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Posts posted by Saarah

  1. @Sharpadox I think there's something about releasing resistance in The Sedona Method, this method is also an aid to help you raise awareness as per the 'Awareness alone is curative' principle

    Also try not to force yourself to change or judge yourself for not changing, you may be creating an obligation out of these things which can increase resistance 

    Maybe allow yourself to completely take it easy and do what you want, get in touch with things like playfulness or joy and it may spur you to feel more calm and then ready to take action naturally as you bring those good feelings into everything else you do 

  2. @LifeandDeath You're right in that you can't control things outside of your influence, this is a part of being responsible, in that once you realise this, you stop being a victim to those things and you begin to take charge of the things you can control.

    Beyond outer behaviours though, being responsible is mostly about how you respond to situations with your mind and attitude. You internal dialogues and perceptions are what to pay attention to for recognising if you're being responsible, engaging in correct outward behaviours is a by-product of proper inward responsibility-taking 





  3. The childhood vows video has lots of great examples, you face a crippling event so you make a vow to keep yourself safe, but instead those vows cripple you in numerous other ways for years 

    Another example can be setting a load of goals forcefully and neurotically but you fail on all of them and do worse instead 

    The subtler ones may come from making judgements, projecting onto others and moralising, we think we're saying important or necessary things by doing these but as we know they end up backfiring on us 

    People who do personal development etc. might negatively criticise society for the way it is full of badness or shallowness, but that creates a bitterness and disconnectedness in such a person so that they too are part of the problem ironically

    Also not taking responsibility and being victims, by doing so we get nothing done and keep ourselves in the same sorry state we are annoyed at being in

    These things are everywhere! SOS!! :) 

  4. @somenathpal Judgements tend to just automatically appear like thoughts, they are a type of thought, I think the difference lies in your attachment and investment into them. I practiced it seriously for a month once, although I made judgements at the end as much as at the beginning, the awareness and detaching myself from them created a space between my reaction to the judgements, and even then the reactions were much weaker. They don't stop, it's just how you handle them.

    Every day remind yourself to simply watch all your judgements when they pop up, just note them but don't do anything, you kind of notice how most are just unnecessary noise and let them go 


  5. @Jack_Clark  A significant help for me was striking the right timing, when I was doing smaller times, I could see the end was near as soon as I'd started so it'd just be about finishing the whole way through, whereas adding an extra 10 minutes made is seem like an actual time I had to really focus on my thoughts. Otherwise smaller times made me more prone to giving up entirely on the habit.

    Also try combining with SDS for the fidgeting issue 

    Finally, all those frustrations about wanting it to finish and getting distracted are entirely part of the process, beyond solving any practical issues with it, there's nothing else to do except accept that you feel completely and utterly frustrated every bloody meditation session! 

    If you watch your frustration you may even just find it amusing at times :) 

  6. On 17 November 2016 at 4:04 AM, MochaSlap said:

    ... if something is actually bothering me I can't just think it away. I feel like setting a goal and pursuing what I want without this positive thinking would be more effective. I get the whole think about what you want with massive action. But living with what is and not pretending to be what I want seems to work better... 

    If something is bothering you, it's because you're not perceiving it accurately. When this Law of Attraction stuff talks about seeing things 'positively', it's referring to having a more accurate perception of reality, to raise the quality of your consciousness, because when you do that, you realise there is only everything to be grateful for and joyful about, so it's trying to get us to perceive this way, because our quality of consciousness determines what we reap in life 

    someone who is consumed with negative emotions may eventually commit suicide, so like does attract like 

    the essence is to raise your quality of consciousness, at least that's my understanding of it, you may have seen the video about consciousness on 

    you don't have to pretend to be what you're not, but focusing on certain principles such as gratitude, and of functioning on a creative plane rather than on a competitive one, to give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value (hence generosity and giving), instead of thinking about scarcity, you realise there is only abundance, and you take action from such a place. Poverty, scarcity, fear, disease - they're all appearances, let go of your focus on false appearances, and they stop concerning you(:

    every thought creates our reality because there is no objective reality, it's all our perceptions basically 

    It may help to record your emotions every hour to get a better understanding of your state of consciousness

    All the spiritual books on success etc. draw these parallels, of creativity, giving, gratitude, removing fear, taking responsibility, faith and persistence, consciousness, sometimes indirectly, so read a few and you'll get an overall sense 

    hope that helps! 

  7. @Aleksandar I'd recommend using the 'Flow' diagram to assess how you can enter the flow state when doing your work, whatever the case happens to be, adapt to doing your work in a way that accounts for the imbalances that prevent you from entering flow with it. Also consider your preferred style of studying, you might be quite creative and enjoy using and presenting your work in such a way, or you may enjoy teaching it to someone else etc.



  8. @Vinsanity

    Well when you feel like doing it, all you can do is accept that it's what you feel like doing. Then you attempt to raise awareness around it (this can be helped by doing higher consciousness activities which will highlight the difference in experience for you more easily). If you don't accept, you will notice you are using certain thoughts to change or use ineffective action. Like moralising (I shouldn't do this), judging, or over-analysing and reasoning. 
    Basically too much thinking about how to change habits and it ends up not changing any habits:) 

    I haven't really dealt with guilt after doing these things so I don't know of any resources but the activities in those videos on moralising etc. and meditating like shin mentioned is what to do to begin letting go of these thoughts you have that lead to resistance, they'll help you to let go and observe more, trust the process-less process! lol :) 

  9. @Vinsanity Nooo I don't feel bad about it I let myself fully immerse in it,  just see it as a normal part of life, sometimes I'd just want to take a break and not try to be so involved in any practices but I'd notice in the end I'd always gravitate back towards it anyway and there's a quiet confidence in the back of my mind that this will always be the case no matter what

    all your so called failures and falling off track are a part of it 

    I'd basically allow myself to deliberately go completely off just so that I'd notice that it doesn't do anything for me, I'm engaging in nothing, so it'd catch up to me, I'd get bored of it, and there'd pop up that nagging voice in me saying, go towards what really counts 

    hope that helps! Just keep that quiet confidence in you:) 

  10. @Vinsanity For me what also has worked with all habits is doing a higher consciousness habit and then if the urge came to do something lower consciousness I would do it, basically switching back and forth according to your wants, you begin to feel the stark difference, over time the amount of oscillating between higher and lower consciousness activities reduces and the desire for it reduces so most of your time ends up being activities that are less brain rotting, just remember there's no rush to change, it's just an organic process of feelings and behavioural patterns that comes over time 

  11. @NTOgen the easiest example to think of is during deep sleep, although we're supposedly sleeping for some hours, the experience just jumps from before sleeping to dreaming to being awake and in between there's nothing, we don't feel each of the hours go by, and before we came into existence we didn't feel any time go by for all the existence that went on in existence before, otherwise I'd be pretty annoyed I had to wait so damn long lol  

  12. @Kvath I think priority and focus are better than trying to do everything all at once and to spread yourself too thin

    you can be productive, but for the wrong reasons and going in the wrong direction, try not to pile your plate too high, be selective and go at those few things that will yield the best results for your life

    Extra time is not there to be filled to the brim, it's an important part of the scaffolding that is your schedule 

    If you really really have more time and can find something really important to implement then go for it, one habit at a time! 

  13. There's also some beliefs we try to be open about but are really just adapting them to what we already believe so we're not really being open to them, we create a softer version of them so it's easier for us to be open minded about them 

    That could be another sentence

    Some beliefs I think I'm being open to, but have really just adapted are... 

    For example a religious person might be open to the theory of evolution but by reconciling it with God so as to say God created the process 

    or we might be open to the possibility of something 'airy fairy' only to the extent that there's some kind of grounded scientific and logical explanation for it 

    might be more tricky to notice:ph34r: