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Posts posted by Vinnie

  1. @OBEler more like Qi-Gong but Kriya Yoga would work just as well. Basically you're searching deep inside yourself with your breath. Gut mining is a good way to describe it.

    I start as soon as I've had my bong, the psilocybin takes abit to kick in.

    There is tolerance but it resets quickly if you take a break.

  2. @OBEler it depends how I'm feeling. I take psilocybin honey almost every day with weed before my daily practice. Like half a tablespoon. Not a big amount but not a microdose either.

    I've been doing yogic work for several years now and I've had breakthroughs but when I started adding psilocybin my progress just shot through the roof and I keep improving to this day. It really is amazing. 

  3. If I can add something. There's a woman I follow on Patreon who made a video about the situation and specifically tapping into Putin and Zelenskyy. She said Putin came off very empathetic and compassionate whereas Zelenskyy was very dark. 

    Basically Putin is doing what he feels he needs to do but that this might also be his end and for Russia. He thinks NATO is corrupt and he wants to protect Russia from it's covert agenda.

    Putin references Neo-Nazis because the initial undercurrent began in WW2 with Germany. What's been learned since then is that power can't be taken by force. Instead you seduce a target into accepting your rule. Russia will not comply so it's out. 

    She said Zelenskyy felt like an A.I. Very dark.

    This is just my bat-sh!t crazy addition, but I don't think it's totally bat-sh!t crazy either. So there you go.

  4. @LisaH I discovered archetypes in a big way when I started taking acid late last year. Not encouraging you to start tripping so you could take inspiration from this lady below who clearly has an unparalleled understanding without the help of psychedelics. Enjoy!


  5. Hope this inspires someone.

    Over the lockdown period I had an unexpected breakthrough in my yogic practice. Feels like a sheet extending from the solar plexus down which you can bundle up in your abdomen. Standing, it feels like a vacuum, drawing and pinching in your entire navel cavity. At rest, you can drill inward to the point that the act inverts on itself and pulses up your spine. Or you can hold the contraction and condense further. Its extremely empowering. 

    I've created a structure to magnetize when I meditate.