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Homeopathy as the King of medicines

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I just wanted to advise all of you here that classical (constitutional homeopathy) is the King of medicines and helps against a Variety of ailments.

The key is to find an experienced practicioner and not to take other psychoactive substances while in the therapy including cannabis

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How does it work? From what I understand the substance is diluted so much that no molecules of the original substance remain. So that makes me skeptical about its efficacy.

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It's diluted and potentiated by shaking it inumerous times so the information of the original substance flows into the solution, it works with the information of the plants/mineral/poison.

You need to try it first hand to become convinced, it's amazing.

It's just important to go to a practitioner  and not do it by yourself.

Best would be to find an experienced one maybe an elder person that has years or decades of experience

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Homeopathy has no confirmation in the scientific literature. 

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

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Has it personally worked for you? 


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My aunt is an oficial Homeopatic Doctor and I've been treated most minor diseases with homeopathy alone quite succesfully. When it become a major disease it was a suplementation of regular medical protocols.

I'm also quite skeptical, I don't know how it works, it seems it shouldn't work, or why it does work when it does. But as empirically it has proven to be beneficial, pragmatically I'm open to homeopathy. But I wouldn't know how to defend it or argue in favour of it honestly, more than try it yourself and see if it works for you.

Edited by Davino

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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If you try and cure a sore leg with homeopathy it'll work because of the placebo effect.

If you try and cure cancer with it, you're going to die.

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Homeopathy works and current science cannot figure it out.

Aspirin worked for 100 years and nobody knew how and people were sceptical.

It works on a subtle matter in the quantum field information level which cannot be understood with the current science of relative physics.

This whole forum is about metaphysics and things that science cannot prove. Science can't prove God but still we know it's true mot because of science but because of the direct experience.

Homeopathy is the king of medicines and even with cancer I suggest accompanying the conventional treatment with Homeopathy because it gets to the root cause in a subtle way.

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18 hours ago, Schahin said:

Homeopathy works and current science cannot figure it out.

Aspirin worked for 100 years and nobody knew how and people were sceptical.

It works on a subtle matter in the quantum field information level which cannot be understood with the current science of relative physics.

This whole forum is about metaphysics and things that science cannot prove. Science can't prove God but still we know it's true mot because of science but because of the direct experience.

Homeopathy is the king of medicines and even with cancer I suggest accompanying the conventional treatment with Homeopathy because it gets to the root cause in a subtle way.

God is not a question within the domain of evidence-based medicine. Homeopathy is.

If homeopathy works, there is no reason its effectiveness couldn't be demonstrated within the current paradigm of science. But studies have been done, and it doesn't.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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On 2/5/2025 at 9:14 AM, Schahin said:

orks on a subtle matter in the quantum field information level which cannot be understood with the current science of relative physics.

See if that was so, it would work for everyone just like aspirin does. 98% people , if they take aspirin, it makes them sweat and drops their temperature (if they have fever). The rest can't take it because of allergies to salicylic acid.

Assuming that at the quantum level (whatever that means in this context) we are all more similar than we are different, the argument is that homeopathy should work for large majority of people... that's unfortunately not the case at all. 

If 100 people take homeopathic remedy for the same condition, almost none of them will feel any different. 

We can speculate about how it works but if it's not been proven to work outside of random claims on internet then its no better than diluted sugar pill.

I've only had one personal experience with it for a 2 month treatment that did absolutely nothing other than cost me 300 euros. Meaningless subjective experience, yeah, but still an experience albeit negative one.

But even if there is something to it..maybe. it would still be a stretch to call homeopathy "king" of remedies. 

I don't think there is any such thing as as kind remedy. There are just people looking for answers and many treatments available, some more effective than others. Placebo effects is certainly a factor and so are individual biasee, the skills of the practitioner, the quality of the substances used, the correctness of diagnosis (if any) and the type of health ailment presented by patient /client.

And if we can use something to help us make decision such as existing evidence, and if that evidence shows that homeopathy is indistinguishable from placebo corn starch pill then we would to well to at least consider that information. Or at least to compare it to a more favourable evidence (if any), say for example herbal medicine or even pharmaceutical medication should they repetitively demonstrate superior effect for the particular health condition.

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@Michael569 when you are talking about homeopathy, do you mean some specific healing protocol?

Because I always thought that basically anything herbal and natural is homeopathy. Like chamomile tea.


From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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On 05/02/2025 at 9:14 AM, Schahin said:

Homeopathy works and current science cannot figure it out.

Aspirin worked for 100 years and nobody knew how and people were sceptical.

Homeopathy works better than nothing, because of a placebo. That part is pretty well understood


Homeopathy is the king of medicines and even with cancer I suggest accompanying the conventional treatment with Homeopathy because it gets to the root cause in a subtle way.

But you wouldn't recommend avoiding the conventional treatment in favour of just using homeopathy?

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1 hour ago, Something Funny said:

when you are talking about homeopathy, do you mean some specific healing protocol?

More like the principle of homeopathy being based highly on psychosomatics and on dilution of a known effective substance. The whole things about "remembering the substance" after it has been so diluted that it remains mostly water...Its odd. And if it was effective, we would know. Like, we know some herbal medicines like Saffron, Echinacea, St John's Wort are almost as effective as pharmaceutical meds in some cases. We have the evidence and patient reports to confirm it....with homeopathy its a wild west. 

1 hour ago, Something Funny said:

Because I always thought that basically anything herbal and natural is homeopathy. Like chamomile tea.

Things like herbal medicine work on similar basis to pharmaceuticals. We can understand the effective substances and we can design experiments to hypothesise how they work and we can measure results. 

Whether botanicals also work beyond the physical body , I don't know. That's a a realm I don't have lot of knowledge about nor a lot of certainty whether that's real or not. And once we start going into energetics, quantum particles etc...anything goes. And you can sell anything to people because all of a sudden it affects this new  thing that can't be measured and can't be seen but has a profound effect And that's exactly the area where quackery thrives. Each time a quack is challenged, they will make up some gobbledygook about chakra allignment, and the endless continuum of metaphysical celestial organisms and what have you.....and good lack arguing with that. 

I'm a strong believer of exploring the tested and known before delving into these mysterious treatments. Wouldn't make it my primary go to. But then I'm quite biased because I have a vested interest in take that as a limitation 


Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@Michael569 I see. I guess I misunderstood the term. I was basically using it as a synonym for herbal medicine and other things like that

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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