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Posts posted by Tanz

  1. @WHO IS You are misunderstanding.  You still should meditate and listen to insights from teachers on occassion.  

    I have been meditating for 20 years and I have been finding it easier after so many years of meditation to access insights that improve my life and others.  

    To me reaching higher states of consciousness or having mystical experiences which I have had means very little if I cant translate it into my personal life.  

    There is no one way or best way to do the work.  You have to create your own path and be willing to struggle along the way.  With online resources and countries and cities all over the world that offer resources/seminars/retreats, there is no longer any excuse not to actualize other than fear and laziness. 

    The famous saying, "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water."
    This is very profound, on a deeper level it means you can also reach awakening by doing mundane things like chop wood or carry water.  

  2. 22 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    I have a feeling that once you get a taste of super consciousness you're doomed to be unsatisfied with your sober life for the rest of your life. What a torture. That's a limbo state. You can't be happy in your ordinary life anymore and you can't be permenatly in thst nondual state. Just in a limbo of suffering.

    Unless you can find a way to be in permenant nondual god mode. 

    Not true, if you break past that then you will marvel in your creation and "ordinary life" will be profound

  3. The only thing Leo has wrong is when he mentions not many people awaken at his level. There could be many people out there that have awaken to those levels hes mentioned but are not in the public eye.  They choose to be silent.... there are video's of Sadhguru mentioning that and he even acknowledges passively that they can be more awaken than him.   

    There is a pitfall if he really believes he's the most awaken which he hasnt necessarily claimed so far.  

  4. Just saw your video Leo like to wish you Godspeed, multiple healings, and look forward to your insights on your journey.  

    It's good to see your vulnerable side and reveal your struggles with your thyroid.  The community should "actualize" and send you warm embraces rather than try to take you down or someone else down.  Infinite love on your journies brother.  

  5. 7 hours ago, billiesimon said:

    But what I don't understand is.. The butterfly dreaming of being a man is a real experience? Does he mean that? 

    Thoughts would imply that there is a separation to begin with, which makes thoughts itself to be a materialistic paradigm.  When experiencing LIFE you would not have any idea that you are anything other than the observer experiencing that moment.  The thought that you are a butterfly, a man, a woman, a tree does not matter because what you are experiencing is the only thing that matters because its the only thing that is real.  

  6. @TheAlchemist @TheAlchemist Doing it without the purging. Vape is too short.  So having a deeper slower experience might be possible plugging. Ingesting would be a second option if option A doesn't work.   Anything foreign so far in my body and purging will happen despite of people saying there isnt anything.  Even in vaping my body tends to release mucus during the experience which is distracting. 

    Out of curiosity and save time from experimenting, I posted this question hoping to get some insight and ideas.  

  7. The world does not necessarily need more enlightened people, just people with enough awareness to make an impact on the world.  All of the teaches are out there to get you on the path, it's up to each and every one of us to take personal action. Its better to master one trait and make a difference than become a master of the cosmos without having done anything in the world.    

  8. @Tony 845 Thanks for sharing your experience and happy to read your story of bliss.  

    Ive had multiple awakenings including through kundalini and various methods without the use of psychedelics. 
    When you really tap into yourself you become the spirit molecule.  

    To my knowledge permanent non-dual state is impossible to obtain.  Even masters like Sadhguru arent full-blown there, however they have done enough training to be able to tap into it anytime they can focus in a short amount of time.   

    On that note, getting there is one thing and finding a way to do something with what you know or become are two different things.  

  9. @Mattie Well in the context of infinite love as regards to full awakening is extremely hard... I have only been in that state without substances maybe 5-8 times in 20 years.

    I was referring to a love where the heart chakra opens up and you feel a strong sense of self-love and love for all things... if you can enter that state then take a hit, then the trip will enter an omega state.