Asia P

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About Asia P

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  • Birthday 03/03/2006

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  1. @Paradoxed also phisical and mental reaction are unpredictable
  2. @Paradoxed if you do this things you just need to be aware that everything can happen to your mind and body, bc it is a drug, not a candy. Also spiritual work can be dangerous. If you're really into this things you have to be aware that you may finish in a hospital, or maybe die, or idk what else may happen...
  3. @Davino ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  4. @OBEler thank you for the advice
  5. Honestly, if you come to do this work and this drugs, why death should be the problem? We re actually looking for death all the time This is a bit exaggerated
  6. I took shrooms last week, and i have the opportunity to take malt in a few days, should i wait a longer time between the trips? Or my body will be clean enough to take my first malt? What do you suggest? Thanks
  7. @Jannes i think that at 14 you can see the difference between an abuse and consensual sex
  8. @Rigel i agree, but if you support a government, you have to accept that they have to make laws on everything, bc governments doesnt believe in commonsense. Instead support anarchy
  9. In my country is 13 if one of the two isnt older than 17, and 14 in general, 18 if ur having sex with a familiar, tutor, authority. I think this is reasonable
  10. Ooohhh this shaman is making me fly
  11. @KenDo standard things like clean a lot the diet, and do sports helps me a lot. I also put balsamic oil under my nose on the top of the lips, it helps a bit...
  12. @gambler theres a big difference between masturbation and masturbation with porn...i can imagine how few people can enjoy masturbation without changes the brain so much
  13. I think that perversion grows because we are in this unnatural situation, ppl are bored of normal sex at least for two reasons: firstly for porn itself, that it is addictive and shows you always more and more; secondly, most important, because we are like monkeys in a zoo, we don't need anymore to go hunting our food, and finding our shelter, we're so disconnected from nature and this leads us to boredom. Wild mokeys doesnt masturbate....they have sex only for reproduction reasons, bc they dont have much energy for doing sex everyday, and all the time.
  14. @shree you have it bc you arent sexually satisfied, i believe