
What I Have Learned About Dating Women In My Age Range

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I am twenty three and I have learned quite a few things about dating girls in my age range (18-25ish).

 I am not trying to categorize one group of people in a box. Everyone has their share of emotional problems and neurotic tendencies, myself included.  But I notice that young women are in a special category for all kinds of emotional/mental issues that don't seem to fit in harmony with a healthy romance/relationship. 

1. Most women I have dated in my age range don't seem to truly love themselves. They know they're attractive, but deep down they feel as if their soul is worthless. So to make up for this, they run the guy through the ringer. They present him with all kinds of shit test for the guy to prove to them that he actually likes them. Women seem to lack so much self confidence that they can't possibly fathom why a guy would put up with them or actually like them. 

But ironically, if you fall for these test (i.e. play into their BS games) they will lose respect for you, as they see that you lack the confidence and aren't headstrong enough to see through their shit. If you take their games worth a grain of salt and see them as replaceable, they cling to you because they see your strength. 

2. Most women in my age range don't know what they want. And this is fine, I'm not exactly sure what I want sometimes. But they lack the awareness of that. I remember I was in a fling with a girl a few months ago and it would cycle like this:

We would start dating----she pushes me away because she doesn't want anything serious-----she gets mad at me because I dont care enough...even though she said she didn't want anything serious.

It truly is insanity!


3. Most women in my age range don't have enough confidence in themselves to be single: They have to swing from relationship to relationship like a monkey swinging from vine to vine. It is almost like a survival instinct. And often times they will have another guy set up for when their current relationship ends. It is quite crafty. 


4. Most women in my age range aren't content with things being at peace. They feel as if they need to start drama and fuck shit up. I notice this in my work environment. This girl I worked with was in a committed relationship, but she tried to get romantically involved with any good looking guy that worked there. On top of that she always had to start drama. There was never a dull moment with her. And when it all came crashing down on her, she blamed everyone else. Which brings me to my last point...


5. Most women in my age range can't accept responsibility for their actions. Straight up. They are master manipulators. They are pretty and delicate and sensitive. So if anyone calls them on their shit, they will cause a hurricane of emotions and do anything to avoid accepting the fact that maybe they aren't this perfect angel that so many people have seen them as.  


I hope I don't offend anyone with this post. I fully admit that I have my own immature tendencies and things about myself that I need to work on. But after learning to see the game for what it is and not getting sucked up into the whirlpool of emotions that these women present me, I started to realize that young women seem to have a ton of problems. I actually started dating older women for the fact that they don't seem to cause problems to satisfy themselves.

Why are so many young women so destructive? Why are they the source of so many problems that they could easily fix if they could just get off their high horse? 


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1 hour ago, Cuzzo said:

Why are so many young women so destructive? Why are they the source of so many problems that they could easily fix if they could just get off their high horse? 

 A man of value is a strong, wise man that leads and guides them to improve themselves.  The problem lies within you cuz you lack the skills to be a role model. Blame yourself for not being mature and smart enough to handle those issues when they come up.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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@Ajax don't worry about me man. That's under control. I just walk away from them when I realize what they're on. Being a good role model to a woman and showing them that you don't need to put up with that nonsense. 

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@Socrates we could dig deep into all of that but at the end of the day it's all a bunch of insane jumble. 

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@Cuzzo Really appreciate the story.. Not nearly enough stories in here!!

Great value!!

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Girls are batshit crazy. Period. (I kid, I kid...not really)

But the ones in the 18-23 range are probably the worst. All of them are at their sexual peak (in terms of physical attractiveness) and to make up for it are a complete emotional mess. They'll love you one second and hate your guts the next. They'll lure you in with their charm but push you away as soon as you make a move. 

They'll play games and pretend to be hard-to-get...just for the sake of it. They'll usually search for a guy that is either 

a) Super financially stable and independent

b) At least 10 years older than them

c) A meathead

d) All of the above

They can be arrogant, cold, bitchy and look down you because you even thought you had a chance with them. They are in love with their phones and constantly seek approval and validation through social media...they are addicted to fb likes, instagram followers and so on.


Of course, I realize this may sound bitter and salty. There are intelligent, honest and mature girls out there. But mos of the (pretty ones) are like this from my experience. It is frustrating to be a guy in his early-mid twenties unless you're already successful.


Edited by Neuroticon

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@Neuroticon I try not to be bitter, but for some reason I can be. Learning to not let that shit get to me has been a process. It comes down to understanding that there are tons of women out there, and you should walk away if you aren't getting the respect you deserve. 

I know Leo was going on and on about how women aren't as bad as some guys like to make them out to be, but I disagree. I agree with the pua stuff he was talking about, but I truly believe that many guys don't really know how to respect themselves because theyre so thirsty. A lot of women in the 18-23 range just don't act like very good people. 

Edited by Cuzzo

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@Neuroticon The majority of people are insecure and neurotic regardless of their gender or attractiveness. There is just that <1% of the population who have largely sorted out their psychology and are onto self-actualisation. Haven't you ever observed the behaviour of males in that age range, they are just as neurotic and insecure, perhaps just expressed a little differently. 

Self-actualisation is more likely with age though, Maslow was only able to find a few (or maybe it was none?) college students who fit the description. This doesn't mean that older people are self-actualising, sadly very few people will ever reach this state (still only that <1%).

I think you ought to examine why this has been your experience of women. Like attracts like, after all why would a self respecting person spend their time around neurotic individuals?

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@Neuroticon @Cuzzo

Its meant to be hard.. you have two choices learn to use it to your advantage or leave all the hotties to me!!! your choice Bro!!


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@Mat PavCompletely agree. 99% of people (guys and girls) are not gonna be psychologicaly fit for a relationship.

You gotta learn to live with it.

Focus on making yourself an absolute badass so that when a girl who isn't riddled with psychological problems wanders into your life you don't absolutely flake it. ;)

Edited by Harry

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On 12.04.2016 г. at 2:18 AM, Cuzzo said:

@Neuroticon I try not to be bitter, but for some reason I can be. Learning to not let that shit get to me has been a process. It comes down to understanding that there are tons of women out there, and you should walk away if you aren't getting the respect you deserve. 

I know Leo was going on and on about how women aren't as bad as some guys like to make them out to be, but I disagree. I agree with the pua stuff he was talking about, but I truly believe that many guys don't really know how to respect themselves because theyre so thirsty. A lot of women in the 18-23 range just don't act like very good people. 

I guess it comes down to accepting the facts. Most girls that age aren't going to be attracted by a guy like me. It seems as they're struggling with their immaturity and the infamous "daddy" issues so they're looking for an extremely strong/masculine figure in their lives which most of the time is going to be someone a lot older. I agree about self-respect and walking away...I've made a lof of progress in that field.

On 13.04.2016 г. at 6:48 AM, Mat Pav said:

@Neuroticon The majority of people are insecure and neurotic regardless of their gender or attractiveness. There is just that <1% of the population who have largely sorted out their psychology and are onto self-actualisation. Haven't you ever observed the behaviour of males in that age range, they are just as neurotic and insecure, perhaps just expressed a little differently. 

Self-actualisation is more likely with age though, Maslow was only able to find a few (or maybe it was none?) college students who fit the description. This doesn't mean that older people are self-actualising, sadly very few people will ever reach this state (still only that <1%).

I think you ought to examine why this has been your experience of women. Like attracts like, after all why would a self respecting person spend their time around neurotic individuals?

Well, as a guy you're attracted mainly to looks, right? It just so happens that girls in their late teens and early twenties are at their most attractive - physically and biologically. Naturally I'm gonna want to get some of that booty, right?

Of course, I feel emotionally and intellectually disconnected from these girls...they tend to be pretty shallow and materialistic.

On the other hand I feel at ease with older girls and seems they're more "real" and you can be yourself around them. Because they actually have some personality behind them, not just looks.

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6 hours ago, Neuroticon said:

Well, as a guy you're attracted mainly to looks, right?

Honestly, not really. I see no reason to value the way a person looks. I see nothing special about it, some people were born with right genetics others were not. Really, I see nothing intrinsically valuable in that. There are many other traits which I value highly in people, mainly concerned with their inner beauty.

Also, a persons attractiveness is completely subjective and will change depending on how you perceive their inner beauty (personality, behaviour, values, ect.)

I think you ought to examine why it is you are attracted to looks and feel the need to sleep with women you are emotionally and intellectually detached from. Are these really your values, or have you just adopted the values of you culture without stopping to examine them?

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@Stef  this I see my experience with women as we'll, as a 20 year old man. 


I am am left with no choice. But to be a mgtow, rather than put up wit that craziness

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If you think older women won't test you and won't be an emotional rollercoaster at some point.



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@egoeimai O.o

Aren we all  predudiced against most things external to ourselves..

3 hours ago, egoeimai said:

batshit misogynists

Isnt this a form of  prejudice..??

The more I dig into all this stuff.. I cant throw any stones either..

somehow magically, an appreciation for all things arises.. no matter there miscomings..

It kinda makes the nonsense issue we talk about loose relevance..

I dont feel bitter or upset.. ,, actually kinda looks a bit funny, watching people play there games.. 

I cant do it all the time,, and I can only do it to external situations, its a lil bit harder to do to myself..

Edited by Will

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On 4/10/2016 at 1:22 PM, Cuzzo said:

I am twenty three and I have learned quite a few things about dating girls in my age range (18-25ish).

 I am not trying to categorize one group of people in a box. Everyone has their share of emotional problems and neurotic tendencies, myself included.  But I notice that young women are in a special category for all kinds of emotional/mental issues that don't seem to fit in harmony with a healthy romance/relationship. 

1. Most women I have dated in my age range don't seem to truly love themselves. They know they're attractive, but deep down they feel as if their soul is worthless. So to make up for this, they run the guy through the ringer. They present him with all kinds of shit test for the guy to prove to them that he actually likes them. Women seem to lack so much self confidence that they can't possibly fathom why a guy would put up with them or actually like them. 

But ironically, if you fall for these test (i.e. play into their BS games) they will lose respect for you, as they see that you lack the confidence and aren't headstrong enough to see through their shit. If you take their games worth a grain of salt and see them as replaceable, they cling to you because they see your strength. 

2. Most women in my age range don't know what they want. And this is fine, I'm not exactly sure what I want sometimes. But they lack the awareness of that. I remember I was in a fling with a girl a few months ago and it would cycle like this:

We would start dating----she pushes me away because she doesn't want anything serious-----she gets mad at me because I dont care enough...even though she said she didn't want anything serious.

It truly is insanity!


3. Most women in my age range don't have enough confidence in themselves to be single: They have to swing from relationship to relationship like a monkey swinging from vine to vine. It is almost like a survival instinct. And often times they will have another guy set up for when their current relationship ends. It is quite crafty. 


4. Most women in my age range aren't content with things being at peace. They feel as if they need to start drama and fuck shit up. I notice this in my work environment. This girl I worked with was in a committed relationship, but she tried to get romantically involved with any good looking guy that worked there. On top of that she always had to start drama. There was never a dull moment with her. And when it all came crashing down on her, she blamed everyone else. Which brings me to my last point...


5. Most women in my age range can't accept responsibility for their actions. Straight up. They are master manipulators. They are pretty and delicate and sensitive. So if anyone calls them on their shit, they will cause a hurricane of emotions and do anything to avoid accepting the fact that maybe they aren't this perfect angel that so many people have seen them as.  


I hope I don't offend anyone with this post. I fully admit that I have my own immature tendencies and things about myself that I need to work on. But after learning to see the game for what it is and not getting sucked up into the whirlpool of emotions that these women present me, I started to realize that young women seem to have a ton of problems. I actually started dating older women for the fact that they don't seem to cause problems to satisfy themselves.

Why are so many young women so destructive? Why are they the source of so many problems that they could easily fix if they could just get off their high horse? 


I've noticed these social patterns too in many young women. However, I can also tell you that there are many non-dysfunctional young women too. However, you maybe just aren't attracted to the non-dysfunctional women and just overlook them. I'm not saying that non-dysfuctional women are unattractive. Or that dysfunctional women are attractive.

What I am saying is that people tend to see people as attractive only if they feel like they are a worthy partner to them. If someone feels (consciously or unconsciously) like they are not worthy of a particular person's partnership, they will unconsciously weed them out of their potential dating pool and not see approachable attractiveness in them. So, it could be the case that psychological health just isn't that attractive to you, if you have struggled with issues of inferiority or low self esteem yourself. I'm not sure if this is the case. But it is one explanation for why you run into a lot of dysfunctional women. So, my recommendation is to discover why you attract or are attracted to dysfunctional women, and to work on that. You'll eventually develop healthier attractions and healthier women will be more attracted to you too. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Cuzzo I wish girls/women would more confident and happy with themselves. Most of the qualities you mention is due to a lack of confidence.

Where do young women gain their confidence from? Looks,Guys(/girls),Employment, Social circle? I mean the once who are not into help-development.

Actually both men and women have horrible self-esteem these day:|  

Edited by Spiral

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