

C. Why not? 


Trying to listen to my gut. 
If I don't cancel, I was just wondering if any of you had words of wisdom for dating the non-woke. 

Thank you! 

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What matters is if you enjoy each others presence and make each other happy, and do you feel like this is someone who could support you and that you could support in your lives?

If those boxes feel like they are, or could be mostly checked then it's probably worth your time.

If you feel like they need to be "spiritually open" enough for you to be able to eventually impose your "type of thinking" on them. Then you aren't really being spiritual nor doing the work properly.

Notice the emphasis on the word need.

This isn't meant to be a judgement about you based on what you said, just would like to remind you to be weary of the trap.

Of course by all means search someone who is most compatible, but understand everyone is unique. Respect it. Embrace it.


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The surface of the ice berg is your ideas of 'woke' and 'non woke' and 'enlightenment' and 'spiritual' and 'non spiritual'. This is content.

The submerged part of the ice berg is the energies, feelings, perceptions. The stuff you feel, but don't think. The awareness of those feelings.

Then there's the aether, the stuff beyond the submerged: the 'godliness' in the man you're seeing, noticing how he's made of consciousness, how consciousness (YOU!) is creating him, etc. 

You do not want to date him. Why would you when you create him? The body and mind, the stuff that operates on energies, is what wants to date. When you become an 'enlightened person' do you stop eating apples because apples aren't spiritual enough for you? So why would the body stop dating?

What matters in dating, is whether your energies align with his. All this shit about Leo's content, spiritual content, the ideas about how you're god, and enlightenment and yoga, etc. That all doesn't matter. That's operating on a different plane to the plane that's urging you to date. The plane urging you to date is the energies. 

I've done it before, I've told a girl I didn't know well that I wanted to rape her (as an experiment). She didn't get scared or worried, because saying "I want to rape you" is content. Its not energy. Its the energy that make stuff happen, not the content. The content doesn't matter. If the energy had a sense of "I want to rape you" then that's what would have made her run. 

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I make my own happiness.

And, they don't need to be anything. No one does. Everyone is where they should be. I'm just not sure what I want I guess. The universe will tell me though.  It always does. Lol

I appreciate the reminder though. So thank you.  ?

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Interesting perspectives. 

I'm not really sure what the exact advice is... 

If energies align, then it is a go...? 

And to be honest, out of context, even as a joke, that was a very unnerving example. 

To joke to a stranger that you want to rape her, seems to be its own form of power play.

To me, There are better ways to promote Alpha energy, or to experiment... but to each their own. 

Thanks for the response though.  


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1 minute ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:


I'm not really sure what the exact advice is

To put it even more direct. It means you go with him if the energies feel right, you don't if they don't. The ideas, opinions and views he has of the content of spirituality (the thoughts) does not matter, to the extent at which it does not affect the interactions of the energies between you and him.

The idea that there must be an intellectual match (a match between the content in your head, and the content in his head) is a fallacy, because the outcomes of a healthy relationship operate on a plane separate or different to thoughts and content. 

If he like rugby, and you like piano, it doesn't matter so long as the energies align. Likewise if you both like spirituality, but the energies don't align, you're fucked. 

3 minutes ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:


To joke to a stranger that you want to rape her, seems to be its own form of power play.

To me, There are better ways to promote Alpha energy, or to experiment... but to each their own. 


And that's exactly why I chose that example as a way to experiment, because there's no better example to test and see the power of energy over content than that one. No more obvious way to inquire and inspect/discern deeply the difference between feeling and thinking. 

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15 hours ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:

B. The more I chat with him, the more it seems clear that he may not be open to the same type of thinking. If I introduce any of this to him too fast, he may actually lose his shit, and that seems like a lot of responsibility

What do you mean with that "type of thinking" and what are you going to introduce him to? Also if he loses his shit then thats his problem not yours.


15 hours ago, TheUniverseIsLove said:

any of you had words of wisdom for dating the non-woke. 

Im not sure what you mean with the term "non-woke". Also what are the kind of problems you see with dating someone like that? If you had problems in past relationships with that now is the time to tell us.

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@universe Type of thinking= Just a different stage of thinking.

Also, I would introduce him to oneness and nothingness, etc.

In my experience, that can be a lot for people to handle sometimes.  I didn't mean he would get mean, just perhaps think I'm "crazy", or perhaps go a little "crazy" himself.  
I'm all about limiting suffering (even if it is made up, we still feel it) and I don't want anyone to suffer from something I said or did, if I can prevent it. And even if I can't prevent it, it was will be what is supposed to be. Universe magic. 

Also, technically it is both his and my problem. We are one in the same. Everything is connected. Everything is one. 

And 100 percent, framing it as "non-woke" was just a funny way to phrase someone at a different level of consciousness and awareness.  But ya'll didn't get my hip, catchy phrasing. xD

Also, I don't see any problems. I was mainly looking for caring and gentle ways to introduce oneness to someone. 
In no way was I attacking or finding problems with him or anyone. People are where they are on their journey, and that is beautiful. The potential for discovery is exponential. That is love. 



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If I were on a date and the girl would introduce oneness to me, I'd be like whaaat...

Why do you feel like that is your job?

Here's how I date the non-woke: I just hang out with them and talk about light hearted stuff that both of us can understand and enjoy.

Then at like the third or fourth date, they'll start asking me why I'm not worried about something they're worried about. Or I've had it recently that she just got unnerved by my calm and started apologizing for not being as personally developed as I am. Out of nowhere. They just sense something.

I just try to make her feel at ease and explain that everyone has their own path.

At no point do I start to be a teacher.


But you'll learn this on your ownxD


Have fun on your date! Tell us how it went!

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@TheUniverseIsLove don't over think it. It all depends on your intention and how deep you want to go in the spirituality. For sure you will be pulled down in the spiral if he is a low conscious guy.

If you like exchanging energies though, I would say swallow the "self deception" pill and enjoy your time while it last.


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15 hours ago, TRUTHWITHCAPITALT said:

@TheUniverseIsLove don't over think it. It all depends on your intention and how deep you want to go in the spirituality. For sure you will be pulled down in the spiral if he is a low conscious guy.

If you like exchanging energies though, I would say swallow the "self deception" pill and enjoy your time while it last.

Yes, I agree with you 


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Why would you label anyone as non-woke? What do you mean by that?

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@Aquarius someone who is unaware of ego and existential truth, generally speaking

Describe a thought.

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19 minutes ago, Osaid said:

@Aquarius someone who is unaware of ego and existential truth, generally speaking

Yeah, makes sense to me. Is that how you guys call it?

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