
Isn't enlightenment still a part of the game?

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I've been listening to Alan Watts a lot. I used to watch him but that was when I wasn't as "awake". Now that I'm getting back, he makes more sense now.

He talks a lot about how everything is Zen, the game. I think about it for a bit and then I understand.

When we seek for something like enlightenment, that means we already have a concept of what it is- what we think it is. Without the thing being seeked (enlightenment) on the board, what's left but a fool wandering around, not knowing what he's doing? At some point in the journey of seeking enlightenment, one should realize a few things. His concept of enlightenment isn't real because it's... a concept, an idea. The idea of a flower will never capture the actual flower it self. Once he realizes what he was seeking cannot be found for it isn't real, is he not left with nothing, nothing to seek? He is left with the realization that his intention of getting out of the game was also the game itself.

When we get to the point of understanding the game or point of life, why should we continue to seek for more? One should already realize that everything you do in reality is Zen. It's reality being reality. What is seeking for more of these awakenings but a way of trying to one-up, beat, or get out of reality? If you really want to "beat" or get out of reality, you can just commit seppuku. Or you can understand that there is no "beating" or "one-upping" reality and go on with the rest of your life in peace; sweet, sweet surrender. Whether you are awake or not, it's still a part of this Zen. Such as a rock is still God himself even if it isn't as "awake" as we think we are. Once you understand that, you understand that you're okay.

I'm really just trying to understand why one should try to open up more of these awakenings unless he was seeking for something. Which, like I've tried to explain is futile. Maybe it's from genuine curiosity?

Edited by Swagala

I got nothing.

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@Swagala See, that's how tricky the devil's mind is. It convinces itself that there's nothing to awaken to, and goes back to being a devil while telling itself that it is awake.

You are not awake yet. So the most dangerous thing you can convince yourself of is that there's nothing to awaken to. That's wrong. There is lots to awaken to. So get to work!

The seeking only stops AFTER your entire reality collapses and you are totally reborn.

Don't burn your canoe before you crossed the river.

Awakening is not futile. It is very real and palpable. Awakening is not part of the game. Yet also not separate from it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You Will reborn as Perfect Angel of God. Poetically speaking and practically. ❤️

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Wanting to be content and not be seeking is a desire. Wanting to not have desires is a desire. It's ok to want to awaken as long as you know it's ok to want.

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Thank you Leo su much Thank you Nahm for saving me and showing me last most important peace of puzzle. Thank you all!!!! Everyone who I ever met talked to etc It was all God plan from Very start. Thanks for salvation. You can do it. Starts with radical honesty and radical desire for Truth and love. ❤️

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5 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Wanting to be content and not be seeking is a desire. Wanting to not have desires is a desire. It's ok to want to awaken as long as you know it's ok to want.

Isn't it also okay to be content and not be seeking if you know it's okay to want?

I got nothing.

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@Leo Gura

Would you say that the real awaken is when God finishes the game of hide-and-seek?

I got nothing.

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@Swagala Yes, that's why acceptance of the present moment is so important to this work, because everything is always changing and therefore what we are asked to accept is always changing too. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Like in the Hero's Journey or The 10 Ox-Herding Pictures, the Hero or the awakened one always returns to where he began.

This is why I considered enlightenment as a part of the game. I can see now how it isn't a part of the game but also isn't separate from it.

I got nothing.

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Last picture is you on your knees shouting God God God it's God All is God crying. End of the journey and I Will shout it for eternity God. Thank you God for allowing me existance and everything and this journey. Thank you for allowing me freedom to find it myself. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@Swagala It does seem like it’s all a Santa like hoax though doesn’t it? Like everyone’s “just saying” nothing can actually be said about it?                                                                          



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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Swagala It does seem like it’s all a Santa like hoax though doesn’t it? Like everyone’s “just saying” nothing can actually be said about it?                                                                          

Yes, at times, it really does.

I got nothing.

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@Swagala One concept that resonates with me is the image of a horizontal timeline and a vertical Now. There are awakenings in both dimensions, yet it seems most human minds put 99% of their focus on the horizontal dimension and believe the vertical Now awakenings can be “achieved” along the horizontal timeline. 

Ultimately, all awakenings occur in the vertical Now dimension, yet often get contextualized into a horizontal story or experience 

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I am at work and still cry that how this enlightenment is deep. It goes to the core! 

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Yes awakenings come in all directions. Your psyche your life your emotions everything about you is total and complete it is Infinite in every possible way. So be ready for many many awakenings. 

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Wow, this is a profound and good question.  I can see how it is a game on some level people people become attached to Enlightenment and then that becomes their life, their conditioning, their own self-constructed rat maze.  See, this stuff is tricky!  Tricky tricky!

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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3 hours ago, Swagala said:

Or you can understand that there is no "beating" or "one-upping" reality and go on with the rest of your life in peace; sweet, sweet surrender

Yes if you truly understand then it returns to simply chopping wood- carrying water.

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See this whole business of calling life a game is pretty silly I think.

there is no “game.” It’s just life. And in life, we attempt to make decisions so that we may live happily, yes?

well choosing to pursue awakening is one of those things that’ll guarantee you the most long term happiness. So you do it. 

It’s very simple. There is no “game.” That’s a dumb analogy. 

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