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Everything posted by Cireeric

  1. Anthony Bourdains Parts Unknown is amazing. One of the best TV-shows ever. The show is about travel and food but has deep dives into the cultures too + Anthonys comments are hilarious, deep and intelligent. This is not just good entertainment I learned a lot about different countries and cultures by watching.
  2. No, "everythingness" is not in duality with nothingness. "Existence and nonexistence are incompatible. The difficult and the easy are mutually opposed. The long and the short, the high and the low, the lod and soft, the before and the after- are all opposites. Each reveals the other." from the Tao Te Ching But in a sense everything is nothingness, but not in a dual relationship like long and short.
  3. Seek out some therapy. You CAN get better. It is sometimes difficult to imagine in a depressed/trauma state, but life can totally turn around for you and healing is possible. You will look back at this time and be grateful that youve stood strong, because there is a lot of possible enjoyment of life ahead.
  4. Wow, deep insights! This trip-report almost seems like the polar-opposite to some of Leos trip reports. I wonder if this is due to the nature of ayahuasca or the more feminine relationship to the divine (intuitively it feels like that). Feels refreshing to hear from deep states of consciousness that dont go into solipsistic: "only my POV is true", but into humility and appreciating the POV of other finite parts of god.
  5. Mindfulness in Plain is a very good and practical primer on basic mindfluness meditation, but you can already go quite deep with it. MTCTB from Daniel Ingram is the most comprehensive, in-depth about meditation I know of and he also maps out the deeper meditation territory. I also really like A Path with Heart from Jack Kornfield for its grounded, commonsensical, loving approach.
  6. I generally agree with you on that. This mindset is also very helpful for most trips and nowadays with more reasonable safe dosing I get into trips much more calm and confident with relatively the same attitude. The problem was that at some point in the trip my whole worldview + any capacity for sober thought was gone. I was well read in spiritual literature, safe tripping guides and also practiced meditation but at some point all that stuff flew out of the window and I was in pure crazyland realizing I couldnt possibly prepare for that.
  7. Sometimes you see only in retrospect how significantly some of Leos concepts shaped you and how accurate and important they were for shaping the direction of your life. The False Skepticism or how I also often call it Premature Skepticism thing is huge! All the time, but especially talking with people at university I see how so many valuable ideas that can benefit your life in tremendous ways get critisized and dismissed in a second. You bring up MTBI: thats not accurate, there is inconsistency in the model, not scientific. Jordan Peterson: you cant watch him: sexist, right-wing ideologue. Any Self-Help content: all bullshit, only capitalism and marketing. Spiritual content: All BS; bringing up examples of predatory gurus. It is almost like an search algorithm looking for any problem with it as an excuse to dismiss it entirely that starts to come online as soon as it not fits the consensus narrative. So much value lost. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater on important topics like spirituality. Because there are plenty examples of scams, predatory gurus or cults spirituality gets dismissed entirely and must all be bullshit. Thats such an big trap for many people. That thing can fof uck up whole lifes honestly.
  8. Yes on my most intense LSD trip which I consider was very dangerous in retrospect there came a point in the trip where I was/felt like Im in some different dimension purely of mind. At one point things got so weird that I was thinking that this cant happen in a human body on a trip I probably left my body already and Im probably dead only traveling through this mind space endlessly; pure horror in this moment. I came back into my body after some time but everything felt fake, I had profound derealisation symptons, no emotions attached to this reality and being skeptical that any of this is real; bein with my friends and doubting they are even real. I was so happy that a sense of reality and belonging slowly came back in the next hours. Im much more careful with LSD now. That trip also opened me to the possibility that this probably could happen - that the real mind of you just leaves off into another dimension and traveling there not coming back - but it seems like this still isnt a thing that really happens for people but more a paranoia and people get back after getting sober again.
  9. Yes! This sense of learning from partially wrong perspectives is entirely lost in this phenomenon. I often had the situation that I mention something and then the first thing people do is open wikipedia and if there is any mentioning, that this is in any way controversial it is enough evidence to dismiss it entirely.
  10. Nice, that it reasonated with you. Yes this makes it even more tragic when you can sense that stuff like meditation, yoga, self-help or some spirituality could help them. There is constrained ego/identity which wants to defend itself against new information that could break open that contraint. When you think about in this way the journalism that shows the exploitation of the guru isnt really the thing that stops people doing some meditation but serves as an rationalization for the constrained ego to maintain its status quo, but it also helps to hold that limited identity without questioning it.
  11. I tested it and had some great social experiences with it. But I didnt found the right dosage yet. I also noticed that it is probably better for me to do it max 1 time a week. What is the right dosage for you? I tested 400 mg and the first dosage was quite intense, almost MDMA-like with a long peak. The next dosaes already felt weaker.
  12. Nice, I really like this approach to nootropics and supplements, that you can use it in a sense to expand your identity, experience new ways of being and integrate them into yourself over time. Especially if you have a high body awareness/good presence via meditation techniques you can notice even more subtle substances like Ashwagandha or Tongkat very noticably and have novel experiences of Self. You just need to be careful not bullshitting yourself and rationalizing drug-abuse Gonna experiment with phenibut a bit.
  13. Do you think you can do it in a way so you get long term benefits in being socially attuned and more confident over time by having these experiences and experiencing your Self in that way of being, that can get ingrained or do you think it becomes short-term and you could even become dependent on it and even less confident without? Was thinking about experimenting with phenibut for a while now but had these concerns, probably gonna test it for myself but would be interesting to hear your perspective on that.
  14. I think most girls just hide it better publicly and once they get comfortable with you and you get to know each other in that context you see that they are all very sexual too.
  15. Honestly this isnt in any way a reasonable or responsible approach. You could do a lot of exploration and would go deeper over time by more trips on same dosing and if you want to increase you can go up in small steps.
  16. Great share! Didnt knew this one, seems very promising from my first impression. But I probably need to be in the right mood to really give it a listen. These two probably were my albums of the year and both were pretty new territory genre-wise for me. There is something very exciting, innovative and fresh in both of them for me.
  17. Wouldnt recommend trying this. What do you want to accomplish? Start low and slowly increase your dosing, you will get into challenging and disorienting territory quite fast.
  18. Amazing new podcast on exactly that topic. Samo Burja the host of the podcast is very well informed and as non-biased and non-partisan in his views as it gets in my opinion.
  19. This is definitely not the type of insight you get by deconstructing your belief systems and inquire into direct experience
  20. It doesnt seem like you attend to this situation from a healthy place. Also I think your unmet needs distort your sensemaking. Dont builds attachment to a women you only know through the internet, easy to fall into a trap there. I read this whole post from you like a warning signal and I think you wouldnt have posted this if you would have not intuited this already yourself.
  21. I had the idea of using ChatGPT to generate personalized motivation letters that fit your personality type and interests, I see huge potential in that. Just gave it one short input, but I will play more with it. I wonder how accurate it can get if you use models like the Big 5 or MBTI + a list of your personal interests. Just gave it this short input and I think the output is quite impressive: You: write a uplifting, inspiring and motivating shorttext that will fit a personality type high in opennes, interested in topics like consciousness work, intellectuality and system thinking ChatGPT: In the realm of consciousness and intellect, the journey is as vast as the cosmos itself. As a seeker of understanding, your open mind navigates the intricate pathways of thought, exploring the boundless mysteries that shape our reality. In the tapestry of existence, you're a weaver of connections, embracing the elegance of systemic thinking. Every thread of knowledge interlaces with another, forming a rich mosaic that illuminates the depth of our universe. Your pursuit of consciousness work is a testament to your inner quest for enlightenment. Through introspection and exploration, you uncover the hidden landscapes of the mind, diving fearlessly into the depths to unravel the enigmas that dwell within. In this grand odyssey, remember that every insight gained, every moment of understanding, is a triumph. Embrace the challenges as stepping stones, for they propel you further on this exhilarating voyage of intellectual discovery. Your openness to new ideas, your hunger for knowledge, and your affinity for systemic understanding paint you as an architect of innovation. As you traverse the realms of thought, let your passion be the guiding star, lighting the path for others to follow in pursuit of greater awareness. Remember, in the canvas of existence, you are both artist and explorer. Embrace this role with fervor, for your journey not only enriches your own understanding but also ignites the flames of curiosity in those who are fortunate to share in your discoveries. Keep venturing, keep questioning, keep evolving—for in the endless expanse of consciousness and intellect, there are worlds yet to be unveiled, and you are poised to discover their profound secrets. Would love to see others here play with it and share your results!
  22. This gets produced in my hometown, this is great! My favorite drink this summer
  23. I really enjoyed his takes in this one. He seems to be back on his edge, much better than a few months ago, both less involved in the culture-wars and less bitter it seems. Very clear and almost no bad political takes: