
The Path, Living & The Dream Board

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I want something in future. Future doesn't exist and it's first alarming sign. That's why you feel stressed. 

You want to win game in advance. Your mind is filled with expectations.

Be focused fully present concious of your action moment by moment as your champion and heck you will even improve your skills. 

Video games pray on your monkey mind. Video game designers are not stupid. They very well know human psychology, they make money out of exploiting weaknesses of that small mind. 

Some wisdom won't hurt. 

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11 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Some wisdom won't hurt. 

What do you mean by this.

I agree with the above thanks. 

Do you think just playing the game mindfully is enough? 

Like right i play mini games to improve my clicking, and i spend time just learning all champions and learning spells etc.

But if i just play with love and learn to be mindful is that enough you think? Like i bet no one in game is on the path like me you know, that's my edge. The path is like steroids. I'm like lance armstrong but instead of doping, i'm using the path to improve my performance.

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Play 5 games fully immersed on actions of your champion put teammates on mute. 

Follow meta pick best champion learn from pros and stick with it, master it. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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No focused on filling dreamboard. I am not a teacher and I will never be that. ? Just a regular dude who just knew something very fundamental is missing in this life thing. 

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3 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Just a regular dude who just knew something very fundamental is missing in this life thing. 

Aren't we all :P

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Regret saying I am all loving but it is never ending endless deepening. ❤️ Is almost fully "let there be light" so to avoid possible self realization. Fill dreamboard, deepen that aspect more more. 

There is no ending to Love.It's terryfing well it is what it is. 

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@Nahm Kind sir I have question. 

Do I have to play this existance game again. Somehow it feels like I do not have to ever again once I accepted. 

Anything, absolutelly anything that really is the case. 


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That really is the case. Anything. There’s no existence game happening. That’s how funny it is. You are a funny, funny Being. 

Anything which you could point to as “anything” is get it. 



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@Nahm I have a goal of being the highest rank in an online video game. So that's big picture goal.

Small picture, i need to work on skills, learning to love the game, learning different characters in the game etc.

Any tips on using the dream board to master the game? Dream board is for choosing right? So i want to choose to be the best at this game.

Other insights? Do you need more info?

Like a problem i have is I am x rank. But i want to be y rank. I write on the board I am rank. But then how do i actually get rank using the board?

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If y is what is wanted, and x is what is becoming y, and there is a problem, it is resistance to x, or to a desire to change y. Otherwise, all’s well and you are experiencing what you are wanting. The board’s workin, and standard rules of letting go of thought which doesn’t feel good, beliefs which no longer serve you, and any judgements being held, still apply. 

Writing out some affirmations, affirming and solidifying uniqueness in your vision, could be really helpful in the tune of feeling the y here and now in the x. Read them a few times every morning, and infuse them with spirit. Bring y to life right now. The more transcendent the view and vision, the more visceral the knowing of having it, the smaller and more manageable all tasks at hand appear. This magic is what is literally ‘becoming’ that magic. All causation is a mirage.

Careful not to be self defeating, in missing the Greater ‘purpose’, that is your enjoying of the experience of x. Watch out for any y, becoming the resistant thought. All y’s become x’s. Thought is never short on a z as well. It is indeed sneaky like that. But you actually, love it like that. Leave the wanting on the board, and fully enjoy the ‘part’ which is unfolding now. Kids don’t love just getting a huge bag of candy, believe or not. They intrinsically prefer to put the mask on, and trick or treat. Kids are crazy. 

You might be over-zoomed-in, and could use a nice break from it. There’s a natural transcendence which occurs, and when you come back to it, a bigger picture is readily seen along with more depth and more refined nuance. In any case, enjoy the journey well above the goal. Put how you feel first, and consider rearranging anything in terms of what you are most wanting.   Zooming out is important in allowing for bigger vision. One creation, if you will, is accomplished with effortlessness when a greater, even more meaningful creation is also in mind. Zooming way out is ideal for these bigger bubbles to float up. Keep in mind, relaxation = consciousness, lot of truth in that. 

Be flexible in that it’s all grey, careful with musts, should‘s, have to’s, and general black & white staunch positioning. Be fluid. The magic is literally here now, and you are it. Here now is what magic actually is, and you are it. Experientially, one is either knowing & feeling being - this magic now, or not. If not, blow the resistance whistle on yourself, and let go. The odds in terms of occurrence and depth could certainly be said to increase over duration of practices, retreats, affirmations, love & care for self and others, etc. But the odds of magic in a future moment upon achieving or obtaining a goal, are always 0%. It is simply not possible, because it is already and always, pure magic right here & now. 

A vantage to reconsider of your dreamboard & manifesting....just as you put gas in a car, and then it ‘works’, your love is the gas. You don’t need to understand how the car works. Neither the gas nor car are served by standing there looking at it wondering if it ‘works’ or not. It works. Keep letting go of resistant thoughts, and developing the skills of the game, and adding new insights to the board. 



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do you look at the dream board and visualise and imagine it every day? Is keeping it constantly in the loop important?

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It’s in front of me now, in the living room. Hard to miss. :) 

Not to be picky with words I hope, but, no, I don’t visualize or imagine it, or think about it (loop). I like the feeling of knowing it’s coming, and looking forward to it. I absolutely love the unfolding of it. Recognizing it coming in my days, in the most mysterious & mystical ways.  When new inspirations arise, I kinda relish in them, fantasize about them if you will. I like feeling the idea & inspiration mix in the body. When I add something new to the board, I tend to ‘see’ how the new inspiration fits in with what’s currently ‘there’.  In the sense, am I aware I’m imaging reality, as reality, yes. Thanks! ??




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Yeah it hits you when you least expect. Thank you good sir my beloved lavander wise man. 

May I add on dreamboard greatful for being able to walk dog in nature and not longing to  be pure formlessness. 

(I will get such ban who cares I love them all) 

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A question & answer from a recent session that touches on those topics a bit...


You talked about chakras, is it important to know the chakras? And do you know how to better organize your time, I'm struggling a little bit with it. Thank you. 

It’s not critical or needed, to know the chakras, but if it is helpful in connecting more deeply with feeling within the body, and to allow emotional / contracted release from it...if it enhances the quality of your living and brings you closer to the source of you, then explore & learn about it. Imo, it is by far best to go to someone like a reiki practitioner to learn about the chakra’s. If you ask them while getting a reiki session, they’ll very happily explain it, reference charts on the wall, and share their understanding of what’s going on with your chakra’s. It can be very insightful.

Time is illusory in that each person is thinking & believing it, and therefore it can’t really be organized. Time is a thought, and organization is a trying to “organize time” is just a bunch of thinking. Mapping it out in front you is helpful, if it is helpful, if it feels good.

Writing on your board is most ideal. Getting it in front of you makes the difference. Seeing it from even the visual vantage point of three feet is a big difference, and is literally an infinite vantage point. Make a list of what you want in your life, now and also going forward, for your future. Dream BIG.  Then re-list what you wrote, in terms of priority of what you most want, and in any ways which ‘click’’. 

You will begin to see, even the most ‘mundane’ task or ‘menial’ job - is actually a ‘part’ of the whole dream of your life, and as such it is known, seen, understood, and felt as whole, and as already the unfolding of precisely what you are wanting. The littlest task, known as the wholeness of whole vision, of creation, of Being, of you.



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15 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Not to be picky with words I hope, but, no, I don’t visualize or imagine it, or think about it (loop). I like the feeling of knowing it’s coming

What about the depression of knowing what's leaving? xDxD

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@zeroISinfinity Lavender is the new sage.  *Writes herb garden on dream board.*

12 minutes ago, Nahm said:

When I add something new to the board, I tend to ‘see’ how the new inspiration fits in with what’s currently ‘there’.

Ha! That just happened right now when I wrote herb garden on my dream board.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:


There’s always a better feeling thought arising behind every thought let go. Source is Good, and as such it can not be any other way. 


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@mandyjw You gave me an ispiration. 

*Rose Garden. *Taken care by me and my self realized wife together with our 3 kids.?

This is fun. 

Oh forgot guru dog yes will teach her gardening skills. But I can bet she has dreamboard hidden somewhere too wants to cuddle all the time. 


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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