The Blind Sage

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Posts posted by The Blind Sage

  1. @Bryanbrax Receiving reiki sessions from a good practitioner is amazing for emotional healing. An excellent, excellent tool for me. I've taken courses to practice reiki as well (till level 2/4) but I would honestly say it hasn't provided any value for my growth.

    Maybe it's right for your path tho, who knows. Just be warned, most reiki masters I've met are at stage green, are not highly developed themselves and do not see the bigger picture of how reiki is just a tool on the path and not a practice for enlightenment in and of itself.


  2. 7 hours ago, Peo said:

    I hope your at least 25 or older i hear that weed can decrease your cognitive level. This is especially a big problem for young students since their brain isn't developed before they reach the age 25.

    I'm 21 but most people in these studies were heavy abusers for several years starting from their early teens. These are people that use it in ways that fuel their unconsciousness, it numbs their mind as they get high to drown themselves in sensual pleasures (food, sex, video games, mixing with other drugs like alcohol, etc).

    I'll be using it once a month in quite low doses in a retreat-like setting.

  3. i used to smoke cannabis during my transition from stage orange to green but I quit 2 years ago since it wasn't serving me any longer.

    So far I have had 3 lsd trips and 2 mushroom trips. None of these even came close to the how incredible my cannabis trip was last night.


    I did it with a group in a friends room. I consumed it through 1 bong hit but I basically just sat on his meditation cushion and did my own thing while the others ate, talked, and watched youtube. When it hit, insight after insight just kept pouring through my head. Sadly, I forgot most of it shortly after.

    Some key takeaways:

    How much neuroses is stuck in my lower chakras: The healing power of cannabis is incredible underrated, I literally was just breathing and focusing on relaxing my anal, perennial and stomach muscles. As I breathed it felt like there was pent up, twisted energy that was being worked through. I feel like I've just dropped a heavy load that I've been carrying around for so long I've forgotten it was there.

    A recurring theme in my life-Elliot Hulse originally introduced the concept of 'dying to your old self' so you may become 'the strongest version of yourself'. What i've realized is that my identity level changes throughout my life have always been catalyzed by individuals. It is the individual people that I am drawn to, not their isolated teaching, their technique, their method, etc. Hence, I've been very drawn to Sadhguru before finding Leo although I've never actually made any attempts to go for his courses. Hence, I will go to his ashram during my summer break. DISCLAIMER: I do not advocate Elliot's recent developments as I feel they are myopic. Having said that, he is still a very valuable mentor to many people including myself.

    How powerful kriya yoga actually is-I've been meditating for a little over 2 years. I started off doing 5 minutes of anapanasati meditation (mindfulness of the breath) a day to 45 minutes a day. 6 months ago I swapped that for kriya yoga. Last night showed me just how goddamn powerful my practice is. I could feel my crown and third eye buzzing intensely. It's as if each time I used cannabis throughout the 2 years my sensitivity has been becoming exponentially stronger. It felt like it was activated but I knew I was still operating in a very limited perception. I felt that I could explode my reality by focusing there but I chose not to. Which leads me to my next insight-there was 1 particular book in the booklist that mentioned not to focus on the crown chakra until you're ready as it may have negative side effects. I'm only 21 and I don't feel like my life is in the chapter/phase where I can fully focus on seeking. Hence, I have to redirect my focus to building a stable foundation.

    Insights on my family dynamic-it's not something I'd like to get into the details into but in a nutshell, part of the reason I came down this rabbit hole was because my family is quite dysfunctional in many ways. Now is a time of transition for my family where we must heal, and I must lead this transformation.

    I've found the tool I've been looking for and will experiment with edibles.

    Thanks for reading :) 

  4. @Matt8800

    Could you give us some tips on using psychedelics such as shrooms and lsd?

    What are some of the protocols you take when tripping?

    How do you set intentions?

    Do you perform any cleansing rituals beforehand, and must you stay within that space throughout the trip like some shamans claim?


    Also, are there any occult practices in the days before tripping to prepare+after for integration?


  5. 13 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

    @The Blind Sage I dont know but the real magick is how you can transform yourself using transmutation of the elements. You can add/subtract attributes of yourself.

    It gives you the power to create yourself into whatever you will yourself to be. That is REAL power.

    What a typical mystic answer....I need to ask a clairvoyant :P 

    On a serious note, yeah you're right. After all, even some yogic process is said to be based on the purification of the elements (buta shuddhi etc) 

  6. 18 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    I get the sense that Sadhguru doesn't share his most potent techniques because his program is designed to be extremely mainstream and he doesn't want to freak out poor grannies with epic existential mindfuckery.

    You've once mentioned that you interviewed one of sadhguru's 'advanced students' and that he didn't even know what enlightenment was which was a huge red flag.

    After a little research I found that although they are a linear progression his 'advanced courses' vary greatly. SG mentions several times that the first of his 3 advanced courses are for people who want to enhance their wellbeing (Bhava Spandana). Only the last course (Samyama) is meant for a seeker aka the real deal.

    Did the interviewee complete Samyama? Or only some of the earlier advanced courses?

    And how about you? Have you completed Samyama or know anyone who has? If so, how do you find it?

  7. 55 minutes ago, Nahm said:

    @cetus56 That’s what she said.


    @The Blind Sage The guru is your dream, you are the ‘real deal’. Careful projecting, scrutinize your direct experience above all else. Focus on breathing calms the mind, and it’s effect is cumulative. Introspection of self inquiry penetrates and a lot of mental baggage comes out - when it does, thought stories try to hijack the emotions. Being able to focus on breathing helps with not getting sucked into the thought stories and mixing the thought stories with the sensations. Separated, there is a massive ‘here now’ actuality / realization. Sensations begin to be realized as the Truth, or “always telling you the Truth / guiding you”. Each thought is like a train leaving you (grand central station), notice how you “get on” the trains, and end up mixing thought stories with direct experience - as if they were anymore than thoughts. You, as grand central, never actually get on a boat. You never move, and are never moved. Without “taking the rides”, the generalities of life; success, wonderful relationships, creativity, etc, all become incredibly easy without what becomes revealed as having been an incredible amount of overthinking - specifically trains about yourself, others, the past and the future. They are thoughts (trains), you never actually get on the trains. You most assuredly can ‘wake yourself up’, you are the only one involved in that. Never believe the thought derived from the sound (voice) about you can’t - it’s a sound, only a sound. it is not a “lightening” situation, though it can “strike” anyone anytime too. Try yogas, meditations, self inquiry, psychedelics, retreats (solo & group), reiki, etc - try all of it. See what works best for you. Godspeed??

    Of course, I’m suggesting “not believing” what is heard, and what I’m saying (typing) is similarly, a sound (reading it). So, start right now. What do your sensations tell you is True?

    You can do anything and everything, and you still might not awaken...

    You can awaken, on your own accord, via your own sincerity in dedication to awakening.


    You spend a lot of time writing these replies. Know that it really does help.

    Thank you Nahm.


  8. 2 hours ago, cetus56 said:

    @The Blind Sage You should have posted this in the Kriya Yoga Mega Thread where it belongs. That way all information on K-Y can be found at one location.

    I deliberately chose not to post it there because this goes beyond the scope of Kriya. Its a poor title in hindsight. This topic is relevant to all the forms of laya yoga including kundalini yoga as well as any type of yoga that is trypically taught with initiation.

    I will link this topic there. 

  9. 5 hours ago, inFlow said:

    Disclaimer - I have no idea if this is true or not.

    The initiation is mainly you going to a guru which has some kind of power to activate your kundalini energy (which is dormant for most people) to move up to your 3rd eye chakra and to move it back to your root chakra (also the energy activated is very weak, because full force of kundalini might kill you). Then you can do your yoga with activated kundalini. I heard that some people can't access kundalini until they get the guru to activate it for you. I have no idea how does it work, but im following a guru in youtube who talks about that stuff alot so it kinda makes sense why you would need a initiation.

    But some people are able to activate the kundalini by themselves somehow, via psychedelics/cannabis etc. or just naturally. You can't dig deep into reality without having strong kundalini going through your body. A lot of people do throw the idea of kundalini being real. But I had some interesting kundalini energy awakening moments in the body, so I do believe in it and would like to research this stuff further.

    If this is true then there are plenty of energy practitioners capable of initiation. Check this out-


    My kundalini is not hyper but it definitely isnt dormant either so I guess I'm fine without one. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Apparation of Jack said:

    Sadhguru obviously has a huge Indian following, and Indian society is very conducive to taking up yoga, finding a genuine guru, and so on. It makes sense for him to tell his followers to find a guru, since their life situation makes it that much easier to do so. Sadhguru himself has also initiated hundreds or possibly thousands of qualified teachers around the world through his Isha foundation, so it makes sense for him to promote that as a path to enlightenment.

    Leo's audience on the other hand are mostly young Westerners who are caught in the thick of toxic materialist capitalism. Starting any sort of legitimate, long-term spiritual practice here (whether that's yoga, mindfulness, etc.) has a lot more hurdles to it than it does in the East (skeptical family/friends, ruthless financial demands, over-consumerist culture, etc.) We in some sense are spiritually "isolated", and have to take a more pro-active role in teaching ourselves. There are spiritual communities here, but they tend to be a lot more watered down than in the East or, even worse, a cult. 

    Makes sense

    1 hour ago, Apparation of Jack said:

    To that end, I imagine Leo feels that for the genuine seekers here, teaching yourself Kriya Yoga is beneficial for self-actualization, in lieu of making the (drastically difficult) lifestyle change of taking up full-time study under a certified guru. Is it the most optimal situation we find ourselves in? No, but we've got to make do with what we've got.

    Agreed, it is the best tool we have so far. But at the same time, if there is a better way of doing things we should not sit idle. 

  11. 15 hours ago, SoonHei said:

    @The Blind Sage

    what i can tell you... there are NO requirements or prerequisites for awakening. it can happen without an ounce of an effort and sometimes it may not happen after all the effort in the world

    in truth, it does not happen by "doing" anything in particular.

    to say you can do X to cause awakening is not correct.

    it's like saying you can talk to a character in the movie via your tv screen. 

    By this logic we should just forget all about doing the practices


    Of course there's nothing you can 'do' to awaken. You misunderstand what I'm asking