
I think psychedelics can blunt spiritual progress. thoughts?

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@Leo Gura I understand that, everything in thought is ultimately driven by your energetic systems beliefs that stem from delusional fears. also saying everything is a concept is a concept, so whats your point? my whole point is to just use awareness to acknoledge that a process is occuring in ones system after awakening. if i see the law of gravity and describe it, i know its a concept and ultimately everything in reality is a concept, but its still there in my experience and not acknoledging it is not being synonmous with truth, which is, not synonomous with a nondual state of mind. same with the process of unentanglement, you dont have to be attached to whats occuring, but acknoledge it, since not acknoledging it is not truthful. well at least for people who have been in nonduality for a while, usually people in early states havent seen this process occur yet, atleast consciously.

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6 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Serotoninluv the door is in my room, the computer is in my hand, the chair is under my ass. just because you describe whats in your experience doesnt mean that youre attached to it. i think youre the one thats attached to the narrative concept.

I don’t think I can be helpful to you in this space and I will step aside ? 

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1 hour ago, corndjorn said:

@Leo Gura a person who is dealing with borderline personality disorder for instance, we can see observable behaviors of his subconcious mind coming to play. only at complete enlightenment can you truthfully say you are beyond, before that is a slow and delicate process that occurs after awakening to nondual truth. to say the subconcious mind doesnt exist at yours and my point of being is not very truthful. and a nondual person has no reason to avoid truth.

Borderline personality disorder is, well, a personality disorder. Even after enlightenment you'll still have a personality. You make it sound like enlightenment alone is the cure for all diseases. Beside, borderline is just a label. Even so, it's not even an illness, it's a condition, a state of mind to be specific. And that state of mind is treatable and even curable.

You can see behaviors from his mind and interpret it your way, through your own lens. You haven't said anything with that, your sentence was empty of meaning. 

If you ever been curious, here's borderline from a very different angle. This also proves further how much difference is between people and mindsets! I find it fascinating. 

You're arguing alone, with yourself. No individual on this forum was contradicting you. :) You're free to have your own ideas. 

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@corndjorn so your ass is not attached to a chair? and your room not attached to your door? and your hand not attached to the computer? and what about the rest?

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@Aquarius forget about the condescending part, i just woke up when i said that lol, but what i didnt appreciate is that you made a long post to reply but didnt really read what i said in the original post in my opinion. you have good points but but what i found for myself is that psychedelics are a limited spiritual tool basically, helps for awakening to nonduality and perspective shifts, other than that concerning the spiritual path, its like playing with fire during a delicate time period for your limbic system. at a certain point you wouldnt need nondual experiences from psychs anymore, cuz it will be seen as pointless, since u will stablize more into nonduality yourself.

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@Aquarius an enlightened person does NOT have an ego. an awakened person does still, but after the process of unentaglement you shall be an embodiement of the absolute. an awakened person still has veils of delusion in the subconscious that cloud from seeing reality as it is, such as the multitiude of fear mechanisms. Borderline personality disorder. and whats the point of saying "its just a label" do you think i dont know that? acknowledging whats observed is not something wrong. and also, borderline personality disorder still has many fear mechanisms in it, which isnt synonmous with enlightenment, you can look at positives and negatives sure which is cool, but concerning enlightenment, you cant be borderline and enlightened, not one bit.

Edited by corndjorn

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@now is forever what? please read me and seretonins convo more carefully because i think youre a bit lost about whats it about.

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5 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@now is forever what? please read me and seretonins convo more carefully because i think youre a bit lost about whats it about.

You were as well ? 

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alotta people here are subconciously attached to nondual concepts, and using it as an escape (which ofcourse doesnt work) is all i gotta say.

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15 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Aquarius an enlightened person does NOT have an ego. 

Prove it.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@corndjorn yes they are all wrong. fundamentally. that’s why we are all here, to change ourselves.

i can’t be elaborate when you closed the door from inside.

Edited by now is forever

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@Joseph Maynor an awakened person has an ego, but a person who is in a complete state of nonduality (cleared all subconscious fear mechanisms through the process tha takes place after awakening, fear is the building blocks of your ego) has no ego. not many are in a complete state of nonduality, the buddha was though.

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1 minute ago, corndjorn said:

@Aquarius forget about the condescending part, i just woke up when i said that lol, but what i didnt appreciate is that you made a long post to reply but didnt really read what i said in the original post in my opinion. you have good points but but what i found for myself is that psychedelics are a limited spiritual tool basically, helps for awakening to nonduality and perspective shifts, other than that concerning the spiritual path, its like playing with fire during a delicate time period for your limbic system. at a certain point you wouldnt need nondual experiences from psychs anymore, cuz it will be seen as pointless, since u will stablize more into nonduality yourself.

Exactly. You're speaking from experience, and from your own point of view. Your opinion is valid and real and valuable in its own way, I acknowledge that. :) 

I understand, when someone is frustrated they might not be in the mood to read long article-like posts. But I'm a writer and an artist, couldn't help myself haha. 

2 minutes ago, corndjorn said:

@Aquarius an enlightened person does NOT have an ego. an awakened person does still, but after the process of unentaglement you shall be an embodiement of the absolute. an awakened person still has veils of delusion in the subconscious that cloud from seeing reality as it is, such as the multitiude of fear mechanisms. Borderline personality disorder. and whats the point of saying "its just a label" do you think i dont know that? acknowledging whats observed is not something wrong. 

Relax, I was just expressing my opinion. :) I don't know what you know, was just sharing a view. Might have done it to share my experience with borderline, most people find it comforting to read that they are not alone, that cure and hope is possible when they are walking in the dark. Might have done it because it felt just right. I don't even know honestly, mental masturbation doesn't help me in this case. ;) I just felt like writing that, so I did. 

I try to be a helpful and supportive member of the community. I mean, I naturally am since I let consciousness move through me in an authentic, natural way, ... you get what I mean. I don't know what you know, and I didn't assume anything. I already stated it before in a longer post. I'm not doing it to make a point, just doing it... just because. Is there really a need for a reason when you're your authentic, honest, True self? :) 

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@now is forever man seriously what are you talking about? im trying to be open to what your saying, which is why im asking u to be elaborate... but youre not explaining exactly what youre talking about.

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