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bullshit forum for losers

20 posts in this topic

There is no kid that's playing with legos that's creating some magical meaning to the universe.

Listening to people like Leo will give you bullshit ideas about how the universe is love, the universe is completely indifferent to you.

Word games aren't a real answer to why you shouldn't suicide.

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If that make u better and more fullfilled I wish U the best.

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Just now, Fede83 said:

If that make u better and more fullfilled I wish U the best.

Very top tier argument.

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@avilo I'm one of the most intense, successful, happy, motivated and emotionally stable persons that I've ever known and I extract immense value from this forum almost everyday (it's been around 4 years, I think).

I have no idea what you mean by "bullshit forum for losers". Are you wounded? I smell bitterness in your words.

unborn Truth

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Just now, ajasatya said:

I extract immense value from this forum almost everyday.

Why do you get more from this forum than from Leo's videos?

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3 minutes ago, tenta said:

Why do you get more from this forum than from Leo's videos?

Because here we have perspectives from several different people, with different backgrounds and different challenges in their lives.

unborn Truth

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32 minutes ago, avilo said:

Very top tier argument.

I can feel an intellectual masturbation ego try to express itself ,as everyone said this forum help people growth and realize potential from ur inner world, if u wanna try to spread misconceptions and bad stuff up to u good luck .

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1 hour ago, avilo said:

There is no kid that's playing with legos that's creating some magical meaning to the universe.

Listening to people like Leo will give you bullshit ideas about how the universe is love, the universe is completely indifferent to you.

Word games aren't a real answer to why you shouldn't suicide.

I predict this thread will get closed pretty quickly. You clearly aren't here to learn. Just spreading dumb materialistic ideology that you refuse to question.

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1 hour ago, avilo said:

Listening to people like Leo will give you bullshit ideas about how the universe is love, the universe is completely indifferent to you.

I know it's a lot to take in. Outright rejection of these ideas and concepts without further thought is common, and I get it. Notice, however, that you don't have a reason for calling it bullshit other than it not matching up to what you think you know.

Your post is a fruitless endeavor designed to further entrench yourself in your beliefs and against the perceived "losers." You can't wait for the attention and to read and interpret all the responses in order to further convince yourself this is all stupid and crazy. See, it's a trick of the ego to fool yourself into believing you are open-minded. You didn't come here to learn or teach. 

If a "loser" is defined as someone who bullshits (your words. "Loser" is actually a baseless, relative, and derrogatory term) then all you succeeded in doing was providing evidence of yourself to be one. Funny how that works


"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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2 hours ago, avilo said:

There is no kid that's playing with legos that's creating some magical meaning to the universe.

  • Yes there is, and that kiddo is Me. 

Listening to people like Leo will give you bullshit ideas about how the universe is love, the universe is completely indifferent to you.

  • Universe is Me so I am teaching Myself about Myself

Word games aren't a real answer to why you shouldn't suicide.

  • Words are not real answer but Love is. 


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1 hour ago, Fede83 said:

I can feel an intellectual masturbation ego try to express itself ,as everyone said this forum help people growth and realize potential from ur inner world, if u wanna try to spread misconceptions and bad stuff up to u good luck .

Really that's you, just saying "If that make u better" to anyone who questions your ideology.

1 hour ago, Extreme Z7 said:

I predict this thread will get closed pretty quickly. You clearly aren't here to learn. Just spreading dumb materialistic ideology that you refuse to question.

There is just lack of convincing arguments (at least that I've seen) from Leo or people here as to why I should believe what you do, I am open to good arguments but not just "if you don't believe this, you don't have good reasons not to believe this". No, I just haven't seen the reasons as to why it is truth.

49 minutes ago, TheAvatarState said:

I know it's a lot to take in. Outright rejection of these ideas and concepts without further thought is common, and I get it. Notice, however, that you don't have a reason for calling it bullshit other than it not matching up to what you think you know.

Your post is a fruitless endeavor designed to further entrench yourself in your beliefs and against the perceived "losers." You can't wait for the attention and to read and interpret all the responses in order to further convince yourself this is all stupid and crazy. See, it's a trick of the ego to fool yourself into believing you are open-minded. You didn't come here to learn or teach. 

If a "loser" is defined as someone who bullshits (your words. "Loser" is actually a baseless, relative, and derrogatory term) then all you succeeded in doing was providing evidence of yourself to be one. Funny how that works



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@TheAvatarState "You can't wait for the attention and to read and interpret all the responses in order to further convince yourself this is all stupid and crazy. See, it's a trick of the ego to fool yourself into believing you are open-minded. You didn't come here to learn or teach. "


That's a lot of people for sure, and that is probably not a bad description of leo's mentality, but not me, I just want genuinely good arguments not just circular reasoning or extremely wishful thinking, or miss-interpreting vague statements as proof, for example "all is one, therefore the universe is love" when the first does not prove the second.

What are reasons to get enlightened? None? Then just don't do it if it's absolutely nihilistic, instead of using deflections to try to make nihilistic statements sound wrong.

Edited by avilo

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3 minutes ago, avilo said:

me, I just want....arguments


“You are 1000% of the reason you are in the situation you are in right now.”

wise words



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Just now, Nahm said:


“You are 1000% of the reason you are in the situation you are in right now.”

wise words

This proves me wrong and you right... lol...

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Leo himself admits he is a narcissist, you are defending him, notice how your gigantic ego wants to do that because being a moderator is your incredible accomplishment?

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Please stop feeding the troll, there's a recent proliferation of them on the forum and it helps no one.

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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16 minutes ago, avilo said:

Leo himself admits he is a narcissist, you are defending him, notice how your gigantic ego wants to do that because being a moderator is your incredible accomplishment?

@Nahm Source checking your ego. ?

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31 minutes ago, avilo said:



4 hours ago, avilo said:

There is no kid that's playing with legos that's creating some magical meaning to the universe.

Listening to people like Leo will give you bullshit ideas about how the universe is love, the universe is completely indifferent to you.

Word games aren't a real answer to why you shouldn't suicide.

You are a breath of fresh air around here! Welcome to the forum. 

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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1 hour ago, avilo said:

This proves me wrong and you right... lol...

Only from the “vantage” of a separate self, perpetuated by duality. 

“Leo himself admits he is a narcissist, you are defending him, notice how your gigantic ego wants to do that because being a moderator is your incredible accomplishment?”

Notice this is of the same. It’s not actual, there’s nowhere to point to this happening even, it’s a thought story. 

If you want arguing, you missed it on this forum by a year or so.


“You are 1000% of the reason you are in the situation you are in right now.”

If what you say there is true, there’s only two scenarios to explain your post....

- It feels good to you, expressing things like calling people losers, etc. 


- It does not feel good to you, and you do it anyways. Given that you would not consciously choose to do something which doesn’t feel good, you can only deduce that you are unconscious, believing that you are awake and conscious. (Which not ironically, is why you’re posting on a forum about awakening)



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