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How You Limit Imagination

16 posts in this topic

I realize there is a lot of rationality on this forum.

I am a creative, abstract thinker.

An artist.

That is why I feel like pointing out a few things during this brief moment which I share with you.

Imagination is so underrated. Overlooked.

You are not limited by your imagination. Imagination is limited by you.

In this way you limit "reality" as well.

You want evidence. Proof.

Of what? Mist?


There is nothing more valid than imagination. "Reality" is not superior to it.

It is appearing in it.

You are imagining you are a human. You are imagining your dream car. Your future kids. Your 67th birthday. You are imagining your past as well. Your first kiss. Loosing your virginity at age 15. Getting bullied in high school. Working your ass off at that job you hated.

All of it pure imagination. 

Where's your proof for any of that? 

Where is the evidence?

The only evidence you ever receive is through direct exprience. Here and now.

It is real as long as it seems real.

Pick up an object.

Prove to me that it is real and not pure imagination.

You may send me a picture of it. You may record a video.

Heck, you may even buy an air plane ticket to Sri Lanka, take that same object and bring it to me.

But while you're on that plane...Is the object in your backpack the same one you showed me in the video? 

Of course it's not. That scene is long forgotten. You are in a totally new, independant reality. And you have a brand new object with you.

You could throw it on my table as soon as you arrive and yell: "There you go, damn it! This is in fact an AK47. See, I told you I had it! It's real!"

Of course it's not. 

You are in a completely new reality.

Flashing my AK47. 

Or "peew peew pow pow", if I want to call it that way. 

The whole story of you coming to my house is imaginary. You were there with me since forever. And here we shall stay.

What does this mean for you and your reality? 

Is it maybe possible that you see what you see because you believe there is nothing more to see? Do you limit?

Could the line between "real" and "imaginary" be...Imaginary? 

How did you imagine reading this post?

Were there dragons? ...Aliens?

I am not interested in reading about how meaningless everything is. 

Tell me what is the meaning you imagined.




Edited by ivankiss

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Imagination is not bad, it's actually a good tool for the ego, for the dream, for living a good (material) life. Imagination is real but...
For the purposes of enlightenment (truth realisation), it becomes an obstacle, and that's why some people here seem like they fight it. Otherwise, the devil is very beautiful.
I agree with you, some people here tend to be critical of every single word you type. It's kind of annoying, but whatever, ignore them and do your thing.
I liked your post btw.

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Love love love this! Imagination is so underrated. Even if just talking about what goes on in one person's head, or you know, whatever.  Ever explored hypnogogic imagery? It's amazing what comes up, usually always surprises the heck out of me

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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I imagined a world where everyone could see through my eyes and understand like me; how magical it is to see everything exsist. How there are such things as trees or sewage water. How there are humans with babies and mammals of all kinds. Where the snake eats the mouse and the mouse runs for it's life. My imagination is infinite, I want to image and see everything itself. 

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@Nahm Everything is finite. Nothing is infinite.

There is no one without the other.

One is imaginary. 

It is imagination itself. 

Love holds everything in place. New worlds are born.

All one. All imaginary.

@seeking_brilliance Hmm... Hypnogogic Imagery, you say? 

Did not hear of the term. Will look into it; thanks ;)

Love your passion!

@Aakash What a wonderful dream!

I am imagining a technological device in my hands. Not sure what it is... But it seems to be responding. A simple touch and simbols appear within this device; or so it seems. It's almost like I'm painting myself onto it. By touching it. Weird stuff.

There are palm trees to my right. It is a calm night. I can hear monks chanting in the background. All sorts of cracks and whistles. 

There is a tropical vibe to my now.

I hear waves. Smell the ocean. 

There is a leg. 

It is smooth. Beautiful.

It seems to be belonging to a blonde Goddess. 

She smiles. She resonates.

I hear some voices. But I don't understand the language. 

There is a dot directly in front of me.

In the darkness.

It is changing colors. It's almost as if it's trying to tell me something.

Two bottles and a plate. I don't remember what I ate.

Who paid for that cash?

/ why is there a slash?

Two tea cups and one spoon.

In this now there is no moon.

It seems so wild; it seems so real.

I guess one could call it... Imaginareal.

Edited by ivankiss

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Imagination is the you(subject-object). 

Imagination= the past(time). 

When time ends, the creative is. 

Until then it’s all invention(modified from the past). 

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3 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I realize there is a lot of rationality on this forum.

I am a creative, abstract thinker.

An artist.

That is why I feel like pointing out a few things during this brief moment which I share with you.

Imagination is so underrated. Overlooked.


Birds of a feather

A flock of seagulls or a murder of crows,,,,,?

I've always been an abstract thinker myself. 

Often translating into being misunderstood. In youth this being misunderstood often propelled me into a downward spiral (psychic entropy)

Understanding Wilburs description of the pretrans fallacy was good medicine for me.

Having my attention dispersed spawns uncontrolled imagination and prerational imagination and downward spiral.

Controlled or creative imagination can flower an awareness of synchronicity and finding personal meaning.

 Gurdjieff's writings showed me the value of being in a collected state (having attention collected) which is often determined by Directed attention vs. Dispersed attention.

i have to adjust from Itoklanoz awareness into Fulasnitamnian awareness every morning when I get out of bed

Edited by Zigzag Idiot

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Birds of a feather ... 

Consider me impressed that is very creative indeed lol 


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@ivankiss there's lots of info online on how to find your hypnagogic imagery and explore it. It's one technique for lucid dreaming, so those forums will have information. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

@ivankiss Gettin close man! Might be time to have a peak. 

Is it an invitation or a prediction?

Define the peak, your kindness.

No time can limit if no I believes in it.


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@seeking_brilliance Brilliant!

I do in fact have an intention to explore lucid dreaming and astral projection further. 

Thanks for the info! I'm sure it will come in handy.

@Zigzag Idiot

Itoklanoz? Fulasnitamnian? 

Never heard of these terms before. Can you explain please?

I appreciate your honesty. I feel compassionate.



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I Magi Nation

I'll let you figure out the rest ;)


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