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Everything posted by Jannes

  1. There is a search of what higher forms of intelligence and creativity are because we need them to compete with AI. Psychedelics give us access to very high forms of intelligence and creativity. Will psychedelics therefore become more popular?
  2. @thenondualtankie That would be great!! - but it might take a few decades until this happens idk. I want a decent living until this happens.
  3. @Yimpa Can you ask it?: "Okay that's interesting but it's not what I meant with my question. I meant that people might take psychedelics as a training to become more creative and intelligent in order to outsmart AI. What do you think of that?"
  4. Beauty, intelligence, love, creativity, goodness might all be facets of reality and we might simply be a subset of that. So it might not be that we have these traits in a grey and stupid reality which we paint in this way but that reality is that fundamentally and it manifests these facets uniquely through us by giving us parts of the whole.
  5. My place for philosophical thoughts and spiritual insights.
  6. The deepest beauty in the most ugly: The more ugly something is the less you can see relative beauty in it because relative beauty is beauty relative to other ugly things. So when you find the most ugly thing in the world and try to find beauty in it and there is nothing more ugly to compare it to you can only find metaphysical beauty in it because metaphysical beauty is above comparison. So paradoxically the the most ugly things reveal the biggest picture of beauty. I snapped an even better picture which brought me to this thought but I cant find it anymore.
  7. This is "creepy caretaker of the university" in Life is Strange Before the Storm. As I look for my own place in the world I sometimes wonder if the lower class jobs are especially suitable for spiritual people. You have a lot of freedom to think about whatever you want if your job is mainly physical and you are doing it alone and there isnt as much intellectual pressure making you conform to group think. You also see much ugly truths of society unfiltered. On the other hand you can built a special kind of ego from that. I think it's more of a trap but with some truth to it.
  8. We sometimes act in opposite ways to our to our natural self to cover up weaknesses. Obviously but if he knew or could do that then he wouldn't come up with this. It's just an attempt to understand his perspective. I didn't make that clear.
  9. It might be his last desperate fighting spirit before giving up and becoming a simp. edit: An attempt to understand his perspective.
  10. I adopted a similar way of thinking in my teens although not to the same extend. I was so insecure about women especially the hot ones that I needed of way of thinking about them which would allow me to interact with them without loosing my face. So the hotter a women was the more "confident", indifferent, distanced and cold I around them. I probably needed that picture of a hot women to justify my behavior. And I also figured that women like it more than my insecure natural self which would make them cringe. For better or for worse it was a survival strategy.
  11. @eos_nyxia Yes but this can also be very dangerous. I think we built a huge belief system around life itself being intrinsically worthy as a safety mechanism and by questioning this assumption at all we might created a leak that will break out and affect everybody. I assume most people have a lot of struggles in life so almost everybody has a side of them that wishes to end that struggle. Thats really dangerous. I could see how a good chunk of society does suicide and the other develops really really fast to create a life worth living. But it's hard when you see all the negativity of people doing suicide around you. Maybe we are more protected against this then I imagine because at the end of the day you could always do suicide its just that know it is more acceptable. Maybe AI suggested that idea to us. That would be a very clean AI like strategy to defeat humans.
  12. Holy moly!! Society seems to develop! I couldn't imagine a debate deeper than this because almost everything we do comes from a point of survival. If that deepest motivation drops then maybe everything else drops like a house of cards as well by removing all double standards to the root of the question of if you want to live or not. edit: Like how can you justify being a devil in the world if you dont even need to live? You do all of it for survival at the end of the day. Of course a biological fear of death and therefore devilry will remain but it would challenge devilry. This video is obviously made anti euthanasia. I think there are many cases where euthanasia makes sense. This thinking "oh everyone's live is just intrinsically worth so much" is just stupid. There are many lifes not worth living. But it's just dangerous to allow this to more people because everyone struggles at one point in their life at least and this thinking might reduce the motivation of people to overcome obstacles. Also great change often comes at low points in life. But also I remember this: Alan Watts said when people come to him and say they are depressed and want to kill themselves he said that that is totally their freedom to do so. And by giving people the option to do suicide they might feel more free and therefore dont feel the need to do suicide that much. Thats what I am hoping that this will ultimately lead to. That this counterintuitively is pro life. That people consciously choose life and make something out of it because they chose to and not feel dragged to survive but actually not live. This is an insanely deep topic!!
  13. How did you put yourself in a situation that is none of your business - I thought she initiated the flirt? Yeah she might not f#ck you afterwards because you snitched on her. That would be terrible!! Would be less wrong then sleeping with your friends gf but it would still be wrong because it would support very hurtful behavior.
  14. The chad move would be to talk to your friend how his gf/ wf is willing to cheat.
  15. @Shodburrito Its just sarcasm right?
  16. Is butters the average kids face of a truly developed high consciousness human society, stage yellow and above?
  17. Philosopher in the desert: I randomly stumbled across this picture which had the title „philosopher in the desert". I think it perfectly captures the nature of a philosopher in a humoristic style as someone who gets lost in wondering while simultaneously keeping his survival instincts at zero as you could easily slap 'dat ass. Which is why philosopher are so rare, you get easily caught up in survival and the ones who dont easily get exploited so they are hard-forced by the current as well.
  18. "Moral truths" are made up Borderlands 2 is a world all of its own. People don't have traditional morals there, everyone is a "psychopath". Thats the paradigm there: the best people are the ones who are the most brutal and manipulative. Although the Borderlands 2 paradigm isnt suited for our society of course, its just a fantasy world, it's interesting that it is very easy how fast our (or at least my) mind(s) adapts to the new paradigm as it shows that moral truths aren't objective and rather something we adopt trough our environment.
  19. Ken Wilber: "No One is intelligent enough to always be wrong." AI Arts artlessness without human steering. "Hold my beer!"
  20. I just watched this video with Healthy Gamer GG and what he had to say about meditation blew my mind. I thought I roughly new what it was about but his expertise and the clear way he articulated his wisdom showed me that there is probably still a lot to learn from meditation and so a lot more to get out of. I am missing comforting meditations so much actually. So my question, do you know where to find these professional meditation teacher which can show you one of the 112 meditation techniques which is tailored for you? 51:47 to 1:01:10
  21. I hate that guy. 😂 Not sure how that's possible but I do. I am already a very calm person, so maybe that's that that it is antithetical to how love works with opposite attract each other and stuff.
  22. So this is a big obstacle for me right now. I job as a substitute teacher and probably my biggest weakness is that I am too nice. I am gullible when students mention a concern, I have problems putting students in their place, I have problems punishing wrong behavior (today I wanted to subtract a note from a student who cheated instead of giving him a bad note). At an existential level somehow I connected niceness with survival I am pretty sure. And I feel like I am in the process of unwrapping it but it feels scary as hell. I am just scared that in this process I am going to flood away the loving part as well. Like when you do a colonic irrigation you dont just flood away the bad bacteria but also the good. In general if some of you went through the same I would be very thankful for responses.
  23. @Michael569 thanks that was a lot of good stuff. Unfortunately I only have each class 1 hour a week, there is no way a deeper connection can be formed. And as it is it's too loud to teach. I have tons of good ideas but I cant really teach them. It's really bad. I feel like a looser. I started with no experience so it's not all my fault. I never acted authoritarian in my whole life probably. But much has to do with my insecurities as well. As it is I probably need to ask for support. The second option that you mentioned sounds dreamy. Something too look up to.