
Masculinity repression

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I tend to repress my masculinity. I discovered that I have this problem. I started to try to release this repression while I am meditating. It also causes a blockage to my energy, I can feel it in my throat. During tripping ،I see my masculine energy exploding 

Any tips?

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In what different ways do you express your masculinity? 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Have you try bioenergetics? This techniques are fire. You can search Elliot Hulse videos.

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Funny, the repression of my own masculinity was one of the main themes that came up during my acid trip yesterday; as a matter of fact, that whole experience had a weirdly sexual component to it. (I actually jerked off three times during the trip, haha... I hope that’s not too much information for y’all ^_^)

By the way, I too have that problem with my throat, so maybe there is a connection here.

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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As an aside, I have a hunch that all so-called toxic masculinity is basically (unsuccessfully) repressed masculinity. Make of that what you will, brother.

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@Preety_India do you mean repress?

Lately I have been dealing with my social anxiety problems. But throughout out my childhood and teen years, I have not been very expressive, or courageous. I easily become shy, and I don't want to make any problems. I can't easily stand my ground. Which  made me not willing to express my ideas. I repressed my sexuality in the name of religion and don't have a lot of charisma. I am not that comfortable around people and have problems in expressing myself

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2 minutes ago, infinitelove said:

@Preety_India do you mean repress?

Lately I have been dealing with my social anxiety problems. But throughout out my childhood and teen years, I have not been very expressive, or courageous. I easily become shy, and I don't want to make any problems. I can't easily stand my ground. Which  made me not willing to express my ideas. I repressed my sexuality in the name of religion and don't have a lot of charisma. I am not that comfortable around people and have problems in expressing myself

That sounds like self esteem issues combined with cultural influence and genetic factors as well. 

You'll need to break out of this as much as possible. Because not being yourself is going to be a source of great frustration in the long term. 

It will require a ton of patience to get there. 

I don't know how you can radically transform yourself because that's a great challenge but I will try to offer some tips 

  • Socialize. Get out there. Do on online. Do offline. Hang out with people just for little periods of time in the beginning and then slowly increasing your time spent with people 
  • Try setting smaller goals like baby goals in the beginning like something you thought you couldn't do. This is a huge way of increasing confidence. Even smaller achievements have a huge impact on self confidence 
  • Don't be around people who try to dismiss you or contradict you or constantly oppose because they are downers 
  • Grooming - put a lot of effort in grooming. Just pampering yourself like changing your hairstyle or wearing a deodorant or shaving your hair or wearing clean clothes and new clothes brings a huge difference to a guy's confidence levels. 
  • Be angry when you need to be.. This is important for masculinity. Healthy anger is a huge part of healthy masculinity. 
  • Keep a personal diary for expressing your thoughts and ideas. That way you are more sled assured 
  • Do a lot of physical activities like swimming, riding, biking,basketball karate and other physical sports because they really help in pumping maximum masculine energy. 
  • Be very assertive. This takes time. First learn to defend yourself in smaller ways. 
  • Learn to say No and Stop. This is essential in building masculine energy. Masculine men are easily able to ignore, delete and not give a F about what someone thinks. 
  • Participate in social activities like volunteering at a homeless shelter and animal shelters. This gives a sense of worthiness and respect and courage. 
  • Focus on leadership skills like decision making. Don't let others to pick options or choices for you. You make them and you set the rules. 
  • Follow a healthy diet to maintain lean muscle
  • Have a girlfriend. That's a super confidence booster. Be around women who accept you not those who constantly correct you. 
  • Use visualization techniques to think that you are better than others and that you matter more and assure yourself that you can easily handle the situation.
  • Go travel, do different jobs, meet more people, gather more life experiences. 

One thing I can tell you is that this problem is not going to be solved by simply reading books or living in your room. You will need to do things real time and be out and confident to get it done 

Initially building confidence can be a huge labor. Like an uphill battle.. But you go go go go at it and it eventually happens. 

Best wishes 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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1 hour ago, infinitelove said:

I tend to repress my masculinity. I discovered that I have this problem. I started to try to release this repression while I am meditating. It also causes a blockage to my energy, I can feel it in my throat. During tripping ،I see my masculine energy exploding 

Any tips?

Start approaching women, realign with your purpose and listen to rap if you can find the songs you like..

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@Preety_India wow thank you for your response. The list you gave is great, screenshoted it for sure ,thank you. 

I am actually working on some of the stuff you mentioned. I had a bad history of wild thoughts that destroyed my masculinity. I developed a repressing mechanism for myself which did this to me, but it is time for change.

Thank you 

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Great list by India. Also, when doing physical activities, go to the gym 2-3 times a day, full body routine (bench, deadlifts, Squat, etc). You will feel more masculine, especially as you get results, overtime. This will also significantly increase your testosterone and break through the blockages you have.    

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On 3/8/2020 at 3:29 PM, Preety_India said:

Be around women who accept you not those who constantly correct you.

You know, what's really interesting about this statement is that even the women who seem to be constantly correcting you, are from their own perspective just looking out for you.

Implying of course, that in both cases, from the perspective of the woman, she is looking out for you. ;)

('You' in my statement refers to a guy. I would assume it's somewhat different if a woman is constantly correcting you if you're a woman. My grasp of female psychology isn't quite robust enough to intuit what that would be.)

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I know some women can have good intentions with their corrections. 

But the problem is that it doesn't sit quite well with men. 

This was said in context of low self esteem issues. 

When you suffer from low confidence issues, it is best to be surrounded by people who accept you for your flaws and don't judge or correct you. 

I hope that explains it


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Hey my name is not India. My name is Preety. (pronounced as Preety as in Sweety. 

India is the country I live in. I'm Indian. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Preety_India Of course. No explanation necessary. Most men are clueless. I simply wanted to provide a different perspective.

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This is my experience.

I've had a deep masculine block or wound in the past inherited from my father. Recently I've tried shrooms and this helped me gain awareness of the wound. It's centered in my throat and manifests in closed off chest area, downturned shoulders, and tight neck muscles. I've realized the resistance and tightness is the physical reaction to the underlying emotion, and when I focus in and relax the resistance and energy blocks, the energy flows, and I feel the masculine energy again.

I plan on spending more time focusing on and integrating this understanding for myself.

Body awareness has been the most valuable tool I've found for this specific block.

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take a dive into David Deida's work. He know's alot about on how to express the masculine (also about the feminine)



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On 8.3.2020 at 7:33 PM, infinitelove said:

I tend to repress my masculinity. I discovered that I have this problem. I started to try to release this repression while I am meditating. It also causes a blockage to my energy, I can feel it in my throat. During tripping ،I see my masculine energy exploding 

Any tips?

how about the possibility that it’s not your masculinity you repress but that what you want to express, like preety already said. 

issues with the throat chakra are oftentimes hierarchical issues or issues not speaking out what is bottled inside - kind of a fear to express. or maybe a lack of tool set to express. 

although i still think that there might aswell be a masculinity issue, like you say yourself you feel repressed in the presence of strong body energy types. i guess that’s what you referring to by saying masculine male. it’s an hyrarchical issue probably more than a masculinity issue although it plays into it. sounds like somewhere within there is still an archaic mechanism at work. one part is working on your self esteem by finding out what your personal streangths are, the other is finding out if there are traumas of your past where masculinity plays a roll. what you perceive as masculinity might also be a power dynamic instead. but overall working on coaping mechanisms also in sense of fear and aggression dynamics would be probably of help to you, explosive masculine energy is dangerous. you can search for it in rediscovering the wild man but maybe you’ll also be able to find better answers in the civilized man. certainly i’d recommend sports in any case as an addition.

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 Advanced issue found
On 3/10/2020 at 11:31 AM, JohnD said:

I've had a deep masculine block or wound in the past inherited from my father. Recently I've tried shrooms and this helped me gain awareness of the wound. It's centered in my throat and manifests in closed off chest area, downturned shoulders, and tight neck muscles. I've realized the resistance and tightness is the physical reaction to the underlying emotion, and when I focus in and relax the resistance and energy blocks, the energy flows, and I feel the masculine energy again.

I have a very similar block, and I couldn't have described it better myself. Something I discovered in my last mushroom trip much is helpful for anyone dealing with this issue. What masculine energy is, at the deepest metaphysical level, is the primary mechanism of creation. It is the directly manifested beingness of isness. When we repress our masculinity, we repress our self-expression to the core. On ayahuasca, I discovered that masculinity, from a human perspective, is like naturally following our desires, in essence, being ourselves fully and feeling absolute confidence. Absolute confidence can be achieved by non-dual awareness, rather than dualistic confidence, which is fragile because it depends on what you're comparing yourself to. I will definitely try a body awareness exercise to try to help with this.

Transformation and Healing Course Coming Soon!

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