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Posts posted by Natasha

  1. @Nahm Thank you for the kind words. I envision complete healing in 1-2 yrs. In the meantime, working on mobility and range of motion. I don't do anything strenuous, can already get in and out of bathtub by myself, get dressed/undressed, in/out of bed. Just 3 mos ago couldn't do any of those by myself, so I'm moving in the right direction in baby steps. I have strong willpower and great self discipline and positive attitude of not giving up. 10 yrs ago I healed cancer without an oncologist just by researching and taking the right steps. I work on my victim mentality and. I see these trials as opportunity for growth. Thank you so much for your support and understanding :x

  2. @Medhansh @Nahm

    1 minute ago, undeather said:


    Waking up with a messed up stomach can already be a sign of a damaged gastric-mucosa.
    PLEASE think about getting a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) for at least 2 weeks to prevent ulceration. No amount of taking it with food or probiotics will prevent this from happening if you are unlucky. 

    Most back injuries will get better to the degree your core & back musculature is getting stronger. 
    The best bet you have is getting to a physiotherapist who really knows what he is doing.
    My knowledge about surgeries in that case is limited, therefore I wont say anything for or against it :)

    What do use for those?

  3. @Michael569 Ive been doing core exercises  at home and try to stay active and mobile. My goal is to maintain quality of life  Still working. The doc is pushing for a surgery, but I won't be doing it. I've been doing some research online and it seems back problems , even severe ones resolve themselves with time. Yesterday pain got pretty bad, so I got Aleve, but this morning I woke up with messed up stomach and feeling like throwing up. I took probiotics and some pineapple. Going to eat some breakfast now. I did take Aleve with food yesterday

  4. So, the results are in BUT steps the doc suggested to fix my current condition (sore back) have nothing to do with it. The doc prescribed 2 different vaccines (one is for chicken pox wtf?, colonoscopy, more scans (ok) (her friend owns an imaging company), pep smear, surgery (her brother is a surgeon), injections, etc. Nothing is said about core exercises, spine healthy diet, dry sauna (to help blood flow and inflammation), epsom salt baths (that have been life savers for my back pain, special mattress accomodations, etc). Again, sounds like catering to the Big Pharma. Ugh! Im determined to stick to my own common sense, research, and self discipline to help myself, like I did with beating cancer 10 yrs ago. Just bazzar an experienced doc/ chiro wouldn't know what works and what doesn't in a healing process of the body. Anywho, I'm setting a goal to get better on my own this year. Will be recording progress in this journal, so stay tuned if you care ???

    100% agreed

  5. I found this chart while researching how pain heals and it made a lot of sense to me. So basically if you've had an injury or a condition where pain from nerves is involved, you probably noticed that as the healing process happens slowly and with intervals between good days and bad days. Eventually, after weeks or even months, the pain will completely ceases. It happens so gradually, that you may even not notice when it stopped. This chart shows the cycle of nerve healing and if you're going through healing and managing the pain right now, have hope. It has to get worse before it gets better. Actually, when it's at it's worse, that's when the nerves are doing some heavy duty repairing. Then you'll feel a few days of relief, and back to pain, etc. 

    Here's the chart:


  6. Never thought I would start a journal, never had one before. But it's good and I am ready. This year I'm focusing on my well-being and health. I've been serious about my health for a number of years now, especially after my bout with cancer back in 2012, been free since. I've learned so much that could probably coach others out of it. If only people listened! I'm the living proof the stuff that I've done works. I'll be sharing more about what and how exactly I've been doing in my future entries. 

    I started this year with a goal in mind to clean up my diet, like for real. No kind of any processed or refined food, no red meet, no fast food, no gluten, etc. Instead, more fresh organic produce, mostly leafy greens, veggies, fresh fruit, non-gluten grains like buckwheat, more oinized alkaline water, fresh juicing and smoothies, weekly saline water flushes, making more fermented goods at home, maybe even start a community garden to grow my own produce. 

    One of my other well tested wellness routines that Ive been doing and loving and found effective is dry sauna. Great for heart health, detox and cleansing, stress, anti-inflammatory, skin health, +++. Thinking about doing a 10 day sauna challenge, which will report in this journal as well. 

    Well, enough for now. Stay tuned for updates, maybe you'll find some of this info useful for you as well. And please feel free to share your experiences and what helped you on your journey to wellness. 

    Stay well and aware <3




  7. Unhappy people fear death more than happy people do. Reason: when you have lived life feeling unhappy/unfulfilled, then to you death is the end and no more chances at creating happy life. Happy people don't have that problem. They just enjoy life and vibe with it and have no regrets or wishes at better happier life. So when the time comes to let go of this avatar (body/mind), they just let go of it easier and even more willingly, because they don't have the need to recreate their life to anything other that what they already have had and enjoyed.

    And that again, within dual reality. In the Absolute reality, there is no such thing as fear or death, only illusion of them.