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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. Before we get into taxing them more lets focus on them actually getting taxed and them not getting away with tax evasion through safe havens.

    Companies use every trick in the book to avoid taxes:

  2. 43 minutes ago, universe said:

    Maybe you want to be a millionaire but you also want to be comfortable and lazy and watch this new series and read that, do that, meet friends, play this game, eat, drink. See? You are not very focused, so live isnt too much focused on sending the money your way, too.

    Wanna be a millionaire? You gotta want it as much as you want to breathe. :D

  3. 2 hours ago, AlldayLoop said:

    This reminds me of Chester Bennington. He was a beautiful soul, and during his final moments on earth he spoke about love and the journey of finding that which does not need to run away from problems. 

    He perfectly expressed anger and frustration in his music; millions of people now and in the future will be impacted by his life on earth. 


    I love Chester Bennington so much. Linkin Park got me through so much emotional turmoil in my high school days. They were my first rock band I grew to love. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Truthority said:

    Currently reading Dreamland, what a book. I had no idea you guys have an opiate epidemic there. Or would you say that is exaggerated to say it's epidemic?

    I think epidemic is accurate. Afaik doctors would hand out opiates like its candy for pain relief and a lot of people got addicted, plus the stronger street opiates then you have a massive problem. We still stigmatize drugs so the amount of recovery options is slim. 

    @Leo Gura Yeah I see what you mean, the first response to things it seems is to ban it, but often the issue is much more nuanced than people realize.

    But also I think politicians use it as a tool. afaik the war on drugs was to target the hippies and mexicans doing drugs because they were political opponents.

  5. 9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Pass the law and you'll see. Until then I'll be a greedy capitalist in accordance with the standards of our culture ;)

    Considering you said you got like 40k or something back from taxes its safe to assume your life is way beyond secure. So I gotta ask, do you save your earnings, or spend it like most materialistic capitalists? I would think someone conscious might have a computer and TV at best but wouldn't go crazy for every new advancement. But there is also living in the now idea so how do you balance now thinking with preparing for the future. Lots of people sacrifice their now for some future now of retirement and constant enjoyment, 

  6. 9 hours ago, Schahin said:

    @SoonHei hey yeah that's what I possibly thought, but shouldn't you or me as God have control? 

    After becoming awoken or enlightened is it still different and one keeps not having control of the psychedelic experience?

    Imagine a person in your head. They are you, but yet they wonder why they don't have control, but wait you just imagined them wondering why they don't have control. Just because you *think* you should have control it doesn't translate to having it in actuality. Disconnect imposing belief from actuality and a whole new realm opens up.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Shiva Seems like the government needs to actually sell the drugs directly to folks at cheap prices to avoid cartel trafficking.

    I agree with this, or allow businesses to sell them like they do in say colorado. Prices go down, and regulations apply overall allowing users much safer access to the substances.

    Still it makes me wonder why such substances are even illegal. Is it so pharmaceuticals can be pushed? Many psychedelic users think its because it opens your mind, but I doubt anybody in power knows what its like. Its a really mind boggling issue. Because they know sobriety is easy to manipulate?

    Judging all drugs to be like heroin or cocaine? (Although I found cocaine to be meh)

  8. 5 minutes ago, TheAlchemist said:

    Committing suicide is one of the most fundamental rights a human being can have. Nobody should be forced to play the game, telling someone that they are not allowed to stop existing is much more selfish than choosing to take your own life.

    I generally agree that a right to live or die is very important. Although I don't think we usually have proper communities to showcase an actual perspective between the two in modern society. 

    And any place accepting such actions have huge liabilities legally. 

  9. 3 hours ago, tatsumaru said:

    How did you confirm this? The powers that you have are also part of what is. Did Tilopa carry water and chop wood after his enlightenment or did he make fish fly?

    I'm not enlightened nor have anything considered Siddhis, but I found this to be a great insight to the topic.

    Combined with your understanding of the absolute. 

    @Nahm Depends what you consider a power to be. Either way I used the term loosely. I didn't consider it relevant besides to provide a coherent sentence. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, universe said:

    I used to play.

    Now I cant get invested in them anymore.

    See if you really love playing games or if its just a habit because you have no other meaning in life.

    I used to play some video games out of fear of missing out or because I didn't want to accept they no longer interest me. 

    After being honest about the games I do enjoy. My library of 250+ slimmed down to like 10.

    Definitely a good idea to check whether you actually like a game.