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About Francis777

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  1. Leo told her she's on thin ice lol
  2. lol, I wonder how he'd react to this comment you made about him the other day: "When I die, I will put all my money into a foundation that will, each year, hand out the Biggest Bullshitter prize. Jordan Peterson will receive a retroactive award." Personally I don't think Peterson will interview Leo. I think people give him too much credit for how open minded/brave he actually is. I think he'd take one look at Leo's work and then shy away. Maybe back when he wasn't as famous he'd be more inclined to but he's got a lot more on the line now, then again these types of conversations are his entire gig anyway. I don't know, I think we forget how radical this stuff is for a new comer. It takes great levels of open mindedness for a newbie to even get through Leo's videos without turning them off. That's what my dad done when I showed him Leo's videos on understanding politics and he's been working in it his whole life, I thought that was hilarious, he talks such a big talk but couldn't even get through a few hours of YouTube content.
  3. Just don't turn into robin hood or any other kind of "noble figure". That's the next trap..
  4. Yeah for the recent ones maybe. At some point you just have to leave them there, who wants a decades old corpse.
  5. New drones by DJI being used on Mount Everest. Waste is a huge problem on the mountain. I plan to climb it one day so I thought this was pretty cool. With such technology I can see as much as 90% of the waste being cleared off the mountain within 5-6 years. We'll see though. A very positive side to technological advancement.
  6. Leo's got bars lol
  7. You sound very deluded (no offence), none of this seems to point to anything at all. Psychedelic states can make all manner of ridiculous conclusions you might come to seem plausible, doesn't mean they are. Like here - "When i was in state of consciousness/mind that i could drink milk forever without the glass getting empty, do you think technical devices should also "work properly". Ofcourse not!!" Pretty bizarre assumption, no?
  8. I'm getting a Samsung for my next phone, used apple my whole life but since building my own pc and stuff, I've realised that apple sucks in a lot of ways, your just too restricted. Anyone here got an s24? That's the model I'm looking at. How do you like it if so?
  9. Yes, pre diagnose I meant. I wonder how beneficial an early prognosis is to managing the symptoms when they appear later in your life.
  10. @Sidra Is there any way to screen for schizophrenia before one experiences symptoms?
  11. @Leo Gura Will you consider moving country if trump wins?
  12. @mmKay are you confusing changes in your sober perception of the world and hallucinations? Sometimes people expect to see flying dragons and ignore all the other changes in their perception of the world from LSD. I find LSD "alters" visuals most of the time, not create them. Unless at super high doses.
  13. Yeah its a lot of compounding factors, plus ethanol itself is toxic so your directly poising yourself on top of all these other side effects.