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Posts posted by Zega

  1. Distance yourself from enablers like the internet and your computer. If you go to a healing retreat or meditation retreat where you are in close living quarters with other people and it's impossible to look at porn and or masturbate, you'll notice the urge come back but with a different relationship to it. 

    While in this kind of situation, you'll have a better chance contemplating your relationship to masterbation and porn and hopefully be able to bring back your insights to your normal life. 

  2. Pork is the one meat I try to avoid since taking ayahuasca. It's the one meat that absolutely clashes with the medicine, and I feel better not eating it. I try to limit my meat intake regardless, but pork I don't touch. 

    The rule of thumb with food is the more simple the better; the less work your body has to do to break it down and turn it into a human being. 

  3. The topic of death has been coming up for me a lot lately and tonight (30th) I did just under 2g of mushrooms I had left over.
    I had a light trip for the most part, not many visuals if any but did a lot of inquiry about decisions I have to make: life, relationships, things coming up.

    At what I thought was the end, after I sat down and digested the trip for a bit, I had to pee and I was hungry too. First I smoked a little weed and collected myself. Some time passed and I had a feeling in my gut. I got up to pee and I started getting tunnel vision. Halfway through peeing my pants were slipping off and I fell over peeing on myself in the process. I climbed on the toilet and proceeded to die.

    I had a feeling I was going to come back from this but I wasn't sure at the time. Vision started becoming starry and I could hear a sound like when I take DMT.

    I also have some hearing damage in my right ear, I only mention it because I could loudly hear and feel a vein pumping in that ear. The things running through my head were all the things I've heard about death; including a Ram Dass quote. It was like a DMT trip overtaking me, losing vision and sense of existing. If I never did DMT this would have been terrifying, but it was actually kind of comforting once I was in that familiar psychedelic space. This was different though. I enjoyed it more after it was over and I was sure that I wasn't going to die.

    Eventually I realized I was literally dying on the toilet like Elvis and had to get up to go ride the rest out in my bed.

    I sat up gradually coming back, hearing was the last thing to return and it took its time.

    I was hot sweating and then had shivers.

    I ate a banana after.


    It's hours later now, technically new years eve here, wide awake at 2AM wanting to document this down.

  4. @Serotoninluv The non discriminatory speech is a great point. Not only does using broad words like "people" deflect the question, or rather the implications of the question, it allows his supporters to draw their own conclusions. He can use this speech with racist, homophobic, etc. Members in the audience without ever needing to directly appeal to them with hateful language. 

    I've also noticed the chopper talk as well. It definitely makes him seem like he's too busy to do a long interview, not too different from the "I can't stay long" technique in pickup. 

  5. "America first!" is usually a term I hear from toxic nationalists. 


    We do have a number of issues at home, but the USA has had its hands in global affairs for too long to flip flop now. 

    Take the recent news about Syria. The president made it seem like it was in the country's best interest and that the troops stationed there would come home. What actually happened was redeployment in Saudi Arabia and southern Syria with more troops. 


    It's a nice idea to just stay out of it but it gets tricky when the issue of international trade, resources, and conflicts arise. The issues go much deeper than immigration. 

    North Korea, for example, is not just a US concern. Do you remember when they were testing missiles by shooting them over Japan a few years ago? 

    South America really needs our help as well. Between what's happening to the environment, politically, and economically there's a lot of corruption and devilry the people are struggling with. 

    Those issues dove tail with the crime in central America; the cartel being able to fight off police with military efficiency. 


    Just a few examples, but my point is that we can't look at these problems so myopically. 

  6. Special Containment Procedures

    It's a made up place that has prisoners to test interactions with SCPs, which can be harmless objects or deadly creatures.

    There's a video game about it 

    And some neat animations

    It's all creative writing and it goes through a community filter that approves which ones become SCPs.

    I see it as a beautiful artistic expression of Sci Fi and horror imagination.

    This really shouldn't be in Government/politics though, maybe a mod can move it somewhere else?

  7. Kundalini yoga has a technique called "breath of fire" that will help. 

    Qigong is all about moving with your breath (Tai chi is basically the same) 

    Singing will help, even if it's just in the car/shower


    But the most important thing to keep in mind is that a lot of us breathe in "reverse" 

    Your stomach should inflate like a balloon when you breathe in. Most people breathe the other way around unconsciously. 


    Try this, set a timer throughout your day to repeat. When it goes off, remind yourself to breathe the right way. Once you've trained this up you'll breathe better unconsciously. 

  8. 18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Just because you have a mentally ill friend doesn't mean you platform him to your viewers. It's irresponsible to platform such a person to millions of viewers as though it's all just in good fun.

    It's like yeah, I'm good friends with Hitler, so let me give him my platform.

    Joe brings up this point in a few of his podcasts. He has debates about deplatforming people. He believes it conflicts with the first amendment. The argument is that private businesses have a right to censor what is on their platform. 

    I think there is some moralizing going on and he wants to give everyone a voice. I don't think he realizes the dangers of this. 

    I've heard Joe Rogan described as a "Social chameleon" before, and that seems to be the case with some of his more controversial episodes. 

  9. I recently came back from Ecuador where I did ceremonies with both, and I'm going back to voulenteer in January. 


    The biggest difference is that ayahuasca is an internal experience and San Pedro is more of an external experience. Aya is feminine and Huachuma (San Pedro) is masculine. This is true down to their shape. 


    With Aya I felt as if I was in the presence of an elder feminine spirit, I could "speak" with her, ask her questions,let her guide me through the healing experience. 

    Huachuma is more of an external sensation that takes you out of your head. Visually it was similar to lsd, but the feelings it brings up... It's almost like a truth serum in that whatever your problems are tend to come up, subconscious or otherwise. If you are doing it In  a group then you can feel what's going on with them. Pain, love, fear. Their feelings are your feelings. 

    I didn't like Huachuma as much because I'm a bit of an introvert and the stuff makes you anxious and shaky, but it's a powerful medicine. Doing both at once is intense. 


    I posted a trip report if you'd like to go to my page and read more about it. 


    These won't enlighten you, but they will help if you let them. 


  10. @Synchronicity

     you mention "mental toughness" in conservatives. 


    Would emotional intelligence be a more accurate term? Liberals do tend to be more reactive in that sense. 


    You also mention self restraint being pushed into lower consciousness. I see it as more of a foundational thing that is gained at the lower levels and used to advance. 


    It's also important to keep in mind that as in depth of a model as it is, SD is just that; a model. No matter how useful of a model it may be it comes back to the map not being the territory.