
Aristotle said: "only mechanical beings work"

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Today, being a hard-worker is seen as commendable, almost virtuous. “Get a job” is an insult intended to insinuate that someone is lazy and contributing little to society, while “hard-working folk” are considered morally decent citizens. It wasn’t always that way.

More than 2,300 years ago, the philosopher Aristotle declared that the virtuous life was not one devoted to work. Writing in Politics, he declared that:

"…in the most nobly constituted state, and the one that possesses men that are absolutely just, not merely just relatively to the principle that is the basis of the constitution, the citizens must not live a mechanic or a mercantile life (for such a life is ignoble and inimical to virtue), nor yet must those who are to be citizens in the best state be tillers of the soil (for leisure is needed both for the development of virtue and for active participation in politics)."

In other words, people who are too busy working don’t have the time to perform their civic duty or develop sophisticated morals.

On the same line of thought, nobody awakened having a job from 9 to 5. So those caught in working and working, think again, was a forced brainwashed released in the past, now people don't know how to build their lives anymore. They are too scared of taxes, authority and building an image, more than life itself. 

As a conclusion, working is not a virtue, it is in slavery circles. So the majority of the world became a big slavery circle, lol. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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The only thing that keeps me in a job is family and friend's pressure. When my parents die I'll quit my 9-5 job, and have seasonal jobs. 

In hunter-gatherer societies people only worked 2 days a week, thats natural and reasonable.

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I spoke with a career counselor and I told her I was sick and tired of having to work so much. She said to me that overwork was an epidemic in our country (US). Our value system is totally fucked up. She also said to me that she didn't think we were meant to work more than six hours a day on average and I don't think she's too far off base. When I have to work more than six I end up getting distracted, slacking off, and just not getting anything done.


That said, I do believe that we are MEANT to work. It's really healthy and engaging for the mind. Look at the birds and other animals. They spend a good deal of their life gathering food. Anyone that says they don't want to work is avoiding responsibility. You have to work to survive. Even if it's as little as going to the grocery store or writing a rent check.

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21 hours ago, Breathe said:

I spoke with a career counselor and I told her I was sick and tired of having to work so much. She said to me that overwork was an epidemic in our country (US). Our value system is totally fucked up. She also said to me that she didn't think we were meant to work more than six hours a day on average and I don't think she's too far off base. When I have to work more than six I end up getting distracted, slacking off, and just not getting anything done.


That said, I do believe that we are MEANT to work. It's really healthy and engaging for the mind. Look at the birds and other animals. They spend a good deal of their life gathering food. Anyone that says they don't want to work is avoiding responsibility. You have to work to survive. Even if it's as little as going to the grocery store or writing a rent check.

You are right, the best guide is observe nature. But animals dont work 8 hours, not even 6. Animals who hibernate  gather resources in the fall and spend all winter resting, while we are forced to work the same 8 hours in cold dark winter days, thats a nonsense.

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7 hours ago, Moreira said:

while we are forced to work the same 8 hours in cold dark winter days, thats a nonsense.

It is what it is. If you hate it, it becomes more difficult to escape wage slavery. Love wage slavery, and you will find it easier to escape it.

Life is a love simulator. When you love, things become easier.

Cultivate your life no matter what happens around you.

Edited by CreamCat

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7 hours ago, Moreira said:

You are right, the best guide is observe nature. But animals dont work 8 hours, not even 6. Animals who hibernate  gather resources in the fall and spend all winter resting, while we are forced to work the same 8 hours in cold dark winter days, thats a nonsense.

The amount that we have to work is nonsense. However, we live in a capitalistic / consumeristic society whose values are skewed. The fact is, we have to work. Who knows what that amount should be. Have you seen Life Below Zero? It's about people who live off the land in Alaska. They spend a LOT of time working. In fact, it's almost all that they do. However, I believe they work a LOT because most of them live on their own. Should people live in groups AND live off the land, I believe the amount of hours one would spend working would be about 5 hours a day.

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@Breathe productivity gurus say 4-5 deep work hours is optimal 

Brian johnson, eben pagan, robin sharma

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This is capitalism. Allowing too much free time is inneficient. We work 8 hours a day because that is the most that capitalism can get away with. If it were possible, you would be made to work 24/7/365.  AI and robots will only make for more productivity, not less work or less working hours.

57% paranoid

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On 9/3/2019 at 3:23 AM, ivory said:

The amount that we have to work is nonsense. However, we live in a capitalistic / consumeristic society whose values are skewed. The fact is, we have to work. Who knows what that amount should be. Have you seen Life Below Zero? It's about people who live off the land in Alaska. They spend a LOT of time working. In fact, it's almost all that they do. However, I believe they work a LOT because most of them live on their own. Should people live in groups AND live off the land, I believe the amount of hours one would spend working would be about 5 hours a day.

Alaska has an extreme climate so the only way to survive is to be a trapper or hunter, this requires time.

In teh other hand, in warm climates is very easy to live off the grid: Install an automatic irrigation system in a plot of land and grow vegetables, have some chicken... 

Plow, add fertilizers, remove weeds and feed the animals is 2-3 hours a day.

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22 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

In the future mechanical robots and AI will do the work. It has already started. The company where I work have announced that they will change most of their operation to automatic in a few years, so I might lose my job.

And citizen's income is on the way, some countries already have it.

Programmes will be of the highest value in society.

Everything else will become rudimentary.

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Just now, Mikael89 said:

The robots will program themselves..

That's too far ahead, I think.

I mean to generate and fix programs is not that easy.

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On 7. 3. 2019 at 1:29 PM, Hellspeed said:

On the same line of thought, nobody awakened having a job from 9 to 5. So those caught in working and working, think again, was a forced brainwashed released in the past, now people don't know how to build their lives anymore. They are too scared of taxes, authority and building an image, more than life itself.

Who told you that? You are free to design your lifestyle, if you live in a 1st world country... It is just a lot harder than being lazy. On the other hand, there are jobs, that you can do in many ways, for example teaching - there are good teachers and bad teachers, but they have the power to work on themselves, it depends on how you do it as well - Do you interact with colleagues? Do you try to innovate? etc...  Also, do you think, that „being Enlightened“ gives you some sort of no working pass? Do you think that people will tolerate, if you just simply sit on the couch, without contributing? This is an ego trap, your ego wants to be superior by „becoming Enlightened“. Working can in fact boost your morals.

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12 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

Who told you that? You are free to design your lifestyle, if you live in a 1st world country... It is just a lot harder than being lazy. On the other hand, there are jobs, that you can do in many ways, for example teaching - there are good teachers and bad teachers, but they have the power to work on themselves, it depends on how you do it as well - Do you interact with colleagues? Do you try to innovate? etc...  Also, do you think, that „being Enlightened“ gives you some sort of no working pass? Do you think that people will tolerate, if you just simply sit on the couch, without contributing? This is an ego trap, your ego wants to be superior by „becoming Enlightened“. Working can in fact boost your morals.

Again, the point is that working in society with dormant folk in the majority of case you won't be able to transcend. And those who have awakened don't work, they have a system built to work for them. They work in teaching people or some sorts. They create something. So yeah the awakened human is superior i give you that, even if you think otherwise. 


"Do you think that people will tolerate, if you just simply sit on the couch, without contributing?" 

Yes they will because only slaves have this mindset. A system can be place and you can have income almost for free. I mean building a creative something, a career, a purpose, not only working for someone, this is my point, working for someone is the dumb part that leads to what Aristotle said.

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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" don't try to teach " go with the full air.

good post, very suited teaching for a children



"Do you think that people will tolerate, if you just simply sit on the couch, without contributing?" 

Yes they will because only slaves have this mindset. A system can be place and you can have income almost for free. I mean building a creative something, a career, a purpose, not only working for someone, this is my point, working for someone is the dumb part that leads to what Aristotle said.

amazing, especially the last part.


having a break, can lead to more powerful reworking of the system btw, and can lead to better quality and products, in the tongue of mongs, it means, even sitting down can be 1 billion more giving to society than being a slave


All musicians know that, you wake up and you're good at music, ho please gtfo

Edited by Aeris

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2 hours ago, Hellspeed said:

"Do you think that people will tolerate, if you just simply sit on the couch, without contributing?" 

Yes they will because only slaves have this mindset. A system can be place and you can have income almost for free. I mean building a creative something, a career, a purpose, not only working for someone, this is my point, working for someone is the dumb part that leads to what Aristotle said.

I know people who have achieved exactly this and regret it, because they are not working on themselves in this line of development, they are not expressing themselves through their work. Finding a life purpose is much more fullfilling than doing nothing for others. Enlightened being can still enjoy everyday stuff, actually, they enjoy it more. Look at 10 ox-herding pictures.

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9 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

I know people who have achieved exactly this and regret it, because they are not working on themselves in this line of development, they are not expressing themselves through their work. Finding a life purpose is much more fullfilling than doing nothing for others. Enlightened being can still enjoy everyday stuff, actually, they enjoy it more. Look at 10 ox-herding pictures.

The most happy people in the world are tibetan monks. And they contribute zero to humanity.

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