Rishabh R

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Posts posted by Rishabh R

  1. Hi @Leo Gura and others (a 21 year old collage student here )Why do I always feel like I am inferior to others? Whenever I see relationships I get extremely jealous and angry ?. Also as per my personal life I have proposed 3 girls in my life, hitted on girls , cold approached 27 girls(ya I know I need more).I don't know why I feel like a victim?I also think that girls are too egoistic so no one will be my girlfriend.

  2. In my 1st year of collage I proposed a girl by saying -I love you on a chat(Initially she blocked me on WhatsApp as I didn't know that she was in the hospital recovering from covid -19).After proposing her on chat she said -I will slap will slap you on the face.And the next day her friend from a different engineering branch of the same collage threatened me and said that study and don't do all these things.This event occurred almost an year ago- I don't know that why I am not able to forget it even though I go out a lot and got a few girls attracted to me. 

    How is my understanding not sufficient enough about the situation?

    How am I not understanding the guy who threatened me ?

    Also guys and @LeoGura  can you all recommend good epistemology books for me ?By the way I have recently downloaded the book an Introduction to contemporary epistemology

  3. @Leo Gura and guys how are you all? After contemplating conflicts (which I have to do even more in future) I came to following conclusions.

    Conflict arises when

    -One party or person unknowingly threatens the survival of other person or party/group

    -One doesn't take into account that that person didn't have the same survival demands as himself/herself 

    -Not admitting that I don't know

    -Not exploring someone else's perspective

    -Not understanding the other side

    and many more causes are there which I can discover. Any more that you all can add ?



  4. Hi everyone,I was contemplating what intelligence is and it came to me as an insight that intelligence is seeing that there is always a great opportunity present since infinities of opportunities are present and also Science is like breaking parts of infinity to understand a part. How do I embody the 1st insight in my career, personal life and what are your all thoughts on that 2nd insight( @Leo Gura and others)?

  5. @Leo Gura After contemplating what wisdom am I lacking I got the following answers:

    I am underestimating the importance of laughter

    I am expecting literally every person to be gentle with me ( which is a great foolishness)

    Only I am responsible for my own happiness as when I become happy it is only through me happiness flows

    Other's thinking are hugely different from me so their actions thereby many people will act below my expectations 

    Bad things have good things hidden inside them as when they happen they show the true nature of something like is it hollow or of good value 

    Also being a patient of OCD I already enrolled in a doctor's therapy in which I am on antidepressants and so forth. Any suggestions @Leo Gura and guys/girls  what can I supplement besides my therapy?