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About habed345

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  1. No. I'm not really sure what consciouness is. I think it means awareness or being or experiencing with the senses. I don't know. So consciousness is infinite, across the entire world? But my life is finite? On a side note though, I have noticed that recently i've tried to stop following the thoughts in my head, and i've noticed that if I listen to the outside world more than my thoughts, everything makes sense. It's like pandora's box opened up
  2. Woah what are we doing here. I think it's normal to accept the fact that we all will die. I don't see how understanding the semantics of it is any use to me.
  3. Pretty sure it's a fact and it's also a belief.
  4. Im sorry, but my question wasn't addressed. Humans die. We are put in graves. Our bodies stop operating. It is confirmed you don't exist. So, if our llife expectancy is about 80 years, how are we infinite?
  5. No, but I wouldn't want them to have the possibility to be tortured to death, like life can give you
  6. Because others have died
  7. How do we know that the universe is not going to die? Also, if humans die, then how is our consciouness infinite?
  8. If we're all infinite god, infinite consciousness, infinite happiness, etc, then why is it possible to fuck up in this life and end up suffering? Besides the concept of even though people suffering actually is infinite god, subjectively, for those people, they actually are suffering. So, if the concepts are true and all, how can one actually have a worse life than others?
  9. For someone with such an open mind, how does he really believe there's a god if there's no actual god?
  10. Sometimes I'm just out and about walking around and I am just mindless and blank. And I look at the world dissaciating. I forget who I am or any concepts or logic about the world. How do I deliberately do this?
  11. I don't know, but Leo's videos and 99% of all self help videos usually say to: "Go out of your comfort zone." "Stop doing (xyz)" "Start doing (xyz)) So, I guess, what I interpret it is that I do many things that hold me back and If I change them then I will improve. But, some things feel right, therefore.... why should I change them? Usually because of negative consequences. But then again, the least stressful path is to just say fuck it and not care about rules at all. That's usually what I resort to.
  12. Like what? You already have everything.