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Posts posted by no_name

  1. 9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    1) You are an exceptionally sensitive woman.

    2) I do not reduce everything down to physical appearance. My advice barely discusses that. Guys will select whoever they find attractive, they don't need me to tell them who they wanna date.

    3) Newsflash, men are attracted to hot women.


    It is equivalent to women being attracted to status, leadership, confidence, humor, height, charisma, verbal skills, and socialization.

    Which of course all women are, including yourself. You make guys feel hopeless. So please spare me the crocodile tears. Women are brutal and vicious in their selection of men.

    Women are more selective then men are! I find this extremely damaging and emotional abusive to men. Why do you abuse us so? Why do you not even reply to our texts? This is emotional abuse.

    First of all, this is not about me, my sensitivity, or what other people/women do. This is not about the reality of dating in general.

    This is about your attitude. How you speak about women. E.g, a comment like this that you’ve done to me personally. 

    Again, I think you’re hopeless. And I think you will gaslight/excuse yourself like a pro, so it’s a waste of my time to argue with you. I am only here to affirm other people who find your attitude disturbing.


  2. 17 minutes ago, Jacob Morres said:

    @no_name not invalidating your opinion or saying I'm disagreeing- but women say that stuff to men all the time and nobody bats an eye. You can even say that you hate men and that's pretty socially acceptable. Js 

    This is not about what other men and what other women say. This is about what a person who calls himself an enlightened teacher says in a public forum for everyone to see.

  3. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    I don't find what I say "extremely damaging" to women. This is a very harsh characterization of what I say if you look at it in context.

    I also say plenty of things to defend women from exploitative guys. You ignore that part. I teach ethical attraction, which is virtually unheard of in this space. You don't even understand how toxic most attraction advice is. You really need to study the manosphere and see what is being taught. You will come back thanking me. But you are too triggered and offended to investigate this.

    Attraction advice is harsh stuff. It's not for carebears. The funny thing is that even though you will trash me here, when it comes to you selecting a man in your life, you will ignore the carebear and pick the one who follows my advice, or worse. It's just that you don't want to know any of this. You want to maintain the fantasy you have of how attraction works.

    I'm just the messenger. My goal is to teach men real success with women. My attraction advice is not meant for female ears. Females are not supposed to know this stuff. In the same way that humans are not supposed to know about Awakening.

    I am a woman, and I find it extremely damaging. So here is 1 datapoint for you. If you read what other women write, they are saying the same thing. No female finds your comments on the dating forum “eye opening” or a huge “revelation”. What it does to women is make them feel “hopeless” and like there is no decent men out there who will treat them like a human and not as a pretty object meant for f*cking.

    The rhetoric about women is equivalent to saying how men’s value is in what he can financially provide to a woman, that men with small d*cks are pretty much doomed in terms of long lasting relationship, etc.. This could also be considered harsh truth, isn’t it?  

    Trust me, I would never date anyone who needs to get their dating advice from you. That does not mean I would date a people pleaser either. None of your dating advice is revelational - become a better man and take responsibility for your life and you’ll have better chances in dating.

    If the dating subpage is meant for men only, how do you ensure women are not on there? Do you give any warnings to women not to visit that page?

  4. 16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That is def true.

    Teaching online hordes takes its toll on you.

    So why are you doing it online? Wouldn’t it make more sense to teach to a smaller group where you know where the people are at? If you can’t do that, can’t you make your content more inclusive of everyone since anyone can view it? 

    Why are you gearing your advice on the dating section towards young/inexperienced males only? Has it not occurred to you that young women are also reading your comments and what you’re writing is extremely damaging to them? Have you not read what women are saying about this and how your attitude has been extremely damaging to them? 

    Frankly, I am not writing any of this to you. I think you’re hopeless.

    I am writing all this to people who have been gaslit and who are doubting their intuition and their own reality that something is horribly wrong with the way that you communicate.

    Lots of people have called Leo out, he has promised to change for years, none of that ever happened. This is just who he is, this is not an act or an “effective style”, and this is not because “teaching is difficult”. When someone is showing you who they are - believe them. How many more chances are you willing to give him before you see that this is who he truly is?  

    How many enlightened people have you met in life? Has it occurred to you that the only reason you consider this behaviour to be ok, is because you have nothing to compare it to? 

  5. 11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Well, I disagree with your characterization of me and the things I have said about women. You are cherrypicking quite a bit.

    What you find "emotionally abusive" is highly subjective and relative. Basically anything I say about women that you disagree with you can call "abusive" in your mind.

    I will not be explaining myself further on this matter. You may judge me as you wish. That is not my business.

    Another typical gaslighting tactic - “I am not the problem - you are”, “you misunderstood what I am saying”, “you remember things differently from what really happened (cherry-picking)”, “this is your own bias talking”

    I am pretty sure every woman on this forum (and many men) has called out your misogyny, so it’s not just me and my “subjective” opinion.


    9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You are accusing me of abusing women. That's a rather vile claim which would require some evidence.

    Compared to most men I am a saint in how I treat women.


    You keep using the same excuse “there are people out there who are worse then me, so what I am doing is ok” - this is not a legit excuse. We are not talking about other men here and what other people do is irrelevant here.

    You are being abusive (emotionally) towards women when you reduce their existence to mere looks, when you say that women don’t know what they want, when you say that women need to be grateful just for the fact that men are willing to spend time with them, etc. Misogyny is abusive to women. 

    Lots of women (and men) have pointed it out to you in the past, so don’t pretend this is all new revelation for you and there is no mountain of evidence for that.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Well, as I hear such feedback I start to genuinely ask myself, "Why do I have the style that I have? Why do I act arrogant? Is it pure ego or is there some deeper intelligence behind it?"

    I've actually contemplated that a lot in the last year. And I discovered there's more behind it than ego. There is also ego, but more than ego.

    So the trick for me is to drop the ego but keep the intelligence.

    What I have realized profoundly about myself is that everything arrogant I do is intented to cut through all human bullshit, to allow me to awaken to the levels I have. It's quite paradoxical. Because if I wasn't so arrogant I would never have seen through enough spiritual BS to awaken as I have. But now I have to work on undoing the tool I used to get here.

    The problem with humility is that it really has to be earned, not adopted as a dogma the way spiritual folk do. Humility is an extremely advanced self-deception mechanism. Of course arrogance is also not right in the end.

    Why are you so misogynistic towards women? What kind of enlightenment do you think women will get to with, for example, being constantly reduced to their looks? What women’s bullshit are you cutting through with that?  

  8. This is like being in an abusive relationship. Abusive partners are not just abusive, they often have a lot of other great things to offer. So the victim of abuse stays, not because they like the abuse, but because of all these other great things the abuser has - the abusers charm, charisma, knowledge, money, intelligence, status, etc. The recommendation is to always leave the abusive relationship as abuse should not be tolerated, no matter what other great things there are, staying in an abusive relationship will do lots of harm long term and destroy your self esteem. 

    Even in my limited enlightenment moments I become more loving and kinder to others. As I become more loving to myself, I am more understand of the struggle of others. 

    Also, guess who’s gonna be attracted to this style of communication? Who is used to be talked to in such a belittling and condescending way? People who were abused in childhood, people who see no wrong in being talked like that, people who lack self love. And what do these people do when they get abused? They get hooked - this is familiar territory for them, where they feel so seen and comfortable. Even people who start seeing issues and start seeing it as an abuse - they are going to keep gaslighting themselves, keep playing in the victim-persecutor-rescuer triangle, keep trying to prove some point, change some things, write long posts about why this wrong - but still remain in the game, despite having their intuition scream that something is horribly wrong. 

    And what do these people need to recover? A complete opposite of abuse, learn to identify abuse, stop gaslighting themselves about when they are being abused, and only associate with people who treat them with kindness and be the most loving person in the world to themselves.

    I also absolutely don’t buy this is all an act and a “style”. If it was, it wouldn’t take him so many years and so much effort to correct his behaviour. People have been calling him out since I first started visiting this forum, way back in 2019. Lots of women and men have called out multiple times his misogynistic behaviour, rudeness, snappiness, put downs etc. Lots of truly enlightened people left this forum because of him.

    Some enlightened and wise people still stay here. Many get their clients through this forum, which is understandable, so they choose to look the other way. Unfortunately this gives more credibility to this guy.

    In terms of his content, most of it is not new or groundbreaking. If you follow his booklist, most of his videos are based off of that. His exceptional quality is his communication and speaking skills, ability to come up with various examples, explain things in clear and precise ways. 

    There is a very important concept of flying monkeys in narcissism. I remember reading under one of his YouTube videos some kid writing that Leo is more enlightened than any Zen master who ever lived - that comment had like hundreds/thousands of likes. Where is this kid getting this information from? Have they met all the zen masters who ever lived? Have they met a single zen master? These kids, having no experience in life, get easily brainwashed, cannot yet critically think for themselves, and easily believe it when someone as charismatic and someone who appears so knowledgeable as Leo says they are the most enlightened person to ever exist. These kids then become faithful defendants of Leo’s work (flying monkeys) always on guard for anyone who points out his obvious and massive red flags, always ready to gaslight others (and themselves including) about how great Leo is. Why do they think Leo is the most enlightened person on earth? Because he told them so.

    If Leo was a convinced murderer, would you find his content just as valuable? Would you listen/take any advice from such hypocrite? Question: Why is it different when someone is emotionally abusive then? Answer: Because emotional abuse is much more difficult to identify and it’s much more easier to be excused/gaslighted that you’re just imagining things/you’re the problem.

    When people show you who they are - believe them.


  9. 20 minutes ago, Yog said:

    Even if one family member died in such a situation, I would rather do whatever will keep the rest alive and the house intact. So if I want help it would be for that end. 

    If help means, the local gun dealer comes to aid and the intruder is dead, but also my family and my house is wrecked then that is not help in my book.  It's like a teenager beating up a small kid with a stick and you give the child a knife and you call it help. You will probably not, but that is the language the local arms dealer might use. It's devilry at its finest.

    So would you rather your family members be raped every day then in front of you? Intruder taking turns raping you and then your grandma and then your little kid for the rest of your life? Or would you rather die fighting trying to defend your family? 

  10. @Vlad_  @mrPixel Thank you for the response.

    Ugh I don’t have a grinder. Does it need to be grinded in a coffee grinder? 

    I have a smoothie blender and a small onion chopper so maybe I could somehow make it work with these tools?


    I’ve heard some people add in ginger in the mix. So can I just blend it with ginger and lemon right away in my smoothie blender?

    I am assuming a glass size of water is enough too.

  11. So I am planning my first trip tomorrow.

    I don’t have much time to prepare so I just wanted to ask a few brief questions. 

    1. Do I just steep it like a tea bag? For how long? Is 1 mushroom enough?

    2. How long is the trip going to last? 

    3. When is the best time to do it? Morning, noon, evening? I am a night owl so I prefer to do it around 8-9 in the evening and go to sleep around 2 am. Would that be ok?

    4. Should I be fasting beforehand? How many hours? 

    Also, weird question - assume I have a presentation coming in soon, and I have a fear of public speaking, is there any way I could use this trip to release this fear? Do I need to think about it before hand? Is there a way to direct the trip in the direction I want it to be directed?