Anton Rogachevski

The secret hidden zen teaching for instant realization

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If you clicked it means you still don't get it. There's no secret! No special treat or hidden message. You are it, so stop thinking you need to find some hidden secret to "become" enlightened.

Consider yourself trolled, but for a good purpose xD

I'm not innocent either, I also look for outer solutions sometimes, thinking this book, finally I will learn something new and cool, and I will be enlightened. 

Good luck to you dear traveler,


Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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If I am it why i don't get it? If I don''t need any teachings , why everyone is not Enlightened, personally I  understand why  they say that you should not look for it , but it is not really true either, it is just  implications of looking and making projections, ideas that get in a way, not that you can't look for it, or that there are no techniques, it is mind obsession, tricks that are not welcome. 



Edited by purerogue

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21 minutes ago, purerogue said:

If I am it why i don't get it?


@purerogue You and everyone are enlightened. But you see, you still say "I don't get it." And that's because you believe enlightenment is something else than what you currently experience. 

Absolutely there are techniques and one should seek as long as ons sees it fit to do so. You must be thoroughly satisfied with looking before you can stop looking and just see. It's just that you are not satisfied and you want more and more. Realise as soon as possible, it's enough as it is. Enjoy it, bask in beauty and heal your soul for the love of god.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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1 minute ago, Anton Rogachevski said:


@purerogue You and everyone are enlightened. But you see, you still say "I don't get it." And that's because you believe enlightenment is something else than what you currently experience. 

Absolutely there are techniques and one should seek as long as ons sees it fit to do so. You must be thoroughly satified with looking before you can stop looking and just see. It's just that you are not satisfied and you want more and more. Realise as soon as possible, it's enough as it is. Enjoy it, bask in beauty and heal your soul for the love of god.

No they are not Enlightened, you become Enlightened after you realize it, until then it makes no sense to you.It is nice to talk like that after realization, but put yourself in shoes of people who have no reached it and think about it. 

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4 minutes ago, purerogue said:

No they are not Enlightened, you become Enlightened after you realize it, until then it makes no sense to you.It is nice to talk like that after realization, but put yourself in shoes of people who have no reached it and think about it. 

There's nothing to realize and no one to realize. You have a misconception about what enlightenment is. Resarch deeper. I suggest the works of R. Maharishi and Bodhidharma.

I think it's good so people won't suffer needlessly looking for the goodie goodie at the end of the rainbow.

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10 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

There's nothing to realize and no one to realize. You have a misconception about what enlightenment is. Resarch deeper. I suggest the works of R. Maharishi and Bodhidharma.

I think it's good so people won't suffer needlessly looking for the goodie goodie at the end of the rainbow.

Doing 'deeper research' implies some realization.

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If you could please stop being practical, I plan to write a book about it.

How am I going to sell a book that is not needed in the first place if you guys give those advices for free ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Zen Clickbait! MU! haha

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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42 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:


@purerogue You and everyone are enlightened. But you see, you still say "I don't get it." And that's because you believe enlightenment is something else than what you currently experience. 

Absolutely there are techniques and one should seek as long as ons sees it fit to do so. You must be thoroughly satisfied with looking before you can stop looking and just see. It's just that you are not satisfied and you want more and more. Realise as soon as possible, it's enough as it is. Enjoy it, bask in beauty and heal your soul for the love of god.

It's more that people want the tools to conceptually understand what they do and experience to go deeper into the working and gain a more holistic perspective. This is enlightenment for many. To understand the pointers.

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19 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

The only reason is to understand what is meant by "enlightenment" and not confuse it with ego fantasy.

And that's the only obstacle to enlightenment. And we're back again at square one.

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25 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

It's more that people want the tools to conceptually understand what they do and experience to go deeper into the working and gain a more holistic perspective. This is enlightenment for many. To understand the pointers.

Yes. Totally. It's good because to look for something so ethereal one needs to be absolutely certain he's looking for the right thing.


22 minutes ago, Truth Addict said:

And that's the only obstacle to enlightenment. And we're back again at square one.

Yep. There Is only one square.

Cheers man,

Thank you for the contribution.

Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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Well, there's a whole lot more to consciousness than we can imagine from our waking state POV

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9 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:


Just now, Joseph Maynor said:

Don’t we already have enough books about Enlightenment?

That's what I love about the zen tradition.

Good luck with your book dear fellow!


That was humor, like come on Joseph, 

I know humor isn't your strong point but this was kinda obvious xD B|

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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8 hours ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

There's nothing to realize and no one to realize. You have a misconception about what enlightenment is. Resarch deeper. I suggest the works of R. Maharishi and Bodhidharma.

I think it's good so people won't suffer needlessly looking for the goodie goodie at the end of the rainbow.

I like to think for myself, all this nothing to realize and none to realize used phrases are nice and all , but there was clearly someone who realized this  and someone who is telling others what to do , what not to do, I think you should look deeper into it, but then again by the looks you know it all , just as tons of people who stop practice after first glimpse and think they have it figured out, when there is supposedly none to figure out. 

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11 hours ago, purerogue said:

If I am it why i don't get it? If I don''t need any teachings , why everyone is not Enlightened, personally I  understand why  they say that you should not look for it , but it is not really true either, it is just  implications of looking and making projections, ideas that get in a way, not that you can't look for it, or that there are no techniques, it is mind obsession, tricks that are not welcome. 

Actually I've thought about it. 

The truth of the matter is, Enlightenment is happening every instance. Right now!

But alas! Most of us are having a really grotesque and mistaken translation of this godly 'experience' moment to moment. Let me 1st explain with an analogy.

When we are watching a movie, we are only looking at a flat screen. That's it! That's all we are looking at in reality. But yet, we 'choose' to only see the drama and content of the movie. We wanna conjure up all this false sense of time, story, laughter, suffering, characters where in fact all we are looking at is a contentless, unchanging screen. Just notice how the way of looking can distinguish between Actuality and ignorant imagination. Sounds boring huh? Now let's bring it down in our own lives.

ANY and ALL phenomena/experience, first and foremost inform us the presence of impersonal, non-located, unlimited, eternal Awareness. BUT, we are trying so hard deliberately(or not) to ignore this constant truth of our experience. Instead, we are mistakenly translating this very enlightening experience as stories of ourselves as people who were born, inhabiting a body, married to so and so, doing so and so, with a past and going to another future time, gonna die in the future, engrossed in pleasures and pains of life etc and etc. So whose fault is it? Is it a person's fault or is it the fault of the translation/perspective?

''Perspective is EVERYTHING''- Sunyamurti

''Right now I'm telling you about your real, unborn nature. But you don't see it because you prefer to be that monkey form!''- Nisargadatta Maharaj


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Anton Rogachevski The old adage "can't see the forest through the trees" fits well with enlightenment. We look for something "hidden" in the forest called enlightenment not realizing that enlightenment is the forest.

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