
Starting my self-love journey, any suggestions on what to look out for?

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I recently became more and more engaged on working on myself and I came to the conclusion that lack of self love and therefor also confidence was one of my deeper rout problems. So I came to the conclusion to start my self love journey and would like to know if you have any suggestions and things you maybe did?


Thanks in advance!

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Stay as mindful as possible. Watch your internal dialogue. I was surprised how negative/judgmental much of my “self-talk” was when I first started paying attention to it.

What a valiant cause to love oneself unconditionally. Best of wishes my friend <3 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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5 hours ago, King Merk said:

Stay as mindful as possible. Watch your internal dialogue. I was surprised how negative/judgmental much of my “self-talk” was when I first started paying attention to it.

What a valiant cause to love oneself unconditionally. Best of wishes my friend <3 

Thanks for that suggestion! Being mindful always seemed to be quite challenging at least for me. Usually I use stuff like rubber bands so I remember thinking about a topic

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I've really been on mine lately, and I've made a lot of progress and have learned more than I can say here:


1. I learned that I need to be persistent

2. A good book for the work we are doing by opening our hearts is Michael Singer - Untethered Soul 

3. I really like Leo's video on Self Love

4. I often put my hand on my heart and say " I love you" or "I forgive you" to myself. Especially during meditation, or just when I notice negative chatter I put my hand on my hear and tell myself "I love you"

5. noticing and working on things like: Transference, envy, neediness, 

6. Expect to make mistakes

7. Be radically open

8. I listened to a really good guided meditation in the App Fabulous that helped a lot

9. Letting go Letting go Letting go

10. Neti Neti

11. Gratitude exercise

12. A visualization/ meditation created by Vishen Lakhiani called 'The 6 Phase' 


I am still learning. There is so much work to do. But, I can honestly say its pretty amazing how much we can grow when we persist. Anyway all I can say for now.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Mircan Look out for looking out xD I mean, that's the thing you wanna get rid off right, you want to be certain. Sometimes Love is closer than you think hahahahahaha

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Self-love may not always mean the more feminine notion of it, like forgiving yourself, accepting you're not perfect, eating a piece of chocolate when you feel down, etc (which I think are all powerful things in themselves and deserve practice).  It might also mean being disciplined, getting your diet together, admitting when you've done wrong, etc.

Also, here's a paper on self-compassion from Texas University that I got from the Flow Genome project (https://www.flowgenomeproject.com/ , which is created by Jamie Wheal and Steven Kotler).  

----  I haven't yet read the whole thing, but the basis of it seems to be that self-compassion is a more resilient skill than self-esteem.  


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Thought Art thanks for your list! How did you work on things like neediness and envy? I catch myself all the time displaying those things in my relations and I want to change that.

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These could help:


Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:



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@Matt23 thanks for the paper! I heard about self love being also a skill type thing so I will read the paper trough might be really interesting

@bejapuskas how do go about being ‚certain‘??

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