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  • Birthday March 3

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  1. Arrogance Vs Humility
    comment on Leo post
    It does make sense, because if you understand more than others around you, they will constantly gaslight you with their ignorance and you will have to stand up to it. Arrogance helps cut through that gaslighting. If you are too humble, people will gaslight you into their level of ignorance. This is exactly what happens to most spiritual students. They are told to be humble sheep and just follow the dogmatic path. Most Buddhists are like this. It's a disease. I escaped that by daring to challenge all systems of thought. It takes arrogance to dare to do that. Because people will tell you: "How dare you think you know more than the Buddha or Jesus or Rupert Spira!" You will be shamed into place. People will call you names like egotism, narcissist, etc. All in order to get you to become meek, shut up, and stop questioning. Everything is designed to get you to stop serious questioning. You are not allowed to go into a Buddhist temple and seriously question all their teachings. But that is exactly what's necessary to develop a sovereign mind, which necessary to reach the highest levels of God-Realization.
    Be careful. This is very tricky stuff. Human use humility as a trick for self-deception. They think that by acting humble and pious that they are actually pursuing truth or understanding. But those are very different things. I don't act pious, which makes people think that I am narcissistic or just outing out out of ego. But I am not pious for a much higher reason, because I need to cultivate sovereignty of mind.
    Arrogance is not something you should glorify. But it can be a nice antidote to the kind of fake humility that is found all around spiritual circles. Be ware of pious spiritual sheep who act sweet but are not actually conscious of much. Obviously you can take arrogance too far. So you must strike a good balance between those too. Humility is important. But it has to be genuine humility. What galls me is that these humble spiritual sheep are actually more arrogant than I am, because they think they have found the one true path and all they need to do is adhere to it like sheep. That is truly arrogant because it assumes that God can be reached without serious independence of mind. It is actually extremely arrogant to claim that you know that Buddhism is the Truth. People don't know that. But they act like it's true. And if you dare to challenge them on it, they cry arrogance on you.
    These are advanced self-deception games that humans play. It has taken me years of gaslighting by spiritual idiots to finally understand these games. And so now I put my foot down if someone tries do that to me. After 10 years I have finally reached complete sovereignty over my own mind. And that is what I wish to teach you.

  2. How do you get your epistemology "right"?
    How do you get your epistemology "right"?
    @DefinitelyNotARobot Good! You are recognizing the depth of the epistemic problem. You are seeing the truth in this case: which is that you really don't know/understand. This is a good starting point. You have to wonder, Is any understanding possible at all? Maybe not, but also maybe yes. After all, you do understand how to open a door. So maybe you can understand some deep stuff.
    You can start here: What can you say is absolutely true for you? And keep contemplating that question.
    Hint: Rather than trying to have the answers quickly, focus on asking good questions to yourself and observing the process of consciousness which struggles with the questions. Be patient and enjoy contemplating reality rather than trying to reach some imagined end.
    Also huge hint: Contemplate on psychedelics. You will save yourself 30 years.

  3. Spiral Dynamics stage Coral explained
    Spiral Dynamics stage Coral explained
    This is my view on coral.
    My view on turquoise and coral differes from the mainstream view, but I think it makes more sense lol. It is based on research, contemplations on and what I've been noticing in myself and others. 
     Stage Turquoise  So first about turquoise, it is mainly about enlightenment imo.
    It's about dissolving the seperate sense of self and realizing your true nature and thus oneness with everything. 
    All of that is turquoise:
    the self doesn't exist No free will Nothing to do Nothing matters No one to become enlightened Teaching enlightenment is pointless  Everything is perfect  Everything is love Everything is one Infinity You are God  And attitudes are:
    Being in flow and alignment with life No resistance Accepting what is Bowing down to reality Surrender Being rather than doing Passive, saintly, feminine, harmonious The more awake you are, the deeper you are into turquoise. And here is a major crossroad. Some decide to go deeper and deeper into turquoise and become more and more enlightened until they do mahasamadhi and merge with God. The other option is to go to the next stage, which is coral. 
    So coral is not about becoming more enlightened (that is turquoise) but about human evolution post awakening.
    Stage Coral - Awakening is relative 
    In my opinion, the main cause for the progression into coral is the realisation that most insights from awakening are not absolute but relative. A lot of you will disagree about that. I'm just giving my perspective based on my awakenings and contemplations.
    At turquoise you reach states of consciousness where it is seen that realisations of no-self, love,... are absolute, but in my opinion they are not.
    Let's take the example of love. Love is regarded as absolute because it is seen that even pain and evil is actually love. 
    And that is true RELATIVE to very high states of consciousness. 
    But relative to other states of consciousness that is not true. 
    If a tortured person doesn't regard torture as love, then love can't be absolute, because if it were absolute, pain and evil would be regarded as love from every perspective. 
    Love not being absolute is also in alignment with "truth is what is". If in one perspective evil doesn't feel like love, then evil is not love in that perspective, and that is truth (because that is what is).
    Another argument for love being absolute is "everything is made out of love (and even you feeling love as evil is still love) and the only reason why you can't see it is because you are biased and selfish"
    That is again true relative to that state of consciousness. 
    Infinity has infinitely many states of consciousness, and includes all possible states of consciousness. 
    Some of these states are infinite consciousness and are love and it is seen that everything (even evil) is actually love.
    BUT there are also states that are infinite consciousness and are evilness and it is seen that everything (even love) is actually evilness.
    That's just a consequence of Infinity. Both of these opposite states of consciousness essentially cancel each other out, so they are only true relative to themselves.
    So we are left with everything is what it is, love is love and evil is evil.
    Enligtenment is true relative to high states of consciousness.
    (I think the only absolutes are: Reality is Infinite, Truth is what is, and Reality/everything is Consciousness)
    And things like evil exist, things matter, the self exists, the self is important ... are true relative to other states of consciousness. 
    Nothing is inherently more or less true.
    So when all that is realised, that all these things that were previously considered illusonary are indeed real, then an interest for all these things once again arises and that is the step into coral.
    - Self Centered 
    During hardcore turquoise all personal desires were neglected or dissolved. It was an extreme into ego-unimportance. So in coral there is a natural desire to indulge in a lot of ego pelasures. Almost an extreme into ego pleasures in order to compensate for the previous extreme.
    Coral is tier 2 stage red, and red is ego centric, so that behavior makes sense from that perspective too.
    But coral is also very different from red, because it is far more evolved, it contains all the wisdom from previous stages and in most cases also an increased and nondual state of consciousness from turquoise, so it is a more evolved form of red, without all the negatives of red. So while personal pleasures are important, pleasures of others are also important. That means personal well being is pursued but in a way that it doesn't take from others well being.
    At coral it is important for you to increase the wellbeing of others and you take action towards that, but your own wellbeing is likely even more important, so you spend more effort on that (because you got so depleted during turquoise). So that is the flavor of stage red again.
    - Spiritual Teacher
    Someone at turquoise is unlikely to teach about enlightenment because nothing matters anyway and all is already perfect.
    At coral you have a different view, and teaching becomes very reasonable. 
    If someone decides to be a teacher then the teaching style might be arrogant and agressive (the flavor of stage red again).
    Leo seems to be at coral. And that is reflected in his teaching style:
    Saying that any methods apart from psychedelics will most likely never awaken you Saying he is one of the most conscious humans ever Saying that other teachers are not awake Saying that religions and other spiritual teachings are inferior and mostly useless for awakening and that all that stuff should just be thrown away Being blatant, direct, and using more aggresive language (I don't know whether he said these things like that, I just wrote what I think he would say)
    - State of Consciousness 
    At coral you are most likely enlightened, you don't lose your baseline from turquoise.
    But it also doesn't mean that because you are coral that you now are more enlightened. You could, but turquoise people could easily be more enlightened. The most enlightened people are probably at turquoise (and going for mahasamadhi).
    So at coral, you are still conscious of God, Oneness, no-self,... 
    A hardcore turquoise person has dissolved the illusonary sense of self to a very large degree.
    It is possible to continue in coral with this dissolved sense of self, with this depersonalization, but I think for most people it is more likely that they again form an illusonary sense of self. They will have both. A strong sense of self, of being a human, that person, and at the same time the awareness that this is an illusion. 
    Relative to nondual consciousness the self is an illusion. Relative to ego consciousness the self is real.
    Now at coral, both of these awarenesses can co-exist. So relative to that state of consciousness at coral, it is true that the self is an illusion and it is true that the self is no illusion at the same time, simultaneously.
    At least that's my current baseline state, and I think this might be similiar to others. When I put my attention on nondualness I'm very conscious that the sense of self is an illusion, not just knowing but actually being is that state of consciousness. And when I put my attention on being a human self, then that becomes real.
    The sense of self is made of appearance, but these appearances are real, they exist and form a self, so focusing on them I can experience a strong  sense of self, and at the same time I can be fully conscious of how I am consciousness and these appearances are illusionary. I'm essentially in an altered state of consciousness (both in terms of void dimension and pure consciousness dimension), in a state where most people would have only a very small sense of self, even when focusing on these illusonary appearances of the self, but I've reconstructed the solidity and realness of the sense of self that you usually have in ego consciousness, but that solidity doesn't decrease my altered state of consciousness. So in a weird way I'm having both at once.
    Based on my understanding of coral, you can have such a co-existing awareness, but if you prefer, you can maintain the dissolved no self from turquoise. But I think most people at coral prefer that co-existing awareness.
    - Masculine Energy
    A natural side effect of becoming enligtened at turquoise was that you become passive, feminie, selfless, submissive, accepting, ...
    This went very far into an extreme, so there is now a need to go into the other extreme to compensate for the extreme of turquoise.
    So there is a tendency to be active, masculine, results oriented, direct, blatant, productive, efficient,.... so that's the stage red flavour again.
    At stage red you disliked your suffering and took aggressive actions to combat that.
    At coral you dislike the suffering of yourself AND all other beings and take aggressive actions to combat that.
    At turquoise you had the attitude of surrendering and bowing down to reality.
    At coral you might even become angry at reality (particularly if you had awakenings into Infinity at turquoise and realized the consequences of that, like that there exists infinite suffering in some realms). Rather than bowing down to reality you want to dominate it, almost like wanting to play god, a better god than the unbiased Infinity god (which allows suffering because it is unbiased), and to bring happiness and wellbeing to all.
    And to actualize that, you are very active, results oriented and a go-getter. 
    Essentially, in order to actualize that goal, you take whatever approach is most effective, and that means you take the energy, power and force from red, the productiveness and results orientedness from orange, the empathy from green, the systems thinking from yellow and the awareness of oneness from turquoise.
    - Happiness
    At turquoise most have attached detachment. At coral you have detached attachment.
    Attachment because you very much care about things. But it's different from pre-awakening, because you have the awareness and maturity and detachment skills from turquoise, therefore it is detached attachment. 
    You are attached to things, but ideally (if you fully integrated turquoise) your happiness doesn't (fully) depend on your attachments being fulfilled. 
    So at coral you get both, the unconditional happiness from turquoise (being happy independ of your life situation) and at the same time the conditional happiness from orange and green (having your desires fulfilled).
    Stage Blue 2 The stage after coral is 2nd tier stage blue, so I'm just gonna call it blue 2.
    - Focus on Others
    After sometime your desires got largely fulfilled and the extreme lack of that at turquoise could be compensated, at that point you naturally progress to blue 2.
    At coral the wellbeing of others was important for you, and you took action towards that, but your own wellbeing was more important (because you got so depleted during turquoise). 
    At blue 2 it's the other way around. Your own wellbeing is still important (unlike at hardcore turquoise) but the wellbeing of others becomes more inportant, so the focus is on others.
    So from being focused on the individual (coral) you again focus on the collective. 
    Turquoise and coral were very extreme, now blue 2 is a progression that takes the best of both.
    Here you again might become saintly and feminine (but without neglecting your own wellbeing).
    - Spiritual teacher 
    Somone who became a teacher at coral, had an agressive teaching style and dismissed less effective spiritual teachings.
    At blue 2 it is recognized that a more inclusive approach is better. For example, rather than a fundamentalist christian that all his dogma is bs and he should forget all that, you try to awaken such people with the inclusion of their dogma. So a fundamental christian might be guided towards mystical christian dogma (and people like Meister Eckart, Francis of Assisi,...) or gnosticism and to awaken through that. 
    So blue 2 is an inclusion of dogma, which shows a paralell to blue 1, because in blue1 dogma is important (blue 2 uses dogma in a more conscious way).
    So spiritual teaching styles evolved from new agey teaching (green), to conceptual teaching (yellow), to no teaching (turquoise), to agressive teaching (coral), to inclusive teaching (blue 2).

  4. The Neurological Correlates of the Jhanas, and Experiencing Dopamine vs Serotonin
    The Neurological Correlates of the Jhanas, and Experiencing Dopamine vs Serotonin
    Many of you may find this helpful 

  5. Dimensions of Consciousness regarding Awakening
    Dimensions of Consciousness regarding Awakening
    Here I made a similar post. This is un upgraded version now.
    The following is one way to model consciousness. I consider this model very useful for the awakening journey.
    1. Void Dimension
    In the previous post I called this the depth dimension. When being conscious of a facet of awakening (no self, God, Love,...), The void dimension shows how immersive vs subtle this is.
    When you increase the void dimension more and more, you eventually end up in the Void. There are no body sensations. And in a deep Void, no thoughts, no memories, no sense of self and individuality. 
    Practices that target the void dimension:
    psychedelics sleep yoga SAT transmissions trance, tiredness, sleep deprivation invocation of angels and gods lucid dreaming float tank shamanic breathing dark room retreat weed and alcohol And to a smaller extend:
    shaktipat transmissions  kriya/kundalini yoga meditation physical exhaustion  being sick There is generally a correspondence between higher activation in alpha, theta, delta and epsilon brainwaves and the void dimension.
    2. Recognition Dimension 
    Recognizing/grasping a facet of awakening. 
    If you watch Leo's guided contemplations and understand them, that's conceptual understanding. If you are a practitioner and carefully do these contemplations alongside him, and after some time you actually yet usually very subtly grasp it in your direct experience, then that's the recognition dimension. 
    At this point it is very clear how that particular facet of awakening could be true. But you are not absolutely sure yet. There is the small possibility that you are deceived and it's just an illusion of the brain after all.
    Practices that target the recognition dimension:
    self inquiry / contemplation  The recognition dimension corresponds with an increase in beta and gamma brainwaves. 
    3. Pure Consciousness Dimension
    This is about increasing your consciousness. It's the most important dimension IMO.
    The only way that you can wake up to God, Love and Infinity is by increasing your consciousness. 
    After a certain point, you will also reach Absoluteness, that means it will be 100% clear that your awakenings are true. No doubts. The possibility that everything is an illusion of the brain becomes a joke.
    Practices that target the pure consciousness dimension:
    psychedelics. Particularly strongly 5-meo-dmt advanced lucid dreaming/OBEs To a lesser extend:
    RASA and Light Transmissions (from Gareth, maybe from Imogen too) advanced invocation long dark room retreats advanced jhanas The pure consciousness dimension corresponds with an increase in gamma and lambda brainwaves.
    The pure consciousness dimension is most important for awakening. You can increase that dimension by directly targeting it with the practices listed above. Or by simultaneously targeting the void dimension and the recognition dimension. I found that these two in combination target the pure consciousness dimension as well.
    The recognition dimension and self inquiry are kinda closely related with the pure consciousness dimension, but self inquiry alone is usually not enough to really increase your consciousness. But if you do self Inquiry while you are deep in the void dimension, then increasing your consciousness becomes much much easier IME.
    But generally psychedelics are the most powerful tool for the pure consciousness dimension. 
    Some more points:
    These categorizations are generalizations, and based on my current understanding. Your consciousness can be strong in all 3 dimensions at the same time (so it's not an either or). The model appllies for both peak and baseline consciousness.  In the previous post I described some points in more detail.  

  6. Why should I help people ?
    Why should I help people ?
    Sounds like they are as unhelpful as you.
    Be the change you wish to see.
    The way to get over it to realize that you can either live with hate/fear or with love. Which way do you want to live?

  7. It is a game you are playing with yourself. Use pawns to awaken
    Has Leo Experienced the Christian Heaven on Psychedelics?
    @EntheogenTruthSeeker You imagined me to keep yourself asleep or help yourself awaken.
    It is a game you are playing with yourself. I am a pawn in your game. If you play the game carefully you can use this pawn to awaken. If you play carelessly this pawn will draw you even deeper into the illusion.

  8. Meditation books recommendation
    Meditation books recommendation
    "The Mind Illuminated" by John Yates.
    It's a systematic approach towards samatha practice, a practice which cultivates the ability for the mind to concentrate, which is the #1 issue new and long term meditators have. Samatha is essentially a state of mind that is unified, harmonized, stable, tranquil, and at peace with itself AND it is incredibly conducive towards the cultivation and integration of insights of all kinds. All forms of meditation if done rigorously enough will lead to some kind of samatha, but you can have more or less efficient paths. 
    Until you can focus you attention like a laser bean, forget about awakening. One of the most powerful ego defense mechanisms is the scattering of attention and the conceptual mirage such scattering supports. This system counteracts this while also providing beautiful, supportive, and even healing states of mind. 

  9. Socialism + small government = naha
    Does Leo’s Libertarianism video apply to Left wing Libertarianism?
    Of course.
    Lots of dumb ideas within left-wing anarcho-communism that will never fly.
    You cannot have socialism with a tiny government because any tiny government will just be overpowered by a large corporation. And you cannot reduce the size of corporations if you want to maintain the complexity of modern technology, industry, and logistics chains.
    The bottom line is that small government is just a pipe dream. Government will only get bigger, not smaller.
    Leftists who think you can have socialism + a small government don't understand how government or management works. The government must be the biggest organization in the world, otherwise you won't have peace.

  10. Leo response to Adepus
    Adeptus Psychonautica's direct response to Leo Gura
    There is really no damage to control. I just needed to make clear that what Connor is doing has little to do with my teachings.
    The reason I reached out to him is: 1) Because I don't want him to hurt himself, and 2) Because I don't want him to give spirituality and psychedelics and a bad image. Yes, your video spurred me into taking these possibilities more seriously because in general I don't take people like Connor seriously unless I'm really forced to. I don't sit around watching people's spiritual videos. My attention is focused on my own work. When some posts a video mentioning me or criticizing me, I have zero interest in seeing it. My initial reaction is that it's a distraction. Any errors in my work will not be revealed to me by some YouTube reactionary, they will be found by myself. I don't need you to tell me where I'm deluded, I will find all those areas much deeper myself.
    I still hold to my initial statements:
    1) Connor is acting like an unhinged lunatic in the way he style his videos. Any casual observer with perceive him to be unhinged, regardless of whether this is true or not. I wanted to speak to Connor to find out if he's actually unhinged in person. My conversation with him was healthy and reasonable. I wish he came off that way in his videos so people don't get the wrong idea. But he told me he deliberately plays up the crazy for purpose of views and clicks. To me that's a waste of my time. This entire "controversy" is basically nothing but clickbait drama. Which is why I don't usually respond to such things. It's a distraction from serious spiritual work. I generally don't like it when people create controversy and drama just for attention because this seriously distracts my audience from the deep work they should be focused on doing. I am protective of my audience's attention. I don't want it directed towards dramatic stuff like Connor's Tantric sex. It's a waste of time.
    2) I still hold that Connor is a Zen devil. I have an old video: Becoming A Zen Devil, where I explain many of the traps Connor is falling into.
    My treatment of Connor was fine considering that I try to keep my focus on my own work and not the work of others. When a guy comes off as unhinged I don't give that person much of my attention. That's what happened. Then your video made me rethink the situation and get involved. I generally don't like getting involved in such things because it's usually not constructive or productive.
    No, he is not saying the same things I am saying. Not at all. I have never engaged in clickbait with my channel. I do the opposite of clickbait and it costs me millions of views and $$$. So to compare my teachings with Connor is absurd.
    Just because Connor says basic spiritual truths such as "I am God" or "Life is a dream" or "Do psychedelics" does not mean his teachings are the same as mine. Those a common spiritual truths which many spiritual teachers say. What matters is the other 95% of the teaching.
    My leaving video was recorded after a massive breakthrough in consciousness facilitated by 5-MeO-DMT, which is why I left to do the 30 day retreat. I was also going through a very challenging health situation.
    Firstly, there were no "antics". I just sat in a bath. That's it. That's what you call "antics".
    Secondly, I thought you had an issue with my taking a bath on 5-MeO-DMT. I know some YouTube reactionary did, I guess that wasn't you but someone else. I confuse you with that someone else. My bad and my apologies.
    Lol. I will watch porn whenever I damn please and I don't care about your judgments on the matter.
    If you have a problem with me watching porn or jerking off, that's all you.
    Addiction is your assumption. I never said anything about addiction. It was a spiritual experience, and an amazing one that you only wish you had. To become fully conscious of what sexual desire is, is a profound awakening. And to give yourself the sexual pleasure you desire is also a profoundly healing spiritual experience. Try it sometime instead of judging
    Expression of sexual desire is not a pathology.
    Calling Connor a Zen devil was a precise articulation of his problem. My comments were derogatory in the same way that anyone new watching some of Connor's unhinged videos would react. BTW, I withheld commenting or judging Connor for many months. People have been posting his videos here since last spring and I withheld judgment even though in the back of my mind I already saw that this guy was a troublemaker and a potential distraction. I only called him an unhinged lunatic after enough of his videos were posted here and your video linking him to me was the straw that broke the camel's back.
    I toned down my language so that I could reach out to Connor and find some common ground to try to persuade him not to go down the road of Zen devilry. If he continues making unhinged clickbait videos, my initial opinions of him will stand. I want to give him some space to correct himself.
    Such abilities are not delusional bullshit. But these abilities require serious spiritual practice to actualize. A psychedelic trip alone will not grant these abilities in the sober state. This is still something I'm researching and figuring out.
    That particular statement was overstated, to be fair to you. And I can see why that would arouse skepticism in people like you.
    Nevertheless, deep consciousness can indeed resolve and heal many problems in your life. It's not a magic cure for everything. Some problems need to be fixed at the material level. So I will concede that point to you. I exaggerated with that statement. I do have tendency to exaggerate and overstate things sometimes in order to communicate the depth and profundity of these remarkable states of super-human consciousness. Sober words don't really do these states justice.
    The truth is that everything that I said about spirituality, consciousness, and psychedelics is a gross understatement. I have accessed states of consciousness which are absolutely beyond anything that could be explained or taught, or that has been accessed by traditional teachers. Doubt me if you like, but I don't care. In these states of consciousness literally every problem is resolved. The problem is how to sustain such consciousness. That's the only real problem.
    I get very little out of engaging with you. It takes up time which I could invest in creating better videos.
    I have a general policy not to engage with any reactionary material to my work. Now, of course, my critics will chalk that up to the fact that my positions are too weak to be defended in public debate. But the reality is that the things I teach cannot be debated at all. So I don't debate and I don't react. I don't really do interviews either. Because I want all my attention to be focused on constructive work.
    My policy has always been not to engage reactionaries. I made a rare exception for your video because Connor has a large audience and I don't want them to get misled about this work, and also because I became somewhat concerned about Connor's psychological health. Your video did make me take this issue more seriously, as I initially dismissed the seriousness of the situation. Because my mind is not focused on anyone's work but my own. So some thanks to you for that. If a see some crazy YouTuber doing something, I generally have no interest in butting in. I got my own work to focus on.
    This whole incident, thanks your video, has made me even more convinced that in the future I will not be responding to any reactionary YouTube content about me. And that is because nothing of value comes from it. I will not do debates and I will not defend any of my teachings. My teachings will stand completely on their own merits. My teachings are true only if you can validate them for yourself. Anything that comes out of my mouth which you cannot validate is not true. Which makes things very simple. My teachings are not an ideology of any kind and therefore they require no defending or debate. You cannot discover the truth of my teachings via a conversation, discussion, or debate. You cannot know whether miraculous healing is possible from super-human states of consciousness via discussion on YouTube. The only way to solve that is to actually do it.
    I thank you for your willingness to engage in a public conversation, but I would rather focus my time and energy towards creating positive new content rather than distracting my audience with drama, gossip, and controversy.
    It's not that I'm saying you're wrong, either. Even if you are right, I will let the audience make that determination for themselves while I move on with doing my constructive work. But I simply have no interest in publicly adjudicating rightness or wrongness. A much faster way to adjudicate that is through actual practice. Practice is what will cut out all the falsehood. If you are right and I am wrong, practice will show that. So I would rather just direct my audience to practice more.
    I simply have zero interest in explaining myself to YouTube reactionaries. I would rather just focus on making videos that actually help people do spiritual work.
    Okay, good for you. In general I have a very low opinion of YouTubers who make their careers as reactionaries. If that's not you, then great. I wish you a long and happy career as a constructive content creator rather than a troll.
    Maybe at some point in the future we could have a public conservation, but right now my focus is on deepening my own practice. I'm not even much interested lately in being a YouTuber. Very soon most of my focus will be going into my own radical awakening and spiritual practice. When I do my deepest work you will not even know that I exist.

  11. Adeptus Psychonautica about Connor Murphy and Actualized
    Adeptus Psychonautica about Connor Murphy and Actualized
    Stan Grof wrote entire books about "spiritual emergencies" and "spiritual crises".
    This is very, very common in the spiritual world. If you're going to practice hardcore spirituality you will almost certainly face a spiritual emergency at some point if you go deep enough. Many people don't go deep enough so they don't understand. And this is not exclusive to psychedelics. Hardcore meditation can be just as challenging.
    Smoke enough salvia and you'll have a spiritual emergency, I promise. Salvia will scare the living daylight out of you. It will wipe away your whole reality within seconds and you will cry for mommy like a little girl. And there will be no mercy with salvia. It will not treat you with kid gloves like some other psychedelics. Just as you're begging for mercy it will rip your face off.

  12. Adeptus Psychonautica about Connor Murphy and Actualized
    Adeptus Psychonautica about Connor Murphy and Actualized
    Dude, you have no clue what hell and ungrounded states people like Tolle, Sadhguru, or Mooji went through in their awakening process.
    If any of these people live-streamed their entire spiritual journey, you would think of them as insane lunatics. With these old-ass gurus you're only seeing the end result of a 30 or 40 year process. Connor is showing you a bit of the actual process for a young, arrogant, materialistic guy like himself.
    Did you know that Peter Ralston used to jump off a rooftop and make his students catch him, otherwise he would kill himself if they did not? Did you know that Sadhguru handled pounds of raw mercury in the building of his temple in India which probably gave him terrible mercury poisoning that almost killed him? Did you know that Tolle was suicidally depressed and on the verge of killing himself? Did you know that Shinzen Young was a hardcore drug addict?
    Imagine THAT live-streamed.
    It's beyond foolish to judge another's spiritual journey in the way that Adeptus does.

  13. Adeptus Psychonautica about Connor Murphy and Actualized
    Adeptus Psychonautica about Connor Murphy and Actualized
    Interesting framing.
    So if I supported Connor Murphy, I would be a monster enabling a false god. And if I say that he's going down the road of Zen devilry, then it is "strange" and I'm also to blame for creating him. Even though I have an entire video explaining the dangers of Zen devilry.
    Heads I win, tails you lose.
    My teachings are not an ideology and being God is not an ideology. I have no idea what Connor Murphy is doing and I have never endorsed whatever he's doing. Until a few weeks ago, I had no idea he even watches me. And just cause he watches a few of my videos means nor says nothing. You have no idea who else he might be following, what books he might be reading, etc.
    It's also not a good idea to judge Connor's psychological state too much. He's clearly going through a spiritual process, which he is recording live, so of course it will not look stable or "proper" the way that people expect.
    Keep in mind, if Eckhart Tolle live-streamed his awakening as it happened, everyone would be saying that Tolle has lost his mind and needs professional help. There's no reason why Connor cannot stabilize and become a solid teacher some years down the road once he gets some of the Zen devilry out of his system.
    Nobody is born as a solid spiritual master. You become a master by going through decades of trail and error and spiritual mistakes.
    Judging Connor's process is not very wise. Let the man go through whatever he needs to go through. Connor is recording the actual process of waking up. It's a brutal process. I experience similar pushback from people when I release raw, unedited videos of my process. Any deviation from propriety is ridiculed and judged. People expect you to be like Eckhart Tolle or Sadhguru, all happy and calm. Which is a joke.
    Which is why I have no interest any more in releasing raw, honest footage of my own process. People will just ridicule it and not understand. People don't want raw honesty, they want fake spiritual perfection.
    As far as the theatrics, gimmickry, and business schemes that Connor engages in -- none of that aligns with my teachings.
    Also, I should say, this Adeptus guy is strawmanning the shit out of my spiritual realizations. I have never claimed to be any kind of messiah nor have I ever claimed that I can heal all of mankind through miracles. His portrayal of my insights is basically slander.
    Everything I said in my spiritual videos is still true:
    I am God (but so are you) I have been more conscious than most spiritual teachers or gurus Psychic abilities are real Healing is real and possible, although of course it is not a power the ego controls and it will not magically heal the whole world. When I spoke about these powers I clearly said this is still something I'm exploring and struggling to develop. These claims are not so crazy. Any serious spiritual practitioner understands that claims #1, #3, and #4 are obviously correct. They might dispute claim #2, but, oh well, that's just a common spiritual dispute that every spiritual person has at some point.
    I have not backtracked on any "psychic superpower nonsense" because siddhis are not nonsense -- they are a well-known aspect of spiritual work which has existed among serious spiritual practitioners since the dawn of time. What's nonsense is Adeptus' absurd strawmanning of a guy who mentions siddhis. That is coming from a place of arrogance,  ignorance, and closedmindedness. I have in fact NEVER claimed to have supernatural powers. But I know people who do and I know they can be developed by certain people (not even necessarily me). My work and teachings have NEVER been about supernatural powers or showing off in the manner of Connor Murphy.
    Adeptus misunderstand what happened with me. It's not that I backed off of anything I said. It's simply that when I said those things I discovered states of consciousness that virtually no human has ever accessed and I said things in a raw fashion as part of showing people the raw work that I was in the middle of doing. But when I show raw work like that, people now expect me to be unhinged forever, but of course, in fact I'm very well grounded and they are shocked when they see me come back the next week or month and record very grounded videos, taking this to mean that I'm contradicting myself when in fact I've just integrated the raw realizations from before -- as you're supposed to do.
    The thing to understand is this: When I show a video of a raw awakening or a post-retreat debrief, I'm not in a fully grounded state (of course), and this is shown to the viewer specifically to give you a taste of what this work feels like because otherwise the viewer gets the false impression that this work is always grounded and that I am some stoic, emotionless, autistic robot. Out of 300+ of my grounded videos, Adeptus cherrypicks 2 raw live awakening videos and a pre-retreat and post-retreat video that came after an intense 30 straight days of 5-MeO-DMT, to demonize my entire teaching and build his biased narrative. Watch the other 300+ videos for context. And if you dare, let's see how your first video will look after 30 straight days of 5-MeO-DMT breakthroughs. I'll bet you'll be a bit emotional and glowing with insight. I sacrificed myself for the sake of psychedelic science and this is the shit I get from my fellow psychonaut? Not only do I get shit from non-psychonauts about this non-stop, now I have to deal with shit from psychonauts too?
    Adeptus, if you read this, please stop with your whiteknight routine. I know you mean well, but you're getting carried away with your good-guy act and you are unwittingly slandering my work. My work is more grounded than your rants, so please spare me the outrage. Connor Murphy is his own man and I am not responsible for whatever zany shit he decides to do. I will however email Connor and try to have a talk with him about the dangers of presenting these ideas to the public so that awakening, psychedelics, and "I am God" are not mis-perceived by the public. I very much care about that. Whether he will even listen to me is questionable. I am not his daddy and to frame me that way is irresponsible in and of itself. This guy is a total stranger to me. He's not any kind of formal student of mine. What you're doing is akin to someone watching your YouTube videos about psychedelics, taking a massive dose of 1000ug LSD, jumping out the window, killing himself, and then people blaming you for it because, hey, Adeptus told him that psychedelics are good, despite all the warnings you issued. That's exactly what you're doing to me in the name of playing a whiteknight with your moral outrage. Excuse me, but who died and made you the Pope of psychedelics? Just because someone has a different process than you with psychedelics that you disagree with does not make you right nor does it give you the moral high ground to judge them for it. You don't like me enjoying 5-MeO-DMT in a bathtub? You think that's dangerous? Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. You have no clue of my actual situation when I did that.
    Psychedelics are dangerous. Spiritual work is dangerous. I've always said that. In the hands of a fool psychedelics and/or spiritual work can get you killed. But the Truth is the Truth regardless. The Truth is, psychedelics can show you that you are God. And it doesn't matter how many people get killed, the Truth will always remain the Truth.
    Also: Connor Murphy was NOT banned from the forum. Some of his posts were so self-promotional (promoting donations to his Patreon account) that our good Mods were right to moderate some of it. He is still free to post here and he has not contacted me personally for advice. If he did, I would gladly offer it. But I would never presume to go around telling another teacher or YouTuber how to run his business. I didn't give Connor advice because I didn't feel he would be receptive to it.
    All of the above is so obvious that I hardly feel it needs to be stated. I have never felt a need to state it until now, but now I'm forced to state it because clearly people like Adeptus got some really wrong ideas about my teachings and how spiritual development works and now I feel I have to publicly correct this slander and strawmanning. It's bad enough that my work is slandered by all sorts of ignorant noobs, materialists, and religious fundamentalists -- I expect that -- but when my work is slandered by a fellow psychonaut who should have a deep understanding of the trickeries of this work -- that leaves me disappointed. Since day one of my teachings I have always spoken out about the dangers and traps of psychedelics, spiritual work, ideology, cults, and self-deception. I have always steered people away from irresponsible use of psychedelics and Zen devilry.
    The bottom line is this: give a man some room to spiritually develop without breathing down his neck and telling him everything he's doing wrong. That is, if you're truly compassionate and care about his development. But if you want to create sensational YouTube rant videos, I guess that's another matter. But if you care about truth, be careful how your mind constructs convenient narratives to explain away stuff like what's going on with Connor Murphy. The bottom line is that you have no idea what he's going through and what the right process is for him.
    If you, Adeptus, ever want to correct the record, I'm more than happy to explain all this publicly with you. My work is grounded and it will always remain grounded and I will always condemn teachings and teachers which are ungrounded.
    But of course, there truly is no ground

  14. Connor Murphy has Eckhart-style awakening
    Connor Murphy has Eckhart-style awakening
    What is the one thing everyone agrees on? Nothing!

  15. Anekantavada
    Connor Murphy has Eckhart-style awakening
    Ya'll should closely study and contemplate the notion of Anekantavada:

  16. Isn't Pickup Unconscious?
    Isn't Pickup Unconscious?
    What you have to understand is that that is your agenda based on your needs as a woman.
    Guys have a different agenda.
    It's just that simple.
    You must also consider that for guys to attract girls, the guy has to take the lead and do the work. It doesn't happen passively for guys as it does for many girls. If the guy doesn't go out and hunt, he starves.
    Hunting is not predatory in some evil sense here. The guy could be hunting for his dream girlfriend/wife. In fact, that's what most guys probably want. But to get her, they must first learn how to hunt in general. You can't just land your dream girl with one attempt. It takes a lot of work and practice. Hunting is not mutually exclusive to romance and love.
    Dating can be done unconsciously or consciously, and many shades in between.
    And don't forget, just because a guy doesn't get into pickup does not mean he don't abuse or manipulate women. He certainly will as he will be even more desperate and lacking the hunting skills. A starving limping wolf is more dangerous than a strong well-fed wolf.
    Also, pickup is not merely about hunting girls. It's most about transforming oneself into a better man in order to attract and keep higher quality girls. In the end the guy will discover that tricking girls doesn't work, so the guy is forced to grow himself to get the best girls.
    None of this makes much sense from the girl's perspective because you are not tasked with the burden of approaching. You should be thankful that you don't have to carry that burden because it's quite heavy.
    Do some guys abuse it? Of course!
    See, the thing is, women LOVE a strong guy. But they don't love the process which a guy must go through to become strong. Women only want the end-result of the work. Women expect that strength to be effortless, natural, and free, without any work. They don't want to know how the sausage is made.
    Also, you should realize that what you call "real love" isn't real love. It is selfishness and survival. Women do not love men unconditionally. You are attracted to strong men who fit your survival needs. You are attracted to weak, needy, humorless men.
    Men will love women unconditionally the same day that women love men unconditionally. Which is never. All romantic activities are highly conditional, biased, and selfish.

  17. Psychedelics affected Ram Dass brain making his full awakening more difficult
    Psychedelics affected Ram Dass brain making his full awakening more difficult
    The medulla is a primordial brain stem involved in involuntary functions such as sneezing, vomiting, swallowing and cardiac function. I have not heard of any negative impact of psychedelics on the medulla and I have a hard time imagining how medulla function would interfere with having awakenings. 
    My impression of Ram Dass is that he had extensive experience with psychedelics and he sincerely used psychedelics to expand his consciousness. However, I think Ram only explored one area of psychedelics and extrapolated his experience beyond his experience. For example, I have read Ram Dass explain how psychedelics induce a blissful state and how people who use psychedelics chase that blissful state. . . Those blissful states are certainly a realm of psychedelics and seeking those blissful states through psychedelics is certainly a dynamic. That’s not the problem. The problem is that Ram over-generalizes. He extrapolates his experience to be a greater-arching truth. He is not aware of what he never experienced with psychedelics. I think Ram makes a good point, yet it is one point. The problem is taking one point and extrapolating it to all points. 
    Imagine living for five years deep in Peru. You explore all sorts of Peruvian aspects. Cuisine in Lima, Ayahuasca ceremonies, music, Incan culture, Macchu Picchu, Quechua culture, language dialects etc. You would have a good idea what Peru is like. The problem is if you believe that Peru is South America and extrapolating your experience in Peru as being true for all of S. America. A meta view would realize that Peru is within South America and is one aspect of South America. As well, a meta view would allow realization that my experience is limited to within Peru and there are aspects of South America that I did not explore. Without this meta view, the mind will be delusional that Peru is South America, make silly claims like South American music is centered around pan flutes and arguing about how Peru is South American with people that actually live in other countries of South America. 
    Now imagine someone did psychedelics for years and were immersed in a dynamic of chasing blissful psychedelic experiences that became distractive to awakening. They may extrapolate that personal experience to be true of psychedelics. A meta view would see that they only explored a subset of psychedelic “territory”. This would most likely come from someone that has deeply explored another “territory” of psychedelics. Reaching this meta view requires holding one’s own view lightly, being open and curious - as well as having intuition and empathy for another. I’m curious what it would be like if I had a long conversation with Ram. We developed a strong connection regarding how psychedelics can lead to blissful state chasing and be a distraction (I have experience with this myself and I’m confident I could have connected with Ram on this). Yet then I start fluently describing psychedelic aspects outside of Ram’s experiential range. I’m curious if he would have been be open to it. 

  18. Tantra
    Female orgasm as a spiritual experience/dancing with GOD
    In Leos video about perspectives, he suggests a practice where guys should imagine themselves having a female orgasm. It occurred to me that this is actually what I am doing most of the times I have sex - taking part in the orgasm of the man as if it was my own, and that is why I enjoy sex so much, even though, like most women, I don't get an orgasm every time. But that is not what this post is really about haha, I just wanted to mention, that i think a lot of women already do this. 
    What this post is really about is my playing around with tantra and solo-tantra which has led me to a lot more actualization than I expected. And at this point, I am convinced that we as humans have so much more to learn from sex and if we practice, will be able to excel it to unbelievable levels. 
    I started doing tantra sessions with a friend and masturbate with a tantric mindset for about half a year ago. I did this because I am dealing with vulvodynia (a condition where you get random pain inside your V - most often during sex), pain during menstruation, panic attacks during sex ect. I researched a lot on tantra and 'masturbation as meditation' and took some techniques from different sources while mixing it up with stuff I learned from Vipassana meditation, psychedelic trips, and theater practice. I am very lucky to have such good and openminded friend, who want to practice along with me but as far as I am into this work now, the most profound experiences have actually been single-handed - so to speak This was definitely not expected and I am amazed of what an effective tool I believe this to be. Spiritually speaking. 
    Of course, I wouldn't know if this would be the same for men. Right now I have a strong sense that women and men experience sexuality and orgasms very differently. But well, how would I know for sure? 
    I feel very inspired to share this with other women, because, haha, I feel like I found a lifehack or something. But I know I've only just opened the door and has way more exploring to do. So for now, I will just share my most recent experience with you. This has so far been the strongest. 
    Well. I was reading a book, nothing special, while I felt this tickling sensation at the end of my spine that lead me to think it would be a good time to 'practice'. I started by making the setting - as you would do before a psychedelic trip. Music, blanket on the floor, dimmed light. I also turned up the heat in my room, so I would feel comfortable being naked, and prepared my stuff (vibrator, glass-wand and lubricate).
     If you do not have a vagina you can just skip this, but I'll put out the details if someone wants to try the same technique. 
    I start by touching my breasts, belly, thighs and the area on the other side of the knees with the glass-wand which is ice cold as this point, I also lick and bite my lips, because it is a sensitive area for me, but this could be different from person to person. Then I take the wand down to my vulva where I circle it around the whole part, very slowly at the beginning and if I feel pain or strong sensations I stop for a moment to be mindful about it like I would when scanning my body in vipassana meditation. I then make the circle smaller and smaller until I sometimes stroke my clitoris with the wand, which often excites me, but instead of just focusing on the clitoris, which was my old style of masturbation, I begin circling with the wand just around the vaginal opening while breathing heavily, focusing on the base of my spine and how the floor feels against my back - the image of earth and roots and grounding in some ways helps me to reach the 'state' but I am not really sure why. 
    I want to mention that in the beginning if felt nothing at all on the vaginal opening, I only felt sexual sensations when touching the clitoris, but this has changed during these practices. 
     Then I most often begin opening, as my body does it by itself, which was very weird to me the first time it occurred, because I thought that I would have to press the thing into me like I have experiences guys press their penis into me  - but now I know the body really can - like - swallow the thing (haha) all by itself. 
    When I have the wand inside me i start breathing even more and if I have the pain I "standstill" and deal with it like before. Then I do the circling again but now on the inside, feeling where I have "blockages" or such. Sometimes I can feel sudden sadness or happiness when I do this. If everything is okay and I feel like it, I continue using the vibrator. I keep the wand inside me and with the other hand uses the vibrator on my breasts, belly, thighs, and as far as it is possible with the wand inside me, circle around the same circles as before. 
    At some point, I let go of the wand and continue solely with the vibrator. Sometimes inside me, sometimes on the clitoris, sometimes a mix. At this point, it starts getting orgasmic. 
    This may not sound much as a spiritual experience but I'll come to it. This is what happened at my most recent orgasm, but I have had similar experiences to this while doing the mindful-masturbation. Though not as intense and out-of-my-body-like .... or actually it was more like being really IN my body... I don't know. 
    This is what happened:
    I was doing the thing, and the orgasm started approaching but it was more intense or more playful than I have experienced before. I felt like I was having sex with the air. I couldn't hold my body still and my spine was moving a lot and I was smiling so much and touching my face, stomach breasts, when the orgasm started I was just laughing while also breathing really hard and it was like I was making sounds that were almost - so ancient. or animal. or something. I had a little bit of my mind on what my neighbor would think but I just couldn't help it and I started laughing in a way that reminds me of how I would laugh on a trip while realizing that everything is pure love and play. It was just like that. I felt so present with the universe, and the weirdest thing was - and this may sound crazy - but I felt that all the things in my room in some way was alive and laughing and playing with me, I couldn't be still so I got up on my knees and the music was still on so I started swaying to it while breathing. I had closed eyes and I was just smiling, laughing, and breathing heavily. It was so profound because I have never felt so NOT alone in my life! I felt the room was filled with some kind of fairies or angels haha and then I started dancing for real, but close to the floor. It was just feeling like being some kind of ancestral woman. Rolling around and swaying. And I felt so much like a woman - like I felt that I finally understood what it means to be a woman and it was so liberating because i was completely naked. Then I felt this strong presence. I know that God is me and everything and that I am not separate from God, and I have experienced that through psychedelics and on vipassana, but this was different. I felt GOD BESIDE me and AROUND me, like "he" was in the air. And I write HE because in this experience GOD was present in me like this very male-like energy AROUND me. I can not describe it better than saying I was dancing with GOD haha. And he was really awesome and loved me so much, and he was me! haha. It was so cool and funny and magical. Then the song I was dancing to came to an end. So I laid down on the blanket relaxing. At this point, I started getting menstruation cramps! this was weird because it is not that time on my cycle yet. But I understood it as some tension inside the womb releasing. And it also went away again so it was all fine. 
    So yes. That was my profound experience dancing with fairies and angels and GOD... Using a vibrator.. hahaha how a beautiful joke our life is <3 I hope this will inspire your sexuality <3 (btw the whole thing took a couple of hours)

  19. Unmasking "Leo Gura A.K.A. The Enlightened" i hope it doesnt get deleted LOL
    Unmasking "Leo Gura A.K.A. The Enlightened" i hope it doesnt get deleted LOL
    @mandyjw Haha ? well played!


  20. Leo gura unmasked
    Unmasking "Leo Gura A.K.A. The Enlightened" i hope it doesnt get deleted LOL

  21. UNspirituality
    It doesn't, but it can prove that consciousness is not it. I see very clearly where Leo is pointing at, I don't get why you think that I get caught up with linguistics?
    So Leo is less full of shit, the same thing in different words.
    When you get the holistic view you can also see where other people are, even if you were not there yourself. Quite entertaining, but compassion always takes over.
    It is not only a filter, if there is no energy in the brain there seems to be no consciousness. Indeed a brain in overdrive is also an imagination in overdrive, hence the pretty visuals. Actually there is no seperation at all, it is only there when you think there is a seperation.
    First there was your environment and then came your thoughts. This means that input from your environment created your thoughts, you didn’t create your environment through your thoughts. So the first thought is always something you experience. Cause what would you think about if you never had input from the senses? However, you can consciously elaborate on thoughts, as we have the ability to remember words we hear or read and put them in a logical order by asking yourself; ‘why you think something,’ for example. This is our thinking ability.
    You use words, through thought, which already existed in your environment, as you have read or heard them somewhere. If you make new words, you use letters from an existing alphabet. If you make a new alphabet, you use your imagination to make a variation on an existing alphabet. Through our imagination we can imagine things we derive from our perception of our environment; for example, a unicorn. Your imagination can take you anywhere as images can be derived from images instead of from something out of the objective reality. 
    Nature proves our conditioned state in every aspect, only through wishful thinking and imagination we try to escape from this. Once you realize this, the best way of living seems to be the one which is in balance with nature, meaning a natural way of living. That is why the buddha taught that the middle way is enlightenment. If you live out of balance with nature, nature will cause suffering. Sensual indulgence will lead to craving and self-mortification will cause pain or harm. It is not about not having thoughts. Thoughts are very helpful in a practical sense, however, if you are going to doubt your feelings, nature or reality you can end up anywhere, but it is not going to be enlightenment, as you will not be in balance with nature. It may look like enlightenment at first, but nature is going to set you straight eventually.
    If you can see the relation between the effects of nature and your position towards it, depends on your knowledge or insight. A burn-out, fatigue, depression, frustration, and other mental discomforts indicate a disbalance between your position towards nature and nature itself. A lot of people do not see the relation between diseases and their nutrition, some may take decennia to develop like arthrose, seizures, heart attacks, cerebral infractions, MS, diabetes, and so on, because they fail knowledge. (source; 'Unsere nahrung unser schiksal' (English; Our nutrition, our destiny) Dr. Bruker) Can strongly recommend that book if you are interested in health and are able to read German.
    The human body is a magnificent creation, it has feelings and emotions to show us what is right and wrong. Only through our will, doubt and inattention we deviate from it. Western society deviated a lot from it, but nature is setting us straight now.

  22. you have to put the work to see that you are where you always were
    Can meditation be a distraction?
    Literally anything can be a distraction, even meditation. The paradox of enlightenment is is that the "conscious" mind isn't the thing that gains the enlightenment. The conscious minds thinks it is doing activity A, B and C to climb the stairs of heaven. But it doesn't work that way. A better metaphor of the road to enlightenment would be that  you climb the stairs so long and intense that you realize you have been climbing an escalator(not stairs) that is going down just as fast as you are climbing it up. You reach insight when you look around and see that you are in the same exact spot as you were before you put in all that effort. 
    But, the even bigger mindfuck is that you must put in that effort to see it. Just like in the Hero's journey, you have to go through all the trials and tribulations to realize that your pot of gold was at home sitting there all this time.

  23. I just sit
    How do you meditate?
    I do not meditate, I just be, this way Meditation comes to me

  24. "Perfection is never about appearances, it is always about the essence" Ramaji
    Enlightenment One-liners
    "Perfection is never about appearances, it is always about the essence"

  25. Gura quotes
    Enlightenment One-liners
    "When I trip, I don't trip recreationally, I trip existentially."
    - Leo Gura
    "Spiritualizing one's butt-hurt is an important sign of progress. I know of no better way of cleaning out your 1st chakra than with a blast of high-potency tryptamine. A God enema if you will."
    - Leo Gura
    Straight outta Wikiquote