Chakra Lion

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Posts posted by Chakra Lion

  1. 18 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

    I will if you save me some time and tell me who you are voting for or who you wish to see win (if you aren't a US citizen) of the two candidates. There's no point in me talking to you if you've chosen one particular candidate. 

    I’m not a US citizen but I live in the USA. 
    Like religion, I try to see all sides and create my own version of what I think would be best. 
    Neither Candidate is close enough to my thinking that I would embrace or advertise to either. Americans are fucked by the Government in so many ways. Just alone that they cannot put their differences aside to pass a Stimulus shows that the people don’t come first. It’s all insiders lobbying for control and deals to advance their power motives. And those are the same reasons why Trump or Biden want to win. So they can sell out. They don’t care for the people, I’m sure you can see that.

    As for my comment about respecting someone more for switching parties then a lifelong democrat or republican. When I hear someone say that, it shows that a person is not thinking by themselves. Gay marriage wasn’t nationally legal until 2015, and until that day the sheep hated on it like the government wanted. Same with marijuana and psychedelics that if funded could heal and erase the pharmaceutical crisis we are currently experiencing. Same with over 50% of the annual budget going to national defense, all these things need to change, but until the government starts making moves, the lifelong followers will do whatever is said because they think that if the other side wins their way of life will be in danger. Neither Biden nor Trump will make the changes that we need. Also they are just puppets. Voting for Senate and House seats is more important as they are the ones to write the laws, but they don’t tell you that. They entertain the people with a show, but the directors already have a script planned out regardless of the winner. 

    Who would you like to win? 

  2. 14 hours ago, Godhead said:

    If you don't mind me asking, how do you balance research and writing? What percentage of "writing"(=meaning the process of writing a book) do you actually spend writing?

    I research every day, observing and witnessing life in and around me. But I had to let go of looking into certain things since they diluted and confused me, like chakra charts, and what other people thought they do and mean. It was good to build a foundation, but most only repeat what they see online, giving basic information without unraveling the deeper aspects and meanings. 

    Lately I’ve been writing in my head, building the story and contemplating the scenes and settings. This process has been as helpful as actual writing. Since I already have the story down I am able to fine tune and remove or add whatever I need to create something amazing. 

    I just don’t have the time right now to sit down and write because when I do, I go on binges and do nothing but write for a few months, morning to night. I do however write on here, write poetry, and catch inspiration meanwhile.

    I like the way Ishmael Is written, kinda like a fiction mixed with non fiction. The problem I found with trying to write and teach at the same time is that you have to present it as if one side is ultimately better than the other, and that is going to be extra hard when your writing about the ego. If you have characters you can put them each at different levels of awareness, showing the good and bad of each stage, like someone who might seem more developed might think they broke their ego but are actually suffering from Ego backlash. But I’m sure you’ll make it perfect. 

  3. When my Catholic/Religious friends ask me about my views, I tell them I’m as much a Satanist as I am a Christian. Which is true, but really I am a free soul with a free mind. 

    Its sad how easily things gets dismissed as the negative side solely because it’s feared and not clearly understood or respected. But when you awaken, you realize that there is only light because there is darkness. So it’s easy to love the story and teachings of Lucifer as much as the ideas from Jesus.

  4. @louhad What specifically are you talking about? 

    27 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

    Wait THAT youtube guy is now a Trump supporter? I thought he was a BernieBro? Good lord what a fucktard. 

    Are people not allowed to change their opinion? He is picking Trump over Biden because Bernie is not going to become president. I have more respect for people who change parties than the ones who are lifelong Democrats or Republicans. 

  5. Survival is driven by Fear. When you cant trust in your reality you have to enter Survival Mode. In the Physical Realm you have to react to actions with the goal of keeping your energy so you can continue to react and act. Humans and Lizards are very much the same when it comes to the basic functions of life. But if you are able to exit Survival and grow out of your Root Chakra, you can start investing your energy into new challenges in the emotional, mental, and spiritual worlds. 

    Drinking a Corona in Cancun by the Ocean isn’t surviving. That’s called Living, the benefit of mastering Survival. Haha ?

  6. Swim and Kratom have been seasonal friends for 5 years. At the right dose it is very energetic and can keep you at a mild opiate/coke high for several hours. If Swim takes too much and isn’t actively moving, it can become a rather heavy sedative which makes one want to lay down and close ones eyes. Therefore it’s important to weigh and limit doses per day. Taking a red/green strain in the morning or a green/red strain at in the evening will keep tolerance down. 
    Swim has not experienced any Addictive Symptoms from Kratom, except for the desire to ingest when trying to get work done on certain days. 

    Cannabis is a much harder challenge to break free from, but to each their own.

  7. On 5/27/2020 at 10:41 AM, Godhead said:

    1. Being able to follow one train of thought with clarity - I often tend to just try to put everything I know into a chapter and it ends up being really chaotic

    2. I want to be more poetic - I can't stand "autistic" books trying to link everything to science, even though science is important I'd like to package it well.

    Hallo Bruder, hoffe alles ist gut mit dier! 

    I am on a very similar path. For some years I’ve been working on a book series about the Chakras, trying to build a way to expose the characteristics and traits that each carries, and how reality is perceived and experienced depending on the level you are at. What is now a 7 part series started as 1 book which reminded me of your problem #1.

    I discovered that working on a really detailed Outline can make the whole process so much smoother. You could make a list of all the topics and experiences you want to share, then begin to organize and structure it so each chapter is planned out and can carry a certain theme and lesson that will be understood in a few paragraphs. It will also bring satisfaction to the reader, knowing that each chapter is its own story. That’s why I love all of Robert Greene’s work.

    And follow the 7 story structure to create conflict and resolutions to keep attention and excitement.

    The best improvement I’ve made is to surrender the desire to achieve. My writing has become more expressive and creative  since I’ve accepted that I will die without anyone ever reading or appreciating my work. It kills the pressure of trying to conform to the standard that I think the audience would be satisfied with. Now I write for myself, to entertain myself, but also to grow and improve life in every aspect. I believe that thoughts alone can shape and change reality. So just pondering about something will open new perspectives in the space that all spirits feed from. The Muse you expose will speak to another being. This way, no one is above any one, and the path that leads to all leads to one. This Forum is shaping the Future. 

    Writing helps to simplify those amazing experiences into sentences that you as the creator can speak out into the world and enlighten beings in all ways.

    What Point of View are you writing from? Fiction or Non-Fiction? 
    Do you have characters? 


    “Write drunk, edit sober” 

    - Ernest Hemingway

  8. On 8/25/2020 at 8:12 AM, MarkKol said:

    And don't feel weird about yourself if your into weird shit like i am, after watching a few biographies on smart people i realized that they are real weirdos, for example Albert Einstein, he married his cousin, Leonardo Da vinci had sex with a male prostitute, be yourself.

    Always nice to think that all the fucked up shit I've done is just cause of my high IQ. ?

  9. On 8/20/2020 at 6:54 AM, Opo said:

    It's still too complicated for average person if it were to become mainstream and effect economies it has to be simpler. 

    @Opo exactly. If you can't explain it to a 5 year old, its not going to go mainstream.  The Pandemic has certainly exposed that physical currency is not the way forward. Crypto CEO's have already met with IMF and UN Leaders to discuss how the current way banks transport money, using the SWIFT network is completely inferior to the way digital currency could be used to move things like stimulus payments to individuals. But yea, simplicity sells.


    14 hours ago, UDT said:

    The real Problem with Bitcoin is that they are people who hold enormous amounts of BTC and if they dump them, the market is going to crash.


    @UDT The Whales are real. But if you just hodl without using leverage you would be in profit with most crypto unless you bought at the tops. Diversifying your Portfolio is also important. If one is going to the moon, take some profit. If one goes to shit, that's how life is. Balance. Patience. Awareness. 

  10. @Eren Eeager What do you see? 

    The reality that I see is that the US Dollar and many other global currencies are completely inflated and only exist because a collective has agreed that it holds a certain value according to what? This year already the US has spend more than it made, and that is a total reflection of how a lot of people in developed nations live. They borrow and borrow money that they don't have, and with no real education in budgeting or saving, most of the people i know are in debt. Our debt isn't backed by anything real, except computer numbers that calculate and memorize your account information. And its a pyramid scheme that enough people see is an illusion, so the collective perception wants to change it into something new. Something that can be a sustainable in backing up the value of something like gold was to physical currency. And that is the difference in 2020, we are not buying and trading in physical reality, it has become digital. That is where the future is going. Apple, Amazon, so many Electronic Companies, Online Marketplaces, even Tesla or Netflix, those are the real winners of the past decade and the new Oil and Gas Tycoons of this century. Technology has become our life, and I ain't even mad. It is awakening all of us in so many ways... The future is bright. 

    Bitcoin is the digital Gold. It is limited in Quantity and is basically like a baseball card. We just all agree that its valuable and that's the truth. Bud I'd also take a look at XRP, Chainlink, Ethereum, and other Defi network Tokens. Bitcoin could be a hype, backed only by trust, global trust. XRP for example is something like 50,000x more efficient in sending money around the globe compared to Bitcoin, which also takes an average of 45 minutes to send compared to a few seconds for XRP and other crypto. Crypto is comparative to what a Automobile was when most people were riding horses on cobble roads. The Infrastructure wasn't adopted until the mainstream saw its worth. Just last week I saw that Goldman Sachs might create a token. 


    On 7/20/2020 at 7:46 AM, Elshaddai said:

    I also struggle from social anxiety with varying degrees of intensity and struggle to be authentic with poeple, how to you manage to maintain authenticity with others? 

    I’ve found that when something is falling into Anxiety, it’s really just choosing to partake in a moment that is lacking love, or peace. Confirming fear or distrust in the perceived Experience even when there is no danger to be sensed. As if something was out to hurt you or bring down darkness at any moment from anywhere. Choosing not to trust in life, but instead fearing a thought or feeling that is put infront of another thought or feeling as if it was somehow more reasonable to happen next. Like watching the Kardashians. Life needs Drama to stay creative. I’m not talking to you personally, just in general and from my own experiences that is how I see self induced anxiety. Change who you are by changing the way you Feel and Think. By simply thinking you are authentic, you can feel authentic, and that will make you authentic.

  12. ask yourself...
    What will Heal and Grow the World? 
    An increase in Sustainable ways of Being. Balanced and Healthy Bodies. Minds full of Peace and Love. Free Spirits expressing from the heart... Find a theme that is important to you. Something you want the world to have more of. And if you find that one golden idea, or the perfect work opportunity, you have to know that it’s possible. Yes, if you put yourself out there, you will be wealthy, healthy, and happy. Check out Naval Ravikant. 

    What will Heal myself? 
    You already know a better job will heal, so congratulations, you are an Entrepreneur! Investing in yourself is the only investment you have to make to change reality and build what you want to create. It’s all just a game after all. Everything will always work out the way you think and feel it will. Look up Dr. Joe Dispenza.

    Love ya! Have fun creating whatever you want! 

  13. 1 hour ago, XeRnOg said:

    There is no knowledge here.  The only thing that can be found here are fancy words arranged in a complex order that end up in ramblings of those who barely meditate. Parroting words they read from a book but never taking the time to confirm or invalidate in an objective session of meditation. 

    You probably know how hard life is. It’s fucking Hell when one is birthed into Physical Reality without a clue to why they are here, or what it should be doing while it’s living this life. There are a million lies and traps to be conquer in an infinite array of perspectives. It’s so much more than finding the right meditation technique or eating the right diet.

    So many Souls in this complex universe are thinking or feeling sick, empty, or confused. We have all been brainwashed from childhood to believe something that our heart doesn’t agree with. Learning how to free oneself from darkness and carrying that light into reality is a huge challenge right now. Meditation might not be best for someone in survival mode. There is a lot of healing to be done on all fronts. And many new perspectives to be enlightened.

    And that’s why this forum exists. To provide a Crossroad where we come together and share experiences. So that maybe someone will find peace and love in their heart right now. It’s all about Love. Provide and express it as much as possible. That way we maximize the potential energy one can receive if they are craving to heal the body, mind, or soul.

  14. @Iksander That's a great Post. Like every aspect of life, it is your choice to do it with a clear heart or a dirty spirit.


    On 7/9/2020 at 6:21 PM, Alejandro12pte said:

    On one hand, it´s true that companies can finance themselves through the stock market helping them make progress. So that would be good. But on the other hand, I know that if one trader makes money, that means some other trader loses money. That wouldn´t be so good.

    @Alejandro12pte It is a circulation of money, power, and focus of progress. All it takes is 51% switching from Car Giants like Ford & Chrysler over to Tesla. And suddenly Tesla is the most Valuable Car Company by FAR. And that change is beautiful, if you see it that way. That means we can push Society into the future we want to witness. Unlocking and awakening to new ideas and innovations that will build a new wave of growth for Society.

    I see a future where we can use technology to 3D print anything, work and live comfortably free, eventually in space with our spaceship to visit Earth.

    And I am investing in Companies that care for the Ethical Treatment of all Beings, including Earth itself. Clean Energy Stocks, Marijuana Stocks, Crypto, and whatever else I want to see in the future. And that is my greatest attempt at being aware of the future I am helping to build.