
Who Does The Body Belong To?

41 posts in this topic

I was wondering this during contemplation.

If the body does not belong to me, then who does it belong to?

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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It doesn't belong to any one. The body is a phenomena just like the sunrise and the ocean. 

In reality it's foundation is the same as everything else. 



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@starsofclay A beautiful cycle

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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15 hours ago, Max_V said:

I was wondering this during contemplation.

If the body does not belong to me, then who does it belong to?

Nothing nothing, okay, did you experience in the meditation that non of those controled by you?? That is life expressing , they express themselves out of nothing.. nothing controls it.. nothing is forcing to move each one of your body.. all part of your body is expressing itself... that is what you call life..

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The body belongs to the being (soul).

Being -> Beings

All beings come from one being and all beings are ultimatelly this one being.

The body is a vehicle. A costume.

When you're identified with the costume you're identified with the character that your playing. When you're identified with the character this can cause suffering.

It's a game. You can try to escape the game but you Will fail. You are not going anywhere, the mission is here. You can only play the game.  The trick is to never identify yourself as the character that your playing in the game. When you are identified; you limit yourself, limit your experience and limit your growth.

The whole reality is a simulation of a program ...You are not that program.

You can also think of the body as hardware and the mind as software. Both are not You. You are the programmer. Not the programmer of the programmer.



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good question. the sense of possession is just as illusory as the sense of self.

unborn Truth

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It belongs to life. I just read about the possibility of transplanting a head. Assuming this is possible one day... are you the head with a new body or are you a body with a new head? Or is the body just the body and you are something else?

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13 minutes ago, AleksM said:

The body belongs to the being (soul).

Being -> Beings

All beings come from one being and all beings are ultimatelly this one being.

The body is a vehicle. A costume.

When you're identified with the costume you're identified with the character that your playing. When you're identified with the character this can cause suffering.

It's a game. You can try to escape the game but you Will fail. You are not going anywhere, the mission is here. You can only play the game.  The trick is to never identify yourself as the character that your playing in the game. When you are identified; you limit yourself, limit your experience and limit your growth.

The whole reality is a simulation of a program ...You are not that program.

You can also think of the body as hardware and the mind as software. Both are not You. You are the programmer. Not the programmer of the programmer.



body belongs to none.. it naturally exist body express naturally.. we are one but we are not the being... we are all the same... but we are not belong to none... we exist formless boundless you cannot say it through words .. you cannot identify it , the crazy thing is if you are conscious and try to identify it you will see thay you are identifying it.. hahaha all you do is seen for example if you say to that you are not conscious haha you say it because you see it.. who is the one see everything? Hahahaha if i use the word catch.. who is the catcher.. who catch the catcher?? Okay, remove being, conscious, and perception or perceiver .. who is the one who you cannot remove?? That is you :D

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9 minutes ago, Toby said:

It belongs to life. I just read about the possibility of transplanting a head. Assuming this is possible one day... are you the head with a new body or are you a body with a new head? Or is the body just the body and you are something else?

The body is not belong also to life.. life is simply expression out of nowhere that you cannot stop life to express itself even you don't have body .. that is the reason also that All enlightened one say you are not the body and mind.. :D 

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You can have the head with the new body because because we are non of those :D you see? It is the expression... life express itself even you have different body :D can you now relate what is Leo trying to communicate to every one here?? That there is no beginning nor end? It exist as it is even the now there is no now.. there is only life expressing and consciousness ... 

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@Max_VI think you are just playing word games with yourself.

The concept of property/belongings is a purely legal concept not a metaphysical one. I think it's true  that you don't exist as a Self: a coherent, indivisible, stable (It feels like it's the same "Self" today as it were 10 years ago) "core of who you are" who observes of the stream of consciousness and make decisions or set intentions based on free will: The "Unified owner of experience and agent of action" as Rick Hanson puts it.

You most certainly exist as a "person" tho: An agent in the physical world impacting other agents and objects in the physical world, and who has legal and moral rights and obligations. I know that some members of this forum like hold up some arbitrary definitions of "reality" or "existence" where the physical world per definition dosn't "exist", but that is just more pointless word games. In every pratical sense you exist as a person, and your body belongs to you, as a person (not a Self).


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@John Iverson This is just a perspective and I like that perspective. 

Everybody has a perspective. Your perspective is based on your perception. We are just sharing perspectives here.

Soul is a spiritual essence.  How can you identify that? Notice that It's impossible. You can only be aware of this spiritual essence. You as awarness, can be aware of this spiritual essence and can recognize that this spiritual essence is attached to this body, and utilizes that body as an interdimensional prop for collecting data for it's own evolution. 

I recognize source with no problem and I am embodying more of that in my 3D vessel. xD

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37 minutes ago, AleksM said:

@John Iverson This is just a perspective and I like that perspective. 

Everybody has a perspective. Your perspective is based on your perception. We are just sharing perspectives here.

Soul is a spiritual essence.  How can you identify that? Notice that It's impossible. You can only be aware of this spiritual essence. You as awarness, can be aware of this spiritual essence and can recognize that this spiritual essence is attached to this body, and utilizes that body as an interdimensional prop for collecting data for it's own evolution. 

I recognize source with no problem and I am embodying more of that in my 3D vessel. xD

What I'm trying to say here is beyond perspective...beyond words... that is not based on perception.. they are pointings... it is not based on idea.. or process of the brain... i am not the one who is speaking... the life is speaking right now to you... and each one of you... now if life is speaking to you then.. would you now limit it as an perspective??? 

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1 hour ago, Erlend K said:

@Max_VI think you are just playing word games with yourself.

The concept of property/belongings is a purely legal concept not a metaphysical one. I think it's true  that you don't exist as a Self: a coherent, indivisible, stable (It feels like it's the same "Self" today as it were 10 years ago) "core of who you are" who observes of the stream of consciousness and make decisions or set intentions based on free will: The "Unified owner of experience and agent of action" as Rick Hanson puts it.

You most certainly exist as a "person" tho: An agent in the physical world impacting other agents and objects in the physical world, and who has legal and moral rights and obligations. I know that some members of this forum like hold up some arbitrary definitions of "reality" or "existence" where the physical world per definition dosn't "exist", but that is just more pointless word games. In every pratical sense you exist as a person, and your body belongs to you, as a person (not a Self).

Remember always, if you think.. you are the ego speaking right now :D

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The experience in awareness of unity manifests in a mechanism of the self by a personal experience that the ego interprets as possessive.

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@John Iverson Would you care to elaborate on that?


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Remember always, if you think.. you are the ego speaking right now

What do you mean by this statement? And what are you basing it on?


My first published essay

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1 hour ago, Erlend K said:

@Max_VI think you are just playing word games with yourself.

The concept of property/belongings is a purely legal concept not a metaphysical one. I think it's true  that you don't exist as a Self: a coherent, indivisible, stable (It feels like it's the same "Self" today as it were 10 years ago) "core of who you are" who observes of the stream of consciousness and make decisions or set intentions based on free will: The "Unified owner of experience and agent of action" as Rick Hanson puts it.

You most certainly exist as a "person" tho: An agent in the physical world impacting other agents and objects in the physical world, and who has legal and moral rights and obligations. I know that some members of this forum like hold up some arbitrary definitions of "reality" or "existence" where the physical world per definition dosn't "exist", but that is just more pointless word games. In every pratical sense you exist as a person, and your body belongs to you, as a person (not a Self).

All of these.... 

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