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Posts posted by Florian

  1. 16 hours ago, Nilsi said:

    We‘ll leave out that part…

    Why don't you leave out the part about Andrew Tate emotionally manipulating and trafficing women then? Everyone has a dark side cause reality has dark sides. You don't know what Leo Gura means when he talks about Alien Insanity. Maybe he went on an Alien killing and raping spree. 

    And also I think Andrew Tates work is actually more beneficial for the world in its current state cause peoples consiousness is shallow af compared to Leo Gura and his work. 

  2. @Oso I don't know your background obviously, but my guess is that you won't be able to do it, so maybe my advice would be don't force yourself to do the entire 10 days if you notice you won't be able to do it and notice where your limit is, then be thankful for every additional minute that you are able to do but also be ready to quit.

    If you actually manage to do it, lmk

  3. I remember Leo saying something about becoming an actual alien consiousness and transforming his head into an alien head once. 

    Can you remember anything from that experience @LeoGura? If you literally were an alien maybe you knew about other aliens in that situation as well.

    Maybe you took on the form of yourself but how it will be in the far future if it keeps evolving. Maybe If that form is capable of acting in more then 4 dimensions it could just consiously come to this time to do something and then go back. Like the manifestation of your soul if that is from the future. 


  4. 5 hours ago, Norbert Somogyi said:

    Maybe we are a large sandbox experiment for pro-life aliens who are out there. Potentially their way of living and development is completely foreign to us. Maybe they have long risen above their survival instincs, trying to guide the growth of life in the galaxy instead. Intervening only when it is necessary. 

    I can imagine that perhaps psychedelic plants as well have alien origin, which would also potentially coincide with how our brain capacities have increased at an evolutionarily unprecedented rate in 2 million years. 

    I can also imagine that these aliens are multi-dimensional beings far outside our ability to sense them (unless they want us to), perhaps even time travel is not foreign to them. Maybe they are humans from the far future trying to steer away ourselves from the path of self-destruction. So many possibilites.

    Maybe us inventing nukes brought their attention, so they dropped an outdated piece of technology which was still leaps beyond our technological development back then (perhaps still is, as we potentially are still trying to reverse engineer it), trying to divert our attention away from nukes onto something else. Giving us time to be able to change course.


  5. 16 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

    @Leo Gura I want the UFO stuff to be real cause it'd be cool, but I find the retrieved craft idea hard to believe. Am I supposed to believe an advanced civilisation that travels on an interstellar level is somehow crashing by accident on earth lol?

    same, but mayyyybe the aliens made it seem like they crashed cause they knew we arent ready for direct contact yet and they still wanted to help us advance. 

  6. I am currently rewatching the anime One Piece and just now I finished the Impel down arc and I noticed what great integrety the character Bon Clay has. He values friendship so much that he is willing to sacrifies himself for his friend Luffy. In fact twice, he did it once before, many arcs prior, this time though he pays with his life (propably). He even had a small hero journey kinda devolopement, where he first, runs away from the super strong Magellan, when Luffy decides to face him, out of fear that Magellan is too strong, but then after facing his inner coward, devotes himself completely to saving Luffy after he has been defeated by Magellan and gives all he has until he ultimately gets Luffy out of Impel Down so that he can continue with his quest to save his brother Ace. If you didn't watch One Piece reading or watching the videos will propably confuse you quite a lot haha.


  7. @DrugsBunny You got your liberal points that are true but you get so angry and disgusted at people who have conservative views who don't see these points, while you also don't see their conservative points that are also true. I think you are just slightly less ignorant then a racist, homophobic, right-wing ideologist. It's just different truths you are ignorant about.

    You think the majority of LGBTQ+ people who fight for the end of their oppression all have the purest intentions, when they have in fact been oppressed and most of them still carry the trauma from that? You think all the anger and disgust, which you also seem to have, is gonna make the world more just or beautiful? No, propably not. Even though the LGBTQ+ person has been treated unfairly, it doesn't automatically make his/her actions justified or good. Of course it would be just and good to give the LGBTQ+ person more rights and love, however, in this situation it's the job of the conservative person to keep that movement towards more rights and love for the LGBTQ+ controlled, so that the society, how it is, doesn't completely fall apart. And that job is just as important as the job of the Liberal person to push their movement foward. In our world the conservatives definitly deserve critique for their fullfilment of this duty, they don't do it perfectly, maybe even horrendously sometimes, but thats how the world is.

    Of course you can blame the Conservative person for all the trauma the LGBTQ+ person had to go through, however would that LGBTq+ person even be alive today, in this relatively great world, without the conservative person? Maybe the Conservative Mindset of today was the Liberal mindset of the past. Maybe a long time ago in the past a woman-controlled, tribal society where everyone fucked everyone hated the idea of a few men who decided it would be best if everyone started strictly following new roles which they assigned the genders, so that they would be more efficent and build a bigger society. Maybe all of this is just an ongoing process of moving the world towards higher love.

    Edit: I think the ideal Conservative and Liberal person respect each other.


  8. 12 hours ago, Soul Flight said:

    . I have taken up to 8 grams of dried penis envy from time to time. 


    What the fuck is dried penis envy?

    I only ever took shrooms once, like 0,5 grams, and I didnt have suicidal thoughts as in negative thoughts of wanting to kill myself but I was thinking about what it would be to jump off a cliff and that it would just be nothing and everything would still be the same afterwards and I got kinda cursious about doing it. However I was still aware that that would be a bad idea for me. It's kinda scary to think that if I take a higher dose one might actually do it.

  9. I recently bought the Xbox game pass and was looking through the games if there is one I liked. This one kinda caught my attention and I tried it. It's really beautiful. Nothing super exciting, but just a little game that revolves around a certain concept of spacecraft. For some reason I thought of Leo Gura when I played it so that's why I'm posting this here. The name of the game is Exo One.

    @Leo Gura you might like it. I saw you post about some games that you liked before and this one I thought might fit that category.

  10. On 7.1.2023 at 2:09 AM, Peter-Andre said:

    @Florian What are you referring to here? Which opinion of his on trans-people deserves political attention?

    The fact that the lives of children that are not actually transgender but just confused get destroyed by letting them have surgery very easily is the one thing that I know he talked about and think deserves attention.

  11. On 2.1.2023 at 4:25 PM, Globalcollective said:

    Just out of interest what is the interest regarding this guy? Why even give him a second thought? What dose he contribute to society ?

    I feel like he is just triggering the shadow of a lot of people thats mostly why he got so much attention. 

    And I think he does infact contribute to society by showing how to be strong, lead and survive as a man. Obviously he is playing kinda dirty but the world is a dirty place as of now. He knows the playground well and knows how to navigate it. I think this analogy is pretty fitting especially because he seems see at the world as a chessboard. 

    I myself kinda respect that guy but at the same time find his character annoying.

  12. This is the second Part of the post I did on the Life Purpose Subforum where I post the notes of my own insights that I have made until now contemplating my new field of interest so that anyone who has any feedback can give me that feedback


    Science =

    The whole of humankinds logical understanding of reality.

    -(male perspective on reality?)

    -base principle -> division


    Is there an opposite to science? 

    -the whole of humankinds emotional understanding of reality?



    Logic =

    The continuity of reality/the ability to see continuity

    -> Science is the investigation of the continuities of reality





    -The investigation of matter

    Matter = 

    the substance of the 3D World



    -the language used in science made of numbers and shit like that


  13. Hello,

    I just recently rediscovered my life purpose. Rediscovered cause as kid I literally used to tell my mother 10x a day that I am going to be an inventor. When I did the life purpose course from Leo I remembered that as well and considered it but threw the idea away because I couldnt imagine what that would mean or how I would do it. I just had the memory but there was too much fear between me and the source of that memory for me to connect to it. Now I think thats how it was supposed to be, I just had to work through more of my fears at that point in time, which I did and now I am ready for the rediscovery of my life purpose. 

    This first part of this post is mainly to show people how important it is to just do something new/get out of your comfort zone, in order to find your life purpose. Because if you do that, it is very likely that your life purpose will knock at your door in one form or another and it is about you being able to recognize it through your inner clouds of judgement, which are all coming from fear. So if you know you won't be ready to recognize it yet, even if your life purpose decides to dance naked in front of you, then maybe the best thing for you to do instead is to just focus on recognizing and working through your fears regarding your purpose.

    So what happened to me?

    3 weeks ago I started an internship at the workshop of a university my mother works at. I didn't really expect to learn much from that, it was more to get me out of the house, get a normal daily rythm and getting used to working, starting at 4 hours a day, since I still have problems with that from major depression and social phobia. First of all I noticed that just being there was a lot easier then it would have been in the past. The boss there just talked to me a lot the first day, which normally was the worst thing for me, but it was fine, even though I had like 2 hours of sleep, since my sleep schedule was still fucked up. Then he showed me around the workshop which has 3D-Printers and stuff like that and started talking about those. He also showed me some stuff they printed with them and thats where my rediscovery of my life purpose started. When I had these things in my hands and he talked about the 3D printers and the materials they use, I started wondering about the different materials and their characteristics. I wondered were those characterisics come from and started talking about that to the boss there who showed me around. In the past I would not have started talking about this stuff. Since I lead the conversation into that direction my mind stayed there and I kept thinking about it and it stayed really interesting to me even after the conversation. I started to get interested in chemistry cause thats where I saw the root of the different characterisitcs of those materials. The next day or 2 days later I dont really remember, I was placed before a PC to read some stuff about one of the machines they use there and I started just googling chemestry and went on the wikipedia page of chemistry and just started learing about chemistry a bit. That's when I thought like "cool, it never felt good learning something but this really does", I actually hated chemistry in school. I decided that I wanted to keep going in that direction since I genuinely felt curiosity. Specifically I decided to spent at least 1 minute a day to reading through wikipedia articals related to chemistry. This turned into me getting interested in science in general and then like a week ago I connected the dots with my past memorys of wanting to be an inventor and it reignited that wish in me. 

    So now I see science as the basis for me becoming an inventor. I don't even know if I can do it since I still struggle with the basics of survival and if I wanna be a great inventor there will 100% be more difficulties on the road but it makes me happy just knowing that I can spend my time on learning right now and later maybe actually go more into the direction of becoming an inventor. Even if in the end nothing will come out from it I am happy to keep learning and I think thats a great sign that this is infact my life purpose or at least the right direction.

    Im gonna post a second part of this this in the Intellectual stuff subforum later where I post my notes that I have made till now so I can maybe get in touch with other people that share that interest or just getting some unexpected value in any other form. 

    I hope this post helped motivating someone that is looking for his/her life purpose right now.