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Posts posted by meta_male

  1. @Tyler Robinson  I agree, the right would react the same and you'd probably see an example of their backlash on the forum too if he brought out a video on their BS. I just don't see the point in watching Leo's video and then using his forum to say a second part isn't necessary. Where are all those altruistic leftists caring about whether it could be useful for anyone but themselves?

    Just shows a second part is necessary af.

  2. 22 hours ago, Egodeathrow said:

    @Tyler Robinson Of course also being deaf to social cues and body language cause shes clearly just begging him to appreciate her presence unconditionally regardless of what she does in the world

    The girl basically just wants to show up, look her best and let you lead her to the bedroom after you've built enough attraction. That's just how the dance goes.

  3. How to not get friendzoned --> Don't do things a friend would do.

    Some years ago I had just started dating a girl with quite a lot of male orbiters. Physically, those guys were way more masculine than I was, but what was interesting to see was that whenever this girl needed something, she could literally ask any of those guys and they bent over backwards to help out and even gave her presents. I didn't care too much about being her doormat and only met up with her if the opportunity for a romantic date opened up. Guess who got laid after being offered some wine from the bottle one of her male friends gave to her ;)