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Posts posted by kurt

  1. @Joe Zhou Dont worry, everyone has low self worth.  Look around you, even on this forum, especially on this forum!  But at least you are aware of it and are dealing with it in a more conscious way.

    The feeling does not go away.  Just notice it, dont identify with it and try to let your mind go towards compassion to others and yourself.

    See yourself and others as fools who are all equally as lost and were all in this delusion together.  That is a more accurate assessment of the situation I believe.


    Even those who we look upto and are seeking enlightenment have low self worth.  If they didnt, they would not be seeking enlightenment, would they?9_9

  2. @Jared Gregory

    Yes for sure!

    Meditations vary of course, and I have tried a few.  I took a meditation "course" a while back and was impressed that I really didn't know what I was doing until I tried some new approaches.

    It's really important to sit up straight if thats not what you are already doing, it seems to make a big difference for me.  

    I also take a couple of deep breaths (pranayama) which clams my body and therefore seems to have an effect on the mind to be able to contain itself a bit better.

    The next step is called "letting the dog run" lol,  which is just taking the leash off the mind and letting it wander (mindfully) for a few minutes.  It's a really useful thing because if you look at your experience you will see that all the mind wants to really do is wander around.  That's its nature, so its better to co-operate with its nature, and this is conducive to a better meditation.

    From then on it's just befriending the mind, because again this is what the mind is actually looking for, its looking for itself.  After a while it gets quite endearing and the mind begins to start to understand that it can trust you and let go.  

    I think this is where the benefits come from, the fact that youre just paying attention and educating the mind that its not alone and that it need not try to control everything in life.  Which seems to do the trick for me in my every day doings with "others".


  3. 44 minutes ago, Aamir King said:

    that's just what I'm starting to realise as well, as many people just wrongly interpret the religion to suit their own lifestyle and their own make believe principles, rather than the practices needed to purify the mind and body, to receive enlightenment through the particular rigorous process. 


    45 minutes ago, Aamir King said:

    Which is why most of it becomes nonsense and unseeable, as people surround and overcomplicate with social crap.

    Yes, and here is something else I think is worth some notable consideration.  The modern spiritual world seems to be obsessed with conflating enlightenment with a particular state of mind.  Eternal bliss states etc, perfect goodness, or the mahatma ideal.  I think even for a fair amount of mature people now who have devoted a good proportion of their time investing in their development are maybe also prone to believing that enlightenment itself is something to do with "purity".  The purification is a large factor, but this is only really to get the mind quiet enough to understand that the Self is ever free of all states, and therefore its reflections are ALL reflections, the good the bad and the ugly.  We don't generally think of an enlightened person as being a normal person, but this is what enlightenment actually is, the verses are saying "you are that already" no need to chase something that you already are.  Its an irony that the route of the problem with the assumption that there is something "wrong" with us lies at the very doorstep of the messed up interpretations of the religions that were originally supposed to set us free.  What a joke! I hope that these erroneous assumptions straightens themselves out in time

  4. 14 minutes ago, Lawrence said:

    Watch more of Leo's videos and take action on them =) 

    Or if you get sore eyes from watching too many, download the MP3 versions of his videos and feed this incredibly valuable information through your ears if you have a device which has enough memory =)

    It's important what we feed our minds, so make sure you're feeding it with "stuff" you know will benefit you.

    I trust this helps.

    I agree with this.  What we need is accurate, helpful information.  My addition to @Lawrence adivce is just take it in slowly, work on one issue at a time and spend some time checking that it corresponds to common sense and reason.  

    "Never believe anything I say - unless it corresponds to common sense and reason" -  Buddha.


  5. @Aamir King From what I understand is most of the religions that have evolved into what they are today at their core are a few simple verses that point out the nature of reality.  The rest of it is bullshit in relation to that.  But, some of it has value, like the various practices and devotional practices of purifying the mind and body in order to receive the teaching and understand it's meaning.  I think the true meaning got lost along the way for the simple fact that it does take a certain level of maturity and a prepared mind to understand that one is already what they are seeking.

    You can see it even now, some people just don't understand it, no matter how hard they try because their minds are not adequately prepared for it.  I think a "religious" attitude is important, but only if the religious orientation does what it was originally designed to do - prepare the person for the truth.


  6. @BeginnerActualizer

    The non experiencing witness or what you refer to as higher consciousness (it's not really higher, it is the only aspect that is sentient - the rest are just inert objects) is actionless and ever free from action. 

    When you refer to you, and managing you, it's always the temporal self, or "ego"as some people say. 

    There will never not be a time you don't have an ego that must perform actions. However, liberation is freedom from that dooer, it's actions and the results of its actions. 

    Yes, develop a more neutral ego, neutralise it's suffering by neutralising it's likes and dislikes. Only a calm and "pure" mind can naturally self inquire because self inquiry is the nature of the mind. The human mind always is looking for the amswer to life's riddle and doesn't rest until it knows who it really is.  So the point is, is to develop a mind that is conducive to moment by moment inquiry.

    All of this can be validated by your own experience

  7. @BeginnerActualizer

    On a personal level, as a person, the dream state is a reflection of your unassimilated every day experience. 

    You can verify this for yourself in time as you progress along your self development journey. 

    Or, you can infer the validity of the claim by looking into how your dreams have changed over the course of the lifespan.

    As you process material from your part of the "collective storage bin" of humanity aka collective unconscious or causal body, your dreams will reflect what is happening for the person in the waking state. The clearer you are processing reality in the waking state and less identified with thought, the better your dream experience will be, because what is being served to you in the dream state is just how you interpreted the objects appearing to you in the waking state according to your own conditioned fears and desires. The more you neutralise your likes and dislikes in the waking state the more balanced your dreams become, and the happier both "identities" are.

    But like I said, don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself.

  8. We can do nothing to become enlightened, and we cant "get there" with specific actions.  Thinking is not the problem.  The actual problem is just ignorance, a lack of education about the true nature of reality.

    The "actions" we need to perform are education of the mind, on matters such as "time" and "space"

    What is time anyway?  Anybody really thought about time itself? If time were real, then wouldn't everybody experience time in the same way?  How come time passes slowly when you're bored, and goes to quick when you're having fun?

    What about your thoughts of the future?  Where do those thoughts happen?  They happen now along with memories of the past.  So where is time actually located in reality?

    If there is not time in reality, then what else is there?  Just one big eternal happening?

    Then you got to think who is experiencing this one big happening?  Can you find where you stops and your environment begins?

    If you can find any actual real boundaries between things then you let me know yeah?

    After contemplating this, is there still thoughts?  'Course there is!  You needed thought to think about what reality actually is, didn't you?  If you didn't have thought you would not have been able to think about what is unreal, would you?

    Reality is non dual, so how can thoughts be separate from reality?  They can't.  So is it really thoughts that stop "you" from "being" "enlightened"?  No, it's ignorance. 

  9. @Parki

    I see you struggling with this.

    Meditate.  It will bring up all the bullshit you currently think is you.

    Also, get youre values straight.  Shyness is a symptom of low self esteem, so you must be violating some values of yours, while maybe violating some universal values.  That is the actual cause of low self worth, forget about the inner child lol, thats a theory.  

    So try to figure out what you want and who you are in your personality, and take a good, long, sober look at yourself and see where your behaviours are not coherent or authentic.

    An example of a poorly assimilated value is where you pick up some value from the outside but dont live it!  So it sits halfway inside you like undigested food.  look for contradictions in your behaviours,  and places where you blame others for doing what you cant admit doing yourself.

    This is hard work, but worth it in the end.

    Stay off the drugs, it will fuck you up unless you know your relative psychology.  Leo is well developed, so the drug works for him.  Dont make the mistake of thinking it will work for you too at this point.

  10. @Orange

    Why do you think there are so many charlatans in the spiritual world?  Speaking about ascended masters, astral projection, leaving the physical body and shit like that?

    It's because of different interpretations of experience.  That is all blue thinking, and that is why most people don't become enlightened and you have all these scandals around the spiritual world.  

    Most of it is bullshit.

    enlightenment is the simple recognition (via your own experience) that the objects are not separate from you but you are not the objects.  This means you are not in conflict with the objects (because they no longer to appear to have something you dont) AND you don't suffer by mistaking yourself for any of the finite objects appearing to you.  

    That's enlightenment, reality, non-duality.  


  11. 8 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

    Dude you don't even know what I've said. You are judging your interpretation of what I said. I can see that you definitely didn't understand what I meant with my post.

     Never said anything about new age bullshit, your mind is playing tricks on you. All I said is the guy is talking against what he thinks is bullshit. 

    The easiest thing is to paint a stick figure in your mind and then pull it apart... The truth is, you don't know anything of me, my values and so on. You are acting on your own false beliefs and fighting with your own image of me. It's disheartening that you are not seeing it. Or maybe you are and doing this stuff anyway just for fun.

    Strong stuff!  A lot of unassimilated concepts to ward of a simple disagreement.

    Im sure if I agreed with you back then the reactiveness would have been of the opposite polarity?  I think so!



  12. 10 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

    What do you mean non-spiritual... The guy is talking about spirituality, he is against religion and bullshit. He is a warrior of the truth and is not content with just spitting out things that others agree with. He is fighting against delusion from what I've seen so far... Maybe you didn't see the video and are judging him by his cover. He is about increasing the quality of human lives for the rest of the life of this planet. J

    Just because you know the truth (pretty easy truth to grasp) that all has an end and that nothing really matters in infinity, doesnt mean people have to give up trying to improve their finite lives. In fact, exactly because people werent content with what is, you have the life you are so happy about experiencing right now. Otherwise it would be something else and who knows, you might have even been an "ATHEIST" (yuuuuuk) for your whole life. Lol.

    Just wanted to give you 2 cents, that your comment was very egoistical. If you are liberated and know the truth, why are you talking down on other forms, saying the form you are living right now is somehow better than another? Or that the experience you are having is better than other experiences. How do you know your experience is not in fact the lowest of all possible?

    You talk about infinity and determinism. Both those I am completely agreeing on an intellectual level. I don't really need a teaching I havent asked for. This is another sign of a spiritual ego, which I am currently trying to move away from, because it's not me.


    Have you ever heard of non-injury?  You statements are self insulting and also insulting of the other people involved.  You just have a bunch of ignorant and unassociated ideas that you use as a way of trying to organize reality.  You speak of new age bullshit, yet listen to matt khan videos.  You values are skewed, unassimilated and they make you do the very things you are trying to move away from.  Drop the concepts and work on your qualities of mind, because that is what helps you understand truth.  

    Or just drop spirituality altogether because you clearly cant hold a civil conversation.  Work on this first then look into non duality.

  13. @Dodoster You dont have to be enlightened to know what it means, you only have to be educated on it, and then use that education to destroy the belief in duality.

    So yes, you can say whether his version is accurate or not by what you understand.  This does not mean to say you can't let him have his ideas, his ideas are fine, but they are not enlightenment.

  14. @Dodoster Its ego because he has not attained liberation, if he had attained liberation and then proceeded to say those things then it would not be "ego".  Furthermore he would more likely just be laughing at the world because he would know the world is not real, its only an appearance.

    Hes ranting because he still believes in the world (and others), this is the sign of an unenlightened person whos making up his own version of enlightenment as a dogma.



  15. Im not sure how many more ways I can explain it, that these colours have an internal aspect, the model spiral dynamics is looking at the behaviours of this stage in its social context.

    It's just one way to look at it.  But you must pass through the fantasy world of blue, the objective world of orange and the subjective world of green, otherwise you don't understand non dual reality (wholeness - integral) whatever you want to call it.

    Agitated minds dont see the self reflected in the subtle body (subjective experience).  People who have financial worries cannot stay still long enough to inquire.  however, people who have mastered the cognitive and external skills of orange and who are comfortable are now free to inquire into the nature of reality.


  16. 1 hour ago, Orange said:

    2) you are turquoise, so you understand there is nothing 'out there', everything is a label, including the label:' human species'

    This is an indication of blue thinking,  not being able to discriminate between whats real and whats in your imagination.  Orange at east is aware that there is a subject / object duality and therefore are aware of facts vs fantasy.

    Its easy to spot blue when you are aware of and have developed orange skills,  but blue cannot see its own projections, because it is not aware of them.  Its about education.  Nothing more

  17. 1 hour ago, Orange said:


    3) so everyone, including Gandhi, MLK etc has been through orange? 

    I don't understand what this means.  In the apparent reality not everyone develops to an orange interpretation of what is happening to them.

    In reality everybody is enlightened already, because there is no "everybody" there is only one "happening" here - which is turquoise thinking.  Unless you get rid of your irrational sterotyping beliefs then you do not have the qualities of mind to see what you already are.  All you live in is a distorted world of projections and beliefs caused by your conditioning.