
Osho Beautifuly Said Once...

42 posts in this topic

29 minutes ago, kag101 said:

I think that's a very unhealthy belief.

@kag101 I think every belief is unhealthy hahah.

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6 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

There's more after "enlightenment"

@mandyjw It's impossible, enlightenment is just flowing with life, reality. How there is more than reality? 

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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

The I realize what Osho means but see me as Osho “level”. 

Hi Nahm. What does this post mean? Are you replying to anyone particular?

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Enlightenment and non-enlightenment are dualities.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 minute ago, tecladocasio said:

@mandyjw It's impossible, enlightenment is just flowing with life, reality. How there is more than reality? 

Everything you know is a lie. Everything, even conflicting statements, are true, paradoxically. So both you and I having this conversation, this "disagreement" are two halves of a whole. We're both right, and we're both lying story tellers. Your reality, my reality, our reality, reality. There's just one reality, yet you and I both live different lives on some level, otherwise we couldn't be having this conversation. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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4 hours ago, tecladocasio said:

''All grades are tricks of the ego. The ego says, 'Yes, I am not yet enlightened, but I am far advanced. Just ninety-nine degrees. One degree more and I will be enlightened. I am not far behind -- far advanced.' Drop all that nonsense. If you are not enlightened you are simply not enlightened.''


I see a lot of talks about grades of enlightenment from so-called advanced seekers. 

Or you are or you don't ,be careful of your own arrongance and pretenciosness. 

Listen to the masters.

This is survival of the fittest my padawan. Once saved, forever saved is the nonsense if social cancer.

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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5 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

There's just one reality

@mandyjw So why are you saying there is grades of enlightenment and that there is more ''after enlightenment''?

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3 minutes ago, Hellspeed said:

Once saved, forever saved is the nonsense if social cancer.

@Hellspeed What do you meant here?

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@tecladocasio i think maybe an easier way to put it is that you as the ego can become more conscious with certain realizations.  Mystical experiences will reveal different realizations about reality.  One will most likely not have all realizations with one mystical experience.  It's too much.  These realizations are Absolutes.  There is only One Absolute but it has many facets.

You will become more and more conscious as you have more realizations.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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47 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

You will become more and more conscious as you have more realizations.

@Inliytened1 But that is the illusion hahah. There is no you having realizations. The process is a dream. Don't actually exists. The one that clings to the insights and ''mystical experiences'' is illusory.

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@tecladocasio indeed.  From the perspective of Being.  The no perspective perspective.  Pure potential is nothingness and everything simultaneously.  Just depends on how you view it.  But there ARE Absolutes that you as the illusory ego can become conscious of.  The formed becoming conscioisness of its own formlessness.

Reality is a strange loop.


Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@tecladocasio enlightenment is just a concept. A marker meaning different things to different people. There is no agreed definition on it and there for it is not anything on can say they are except for their own definition. Why not go after what your definition is instead of trying to tell others what it is or prove others wrong. 

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3 hours ago, tecladocasio said:

@SgtPepper Where is my conception about enlightenment? hahah , I don't see it. I'm just pointing to something , and I'm not telling you any story.Your need to say that i'm telling you a story is only to validate the story you tell yourself. Does not matter what I say to you, what matter is what story you tell yourself about what I said. This can be confusing. But is very simple.

your conception of enlightenment is that a person is either enlightened or not. It's black and white thinking. 

I don't need to tell myself any stories because reality cannot fit into a story, it speaks for itself. 

My claim is that enlightenment/awakenings does have degrees and not because Leo says so. I literally feel more aware/awake than I did 3 years ago.

your claim is that enlightenment does not have degrees to it. You said my view of enlightenment is just a story I tell myself, but you don't explain why your view of enlightenment is not a story and is instead the truer claim. You just have a quote by Osho who is just one teacher out of many.

Sorry if I'm projecting, I'm just not understanding why you think a person is either enlightened or not and can only fit these two categories. Then it appears that you are indirectly saying that those who see awakenings/enlightenment as having degrees as being arrogant and pretentious. How do you know? In one way it is very simple, in another it's really not, that's why we're having this discussion. Thats why we can spend hours discussing this topic as people do all over the world.


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12 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

Sorry if I'm projecting, I'm just not understanding why you think a person is either enlightened or not and can only fit these two categories. Then it appears that you are indirectly saying that those who see awakenings/enlightenment as having degrees as being arrogant and pretentious. How do you know? In one way it is very simple, in another it's really not, that's why we're having this discussion. Thats why we can spend hours discussing this topic as people do all over the world.

@Mu_ @SgtPepper Basicly, you are discusting with yourself. What i'm saying is that it is impossible for enlightenment to have grades, the process SEEMS to have a linear trajectory, with phases and ''someone'' evolving thru it, but THAT is the illusion hahahah. That is why authentic enlightened master say that enlightenment is a illusion too and everyone appears as ''enlightened''. That's where you guys don't seems to get, enlightenement is the truth, the full truth, it's already here, nothing will change, you cannot evolve or put truth in grades, that's the dream.

Maybe your ilusions are becoming more and more subtle and tricky.

Edited by tecladocasio

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2 hours ago, tecladocasio said:

@Mu_ @SgtPepper Basicly, you are discusting with yourself. What i'm saying is that it is impossible for enlightenment to have grades, the process SEEMS to have a linear trajectory, with phases and ''someone'' evolving thru it, but THAT is the illusion hahahah. That is why authentic enlightened master say that enlightenment is a illusion too and everyone appears as ''enlightened''. That's where you guys don't seems to get, enlightenement is the truth, the full truth, it's already here, nothing will change, you cannot evolve or put truth in grades, that's the dream.

Maybe your ilusions are becoming more and more subtle and tricky.

You may of missed my point because its somewhat what I am eluding to as well.  First of all, do you realize that your having your own opinion on what the word enlightenment is?  Second do you realize that your taking an others word, the word of a (so called, may or may not be) enlightened master says is enlightenment.  What your saying is right in line with my views and articulation of it, but its still a view, still a labeling (and its also not kinda, haha).  If you get this and live this, then great, but what you said is a deeper eluding to what I was getting at.

P.S.  I also never said enlightenment has grades or is linear in any way either, I think you may of thought I was siding or agreeing with sgtpepper, but I wasn't, I was trying to steer you away from wasting your energy proving your point and instead focus your energy on your "enlightenment".

Edited by Mu_

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2 hours ago, Mu_ said:

I also never said enlightenment has grades or is linear in any way either, I think you may of thought I was siding or agreeing with sgtpepper, but I wasn't, I was trying to steer you away from wasting your energy proving your point and instead focus your energy on your "enlightenment".

@Mu_ What about you wasting yours? Really, my answer was to @SgtPepper I tagged you just for you to read too. And stop assuming ignorance from people, if there is someone ignorant can ONLY be you. Relax.

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