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About Medhansh

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  1. I've been getting blown out of many sets for insulting girls
    I've been getting blown out of many sets for insulting girls
    @Hardkill Stop trying to be edgy and practice being chill and friendly. But with sexual intent.
    The point of verbal game is to make her giggle. You say things that should make her giggle. In contrast to being boring and logical.
    Forget about negging. Just build solid chill and friendly game, WITH sexual intent!

  2. I've been getting blown out of many sets for insulting girls
    I've been getting blown out of many sets for insulting girls
    Dude, what the fuck? I never told you to say anything like that.
    I deliberately go out of my way NOT to insult girls. Sometimes it happens by accident and kills the set.
    Teasing and flirting is not insults. << Get that through your bean brain
    You never want to say anything what she would perceive as an attack on her core self.
    Don't say hurtful things to people. Saying hurtful things is not game, it's just cruel.
    You also shouldn't be aiming to say sexist things. You say funny things and if they happen to be a bit sexist you will skate by.
    If she is not laughing then you are failing.

  3. How to stay confident when you are competing with more attractive guys
    How to stay confident when you are competing with more attractive guys
    You should be working on raising your value every day for the rest of your life. Pretty soon you will be in the top 1% of guys and you will be so unique and valuable, no one will be able to compete with you.
    This is not for girls, this is for you. The girl just gets to feel the glow of your inherent awesomeness.
    This is not about girls! This is about self-actualization!
    Ground your confidence in self-actualization and self-realization. Put your nose to the grindstone. Other guys are irrelevant. Actualize yourself.

  4. Social exercises in college
    Social exercises in college
    Sounds like you got it.
    Maybe this video here could be highly beneficial:
    It's Todd's college game manifesto

  5. Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Turning off empathy does not mean you act like some socially uncalibrated belligerent asshole.

  6. Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Who is this guy? Micheal S
    It is for purposes of attracting girls.
    I am not telling you empathy is bad or shouldn't be developed. You just set it aside when hitting on a girl.
    You need to be able to turn it off and on contextually. If I am talking to a stripper I am going to turn off empathy because she is a psycho on cocaine with daddy issues.

  7. Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Actually it's one of your #1 problems.
    But the deeper problem is the fear, discomfort, and inauthenticity in you which prevents you looking at her properly.
    You cannot fake this eye contact. It requires rock solid inner game that takes years of going out.
    You are too stuck in your head to have the eye contact I'm talking about.

  8. Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Who is this guy? Micheal S
    If you do it wrong, you might.
    It takes years of practice to perfect.
    You need to be very congruent and authentic with it. And highly calibrated.
    Start practicing.
    Find an experienced wing who can demo it for you.

  9. Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Yeah, actually.
    Fuck her with your eyes.
    I'd had girls text me, "Omg, the way you looked at me when we met."
    I've had girls tell me, "Woah! Way too sexual eye contact" and break it with her hand.
    See through her soul.
    With brilliance and love behind your eyes. Fearless eyes. The eyes of God

  10. Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Who is this guy? Micheal S
    Attraction is a very specific trigger.
    Empathy does not trigger attraction in highly feminine women. Strength does. A highly feminine woman does not need empathy from a man, she supplies that. She needs strength and dominance, which is inversely correlated with empathy. She needs a guy who can fuck you up when shit hits the fan. That's what makes her wet. She does not want to have children with a pussy who cannot protect them.
    A feminine woman basically needs a gorilla who will fight to defend her when things get heavy. If she sizes you up and you seem like you would crumble in that situation, she will not let you fuck her.
    No, sociopaths have strength and dominance. They can lead decisively and unapologetically.
    Girls in London are attracted to exactly the same thing.
    Most girls in Vegas are from everywhere but Vegas. The girls here are tourists who represent every state and country in the world. I meet girls from all over the world.
    Your London day girls fly to Vegas to fuck. And they fuck the strongest guys they can find. Whether he is a sociopath or rapist is of little concern to her as far as attraction goes. Attraction is not a logical choice.
    If you see a girl with perfect tits, you are attracted even if she tortures puppies.

  11. Are a lot of women nice to you because of "Fear"?
    Are a lot of women nice to you because of "Fear"?
    Of course, but the mistake is counting women being nice to you. Nice doesn't matter. What you should be counting is how many of them get attracted to you or reach hook point and willing to play along with sexualized conversation.
    Being nice don't mean shit. Of course most people will play nice just to be polite. It's not even a function of fear, it's a function of social norms.

  12. PIckup in College?
    PIckup in College?
    In college go to all the parties and game there.
    During daytime just be more indirect/social with your approaches.

  13. When to end game? 35 years old
    When to end game? 35 years old
    Makes no difference.
    Girls will sleep with you regardless of age if you run solid game.
    You can sleep with girls in their 30s when you're in your 20s.
    I mean, you don't need a legal contract when you got someone you love.

  14. When to end game? 35 years old
    When to end game? 35 years old
    Girls don't care about your age. All they care about is how you make them feel and how boss you are.
    If you are boss, she will be happy to sleep with you into the 50s and beyond.
    The deeper issue is that you shouldn't just be chasing youth. Learn to appreciate what a more mature girl offers.
    What you really want is not youth but depth of love.

  15. When to end game? 35 years old
    When to end game? 35 years old
    You can pull 20 year olds in your 40s, no problem if you got game.
    The problem will be that 20 year olds will tend to lack depth and aren't good relationship material for you.
    It would be wise for you to look for a serious girlfriend in her 30s so you have more in common. Or maybe you are as clueless as a 20 year old girl? 

  16. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    By approaching, and interacting and flirting with 1000s of women. Eventually, you'll get desensitized to rejection, and you'll stop giving a fuck. Which will then actually get you rejected less.

  17. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    5,000-10,000 approaches and a lot of inner work.
    Personally all my awakening work and psychedelic work has skyrocketted my inner game to crazy levels. I can walk around like a god sometimes. 100+ awakenings have given me crazy confidence, self-love, and groundedness. But also lots of approaching is needed.

  18. Can't make my current GF cum, feeling bad about it
    Can't make my current GF cum, feeling bad about it
    Sounds like this is a her-problem. She's probably sexually repressed.
    With that said, if this doesn't make her cum, nothing will:
    That will make a normal girl cum in 10 seconds.

  19. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    So rarely that it's not even worth thinking about.
    You should be approaching more girls in one night than will approach you in your whole life.

  20. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    @Medhansh You should maximize your looks but never at the expense of going out.
    Do whatever you can to max your looks, but ALWAYS go out and approach no matter how you look. You should be able to approach in a dirty bathrobe and hook girls.

  21. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    It doesn't really matter because you are stuck with whatever looks you got. So you have to figure out how to get laid looking as you do.
    I have attracted much hotter girls than anyone would think I have a right to attract. Model-quality girls.
    Basically you need to reach a level of such solid inner game that you simply assume any girl you like would sleep with you. And you never doubt your attractiveness no matter how many times you are rejected or whatever any girl tells you. In your own mind your attractiveness is simply never in question.

  22. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    50%+ under 1 min.
    Lots of instant blowouts. I did a lot of physical game and very direct game.
    Sure, many benefits. Just not with getting laid.

  23. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    If it seems like a lot of work, then it's not for you.
    It's way more work than you can imagine.
    But again, it was never about the sex.

  24. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Most nights I would be out with a wing. But it's not like the wing is approaching with me. A lot of time the wing will be somewhere in the area but I will do my approach solo.
    Maybe 80-90% with a wing.
    WAY, way less.
    You have to take into account that many of those approaches were done when I was totally clueless and inexperienced. I started from ground zero.

  25. Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    Is it possible to get a 7/10 woman
    I don't rate girls on a numerical scale.
    I talk to a very wide range of girls. I'm also willing to sleep with a relatively wide range of girls. Although my natural standards are some of the highest of all my wings. I've only met one wing who has what I could consider higher standards than mine. But I deliberately lower my standards.
    Attracting what you guys refer to as 8s and 9s is certainly possible.
    I have attracted girls who would be considered the hottest girl in the club (a Vegas club). Of course this is rare. You'd have to do a lot of approaches for that and you'd need to develop some solid game.
    The gist of it is, it's possible to attract stunners once you get good. You basically won't believe how hot some of the girls you attract will be if you go out long enough. You will be puzzled why she is attracted to you. You will also lose a lot of stunners due to your core insecurity and lack of entitlement.
    If you don't feel entitled to her, you won't be able to keep her. Therefore you should brainwash yourself to feel like you are a 10/10 and entitled to any girl in the world. I know a guy who has 11/10 tattooed on his wrist. That's the attitude it takes to get the hottest girls. You need the confidence of a psychopath or a god.