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Posts posted by TheLoneSage

  1. @john1 hey bro I’m 20 as of now, but I started the path to awakening at 18. Your age is perfect. This is my 2 cents hold off on the enlightenment until you’re 18+(19-21is perfect to start enlightenment work) . BUT still meditate, just self actualize as much as you can. Then when you graduate you’ll have all that foundation from self actualization to support your house of self realization aka enlightenment. Leo is amazing for the personal development, good habits, life purpose, I think a really good goal you should set is financial independence and life purpose. The faster you have complete understanding of what you actually want the better your map will be. 

  2. On 7/18/2021 at 4:49 AM, Nahm said:



    A session together would be most ideal. I can’t put into words here what happens ‘there’. Shaktipat is actually a very ‘real thing’, and combined with some pretty simple, basic, easy direct experience explorations it’s game / life changing in under two hours. 

    How are the basics… sleep, diet, exercise, daily meditation?

    How are the excursions… a few days alone in nature, retreats, psyche trips, etc?

    What about more ‘direct’ connection activities like reiki or yoga classes, getting a massage, etc? Simple fun things like that can be big feeling game changers very ‘outta nowhere’ like. Also, as examples that might bring ideas to mind... in the state I live there is a psychic that is so powerful she’d flip anyone’s life inside out, I”m talkin a room full of ‘deceased’ relatives... and wholistic dr that can read a bodymind and tell someone ever nuance out of alignment, right down to specific organs, just by looking at their tongue. Sounds like nonsense but it’s not. These people are ‘out there’ and they change slices in minutes. (As a specific example) A friend of mine saw that psychic and let go of a thousand pound weight he didn’t even know he was carrying related his deceased brother, a death which occurred decades ago. 

    What avenues or vehicles if any so far do you employ / enjoy in regard to expression? Personal examples; playing with my kids, singing-songwriting, poetry, cornball Youtube videos, writing books, spending time in nature / alone. 

    Just added a Ten Ox-Herding Pictures interpretation yesterday. Like most of the website, it’s feeling & purification oriented. If you have a chance to read it, let me know if it helps connect any of the dots and or brings up any specific questions. 

    The meditations are also all feeling & presence oriented. There’s quite a few at this point to read through, but they’re all very short, and usually one or two just ‘click’, we might say in regard to one’s history / experiences with love. Could be forgiveness for one, acceptance for another, lovingkindness for another, meditative eating or walking for another, etc. 

    And most significantly in regard to feeling, though this might not have clicked quite yet, do you have a dreamboard? When you mentioned being ‘walled off’ in some aspects… connection / connectivity comes to mind. I can think of no better ‘emptying of both barrels’ on the connectivity front than a dreamboard, aligning thought with feeling and seeing what’s on your board actually come into your life, and also taking Leo’s LP course to draw out passion(s) & create purpose. 

    The books A Course In Miracles, Ask & It Is Given, and The Alchemist come to mind. 

    Also, have you watched my first video? Does it bring anything to mind? Bring up any ‘blockages’, or resistance feeling triggers, like rebuttals, past events, etc? That might help ‘crack some eggs’ / uncover introspection avenues & opportunities so to speak. 

    Also this video on self referential thoughts… imo it gets straight to the thinnest, most subtle of veils which stands to release / tap into feeling a lot. It’s hard for me to say or know, but I suspect watching this once or twice each day would lead to a significant ‘a ha’, maybe a series of them. Made it as short & as clear as possible with that in mind. 

    Another consideration... spiral dynamics. Recognizing the ‘next’ stage can be triggering in the best possible way, related very much to feeling more than I think people typically notice. As a personal example (and a note on how all these things come together) I once took a mushroom trip / solo retreat in which ‘green’ just exploded in me. Immediately signed up for and did a 300 mile bike ride in three days, raising a few thousand dollars for a girl to go to Disneyland through The Make A Wish Foundation. There is a corridor at the very end of the trek with candles & the pictures of hundreds of kids who have passed on, who had their dream fulfilled through the foundation. I’ve taken 40 of 5meo, and 8 g’s of shrooms - and I’ve never “experienced an awakening” anything even remotely close to that corridor. Fuckin cryin right now just from the memory / notion lol! 

    That’s a lot / a comprehensive probe, hopefully not overwhelming. Hopefully sparks an insight or two as to considerations for changes going forward.


    40 milligrams? Phil you’re a monster ? not sure if you sound like Abraham and Esther Hicks or if Abraham and Esther Hicks sound like you. 


  3. On 7/18/2021 at 4:49 AM, Nahm said:



    A session together would be most ideal. I can’t put into words here what happens ‘there’. Shaktipat is actually a very ‘real thing’, and combined with some pretty simple, basic, easy direct experience explorations it’s game / life changing in under two hours. 

    How are the basics… sleep, diet, exercise, daily meditation?

    How are the excursions… a few days alone in nature, retreats, psyche trips, etc?

    What about more ‘direct’ connection activities like reiki or yoga classes, getting a massage, etc? Simple fun things like that can be big feeling game changers very ‘outta nowhere’ like. Also, as examples that might bring ideas to mind... in the state I live there is a psychic that is so powerful she’d flip anyone’s life inside out, I”m talkin a room full of ‘deceased’ relatives... and wholistic dr that can read a bodymind and tell someone ever nuance out of alignment, right down to specific organs, just by looking at their tongue. Sounds like nonsense but it’s not. These people are ‘out there’ and they change slices in minutes. (As a specific example) A friend of mine saw that psychic and let go of a thousand pound weight he didn’t even know he was carrying related his deceased brother, a death which occurred decades ago. 

    What avenues or vehicles if any so far do you employ / enjoy in regard to expression? Personal examples; playing with my kids, singing-songwriting, poetry, cornball Youtube videos, writing books, spending time in nature / alone. 

    Just added a Ten Ox-Herding Pictures interpretation yesterday. Like most of the website, it’s feeling & purification oriented. If you have a chance to read it, let me know if it helps connect any of the dots and or brings up any specific questions. 

    The meditations are also all feeling & presence oriented. There’s quite a few at this point to read through, but they’re all very short, and usually one or two just ‘click’, we might say in regard to one’s history / experiences with love. Could be forgiveness for one, acceptance for another, lovingkindness for another, meditative eating or walking for another, etc. 

    And most significantly in regard to feeling, though this might not have clicked quite yet, do you have a dreamboard? When you mentioned being ‘walled off’ in some aspects… connection / connectivity comes to mind. I can think of no better ‘emptying of both barrels’ on the connectivity front than a dreamboard, aligning thought with feeling and seeing what’s on your board actually come into your life, and also taking Leo’s LP course to draw out passion(s) & create purpose. 

    The books A Course In Miracles, Ask & It Is Given, and The Alchemist come to mind. 

    Also, have you watched my first video? Does it bring anything to mind? Bring up any ‘blockages’, or resistance feeling triggers, like rebuttals, past events, etc? That might help ‘crack some eggs’ / uncover introspection avenues & opportunities so to speak. 

    Also this video on self referential thoughts… imo it gets straight to the thinnest, most subtle of veils which stands to release / tap into feeling a lot. It’s hard for me to say or know, but I suspect watching this once or twice each day would lead to a significant ‘a ha’, maybe a series of them. Made it as short & as clear as possible with that in mind. 

    Another consideration... spiral dynamics. Recognizing the ‘next’ stage can be triggering in the best possible way, related very much to feeling more than I think people typically notice. As a personal example (and a note on how all these things come together) I once took a mushroom trip / solo retreat in which ‘green’ just exploded in me. Immediately signed up for and did a 300 mile bike ride in three days, raising a few thousand dollars for a girl to go to Disneyland through The Make A Wish Foundation. There is a corridor at the very end of the trek with candles & the pictures of hundreds of kids who have passed on, who had their dream fulfilled through the foundation. I’ve taken 40 of 5meo, and 8 g’s of shrooms - and I’ve never “experienced an awakening” anything even remotely close to that corridor. Fuckin cryin right now just from the memory / notion lol! 

    That’s a lot / a comprehensive probe, hopefully not overwhelming. Hopefully sparks an insight or two as to considerations for changes going forward.


    Actually read your post on the ox herding pictures awesome ?  I personally have gotten a few massages holy shit. I really think physical touch can be HUGE in healing trauma. Also finding the right practice. Like mindfulness produced more stress and anxiety monkey mind went crazy. But then switched to do nothing and eureka 

  4. @dflores321  @Karmadhi fr you can still pull and fuck 10 times the amount of girls then the average man. Still being respectful as fuck. Also why do all these redpill dating guys keep ending up with all these crazy bitches doing crazy shit. Talking about “female nature” and how women are Hypergamy. Also idk if it’s just me but the more I develop myself. Girls who just aren’t developed or smart become more of a turn off. I see it as, it’s not that guys are “nice”, it’s they don’t have proper self esteem or boundaries or self whatever. Girls love guys that treat themselves well, that seems to be the formula. Asshole check, gentleman check, nice guy ?. Also 99% of people aren’t awake so obviously they are going to be seeking love externally. Even if they’re not aware of it. My 2 cents to getting better with women. 1 testosterone 2 be conscious AF brah 3 fuck the godhead and stop being a little bitch