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About Jac067

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  1. Keryo Koffa, Evelyna and others + "Why what's the purpose?" "third factor important for success, and that's a purpose" that's one side of the rope but what about in between (the details) what about the end the rope (ultimate purpose) And other might also share the same beliefs as follows " I don't exactly know how those things influence the process but I also don't think I have to know it" Evelyna That's what you think now in your current state but as soon as you progress your realize its complicated and you have to know the rules that governs you and the order. This is the reason why we failed to many times in our lifes. Thank you for your time.
  2. I found my first customer yey ... woohu Literally that's what said to myself i soon i read your comment. 😑
  3. Marcel You make it way to complicated in my opinion Thank you for trying, i really appreciate that but The answer is quite complicated than what we think. I may have to upload 4 hours long video to explain that but afterwards you will be depressed or while or i don't know you may like it. But i was hoping some might give us another short insights.
  4. Thank you, i have to break it down and try to see through the insights you provided.
  5. Hello, I have a question and need a bit of your insight. I sat down at a table with an A5-sized paper. I drew 5 stairs leading up, and at the top, I wrote 3 goals to achieve in 10 days. That was 4 days ago. I had forgotten about setting the goals the very next day, but today, I remembered. I have been learning about and setting goals for 10 years, ever since 2014, and I've learned the do's and don’ts. Every week and every month, things change. I haven't achieved any of the goals I set, but I’ve learned more than I initially sought. So today, instead of just learning or criticizing myself for why I couldn’t achieve them, I decided to inquire into my knowledge of goal-setting and everything else involved. My goal is to assess my understanding—what works and what didn’t. Most importantly, why didn’t it work? My aim is to identify the main issues. As you know, setting goals involves a complex interplay of reality, intention, metaphysical principles (Mulk), physical laws, logic, and psychological dynamics. I have literally over 400 keywords and concepts I’ve gathered. I’m not talking about the superficial layers of reality; I want to dig deeper and understand the main issues or the core principles of this complex structure. To deeply explore this mechanism, we need to consider various levels of existence and how they interact when forming and pursuing goals. To tap into the fountain of knowledge and penetrate through, here are the questions I’m pondering about? Questions: How do the fundamental interactions between objective reality, subjective intention, physical laws, metaphysical principles, logical structures, psychological dynamics, and ethical considerations collectively influence the process of setting, pursuing, and achieving goals within the fabric of existence? If you understand what I’m getting at and have better questions, feel free to suggest them. Thank you for your time.
  6. what can you do about it? Don't you recognise the ship with to many masters... and they are trying to lit dimly fires ... tired of it from within. But guess what that's love to, care about the frightened self, if we told it to shut up or tell you are not .. thats an abuse and can you crush it. You cannot. Its not your job. read a warning somewhere this path it won't leave you. Ain't made this comment as someone who figured things out am talking as who is confused, i didn't choose etc you know yet still think there might be some other ways to .. Loving words I appreciate for efforts and experience it took you through to come these point, Pause for a minute and someone from far away are does feel you in someways and i tell We care about you, we love you, its alright this shall pass too, just little endurance.. i don't know where you are? But i really do appreciate your work. laugh.
  7. (Moses ) Musa Aka Gabriel as and No spilts of the sea? How does understanding very unexpected knowledge about simple things change your entire understanding of complexity if there where like bricks sitting on the top of each other like pyramids What if you took one, you were given one chance to pick out one bricks out from anywhere but calculated? Won't you demolish it? What if you had the power any second but instead you were merciful, forgiving, caring, not hurry, not having any needed for anything you are forbearance will you watch himher build and destroy as much many times they like until they seek divine help while they are awake aware they have exhausted themselves then you help them not only build it but also it was unnecessary to begin with but how can you know this now but only later (always there are delayed answers) Feedback? What's your first thoughts? Without rethinking as soon as you the title and the video embedded? tell me and i will start a conversation where that might lead to somewhere? That simple if it's too much? For enlightened. Are you enlightened? Can you take someone punchs and sit with them to make them see something through their thinking? .... After i wrote little it i struggled to reconsider, but not this my thoughts behaviour healthy or not. I could have of something else instead if wanted to attract them to watch and wanted them to hear criticize or provoked? Its like 🙃 .... Sorry its unclear low quality Probably took useless.
  8. I do know i shouldn't ask other accept the one that should be asked. Yet i am not arrogant to say i can do all by myself so i seeking humbly reach purified state live and the here after my brother. And inshaallah if we are allowed we can support you too, it is no mambo jambo its inevitable so why not become better alliance. No Cult. not self worship I am in this constraints where confusion is everywhere need your help. Community, religion, country, knowledge this all stopped to make sanse and unable to ask even the right questions weird behaviour in our community that's considered weird I wanted you for something great oh you this community Extend your hands if you are alive The support might include helping others move out. In being close presence .... the benfits are without words. Why not tell you the story ..... ask . why did young lady, and the king come upon each other in the forest in the lady become queen and had a price who saved this .... it was brutal but will see th3 hidden insight about time and luck. Thank you. ................ And this bellow i won't delete it was there before i come to write the above text. What you say huh? Thoughts How can i tell you my love my sweetheart sweet darling cake i can call out to you by many lving and caring names to make you feel this my coming from heart out of love and care that you have no clu3. Many people who thought they killed their Ego's and think they are gods Do you take your pairs as god? Is it you or your ego who died? You sunk into it it has taken full possession of you while you assume you killed yoir ego you become it. I guess who am i to tell you that But by your wity speech and logical explanation you want to drag me with you the mist of fire. I take refugee in the Lord of the two worlds (Falaq and Nass) .. Now i will Meditate what you may could have said or might have done but you didn't and why you didn't? That's kind of jump if nothing else. 😉 Thank you.
  9. What am i doing right now? If you are everything and everywhere all at once. Btw have you seen the movie.
  10. Al-Ikhlas 112:1 قُلْ هُوَ ٱللَّهُ أَحَدٌ 112:2 ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ 112:3 لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ 112:4 وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُۥ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌۢ
  11. Come Enjoy from the Fruits of Jannah Yaseen 36:30 Insights This the most treasured Gift i have received and i hope it will Enlighten you too. (1)سُبْحَـٰنَ ٱلَّذِى خَلَقَ ٱلْأَزْوَٰجَ كُلَّهَا (2) مِمَّا تُنۢبِتُ ٱلْأَرْضُ (3) وَمِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ (4) وَمِمَّا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ٣٦:٣٦ Quran Subhana, who created (1) Everything in pairs ( 2) that which earth produces, ( that the scripture …… ) (3) as well as theirselves (themself, ourselves, ) (4) and other things which they have no knowledge of. 36:36 Note: Pay attention Our Lord said Everything. The scripture also comes with pair stories or warnings and glad tidings etc ( this greater subject that needed to be addressed carefully, ( the real meaning of ard i learned from Dr. HANY of YT MQ channel, at first it didn't make sense to me but i remember, once when i listening to recitation of quran there an ayah ( alem yesiru fil ard yenzuru keyefa jealaalena … ) immediately got this insight God doesn't want us to travel to all over the world just for us to see the destruction of those who transgressed and time also take all those evidence away, and Signs are close and easily accessible to all, it meant (2) Haven't they gone through the scripture and see ( become insightful of those .. ). This one is very much close to us but the insight is evident until you point at it as well as theirselves (themself, ourselves, ) Take Look at your Body, Bring your Two Hands Together and start comparing Out Parts to another Head Right Ear and Left Ear Face and back Forehead and BackHead Right Cheek and Left Cheek Right Chin and Left Chin Right Eye and Left Eye Nose Right Nostril and Left Nostril Mouth Upper Lip and Lower Lip Tongue Upper Tooth and Lower Back and Front Right Shoulder and Left Shoulder Right Arm and Left Arm Right Elbow and Left Elbow Right Forearm and Left Forearm Right Wrist and Left Wrist Right Hand and Left Hand Right Palm and Left Palm Right hands Fingers Left Hand Fingers Thumb Index Finger to another Middle Finger to another Ring Finger to another Pinky Finger to another Thumb to another if yours Right Chest and Left Chest Lower limb Right and Leg and Left Right Buttock and Left Buttocks Penis and Anus Right Hip and Left Hip Right Thigh and Left Hip Right Knee and Left Knee Right Calf and Left Calf Right Foot and Left Foot Right Ankle and Left Ankle Right Heel and Left Heel Right Toe and Left Toe Big toe Sole Off course Being Told and Having Vision or being shown in your mind/heart is not the same thing, you have unforgettable memories and Ah Moment that Enlighten you. If you Noticed, Right After this Ayat (36:36) Later Our Lord Immediately gives as sign (clue) of this indication. 36:37 Note: the pairs i have listed above is my contemplation, it was not included in that small visions. Everything in the Universe exists in pairs. (Similar or opposite) The only One that has No similar or Opposite Is Allah SWT. Take a look at our World, Our Universe, Our Existence, and You will find Everything In Pairs. who created Everything in pairs ….. This my observation at the time. Day and Night Morning and Evening Sun and Moon Me and Others My and Theirs You and your Ego(S) Known and Unknown Plain and Hidden (Baten - Zahir ) Knowledge and Ignorance Existence and Nonexistence Material world and spiritual world This world and the Next Here and Hereafter Tangible and Intangible Angels and Satan Angels of Mercy and Angels of Chaistment Visible and invisible Veiled and Unveiled Life and Death Truth and Falsehood Lightness and Darkness Heaven and Earth Love and Hate White and Black Good and Evil Paradise and Hell Ins and Jinn Believer and Disbeliever Male and Female Old and child Tall and short Strong and weak Poor and rich Willing and unwilling Wise and fool Mercy and Wrath Majesty and beauty (Jalall and Jamal) Large and small Wide and tight Open and close Mind and heart Thick and thin Full and empty Inside and outside Reality and Appearance Form and formless Sound and Silence Colorful and colorless Horizontal and Vertical Water and Fire Man and women Male and Female Beautiful and Ugly Attraction and repulsion Infinity and Limited Seeing and Blindness Hearing and Deafness Flying and waking Birds and Snake Dry and Wet Hot and Cold North and South East and West Ocean and Dessert Land and Seas Plants and Fish Wild and Domestic Etc….. Everything The sun and the moon, and the stars are not decoration or just a light projecting object, they are a sign and clue Note: My story Habits and practice One of the Scholar told me to recite suratual yaseen every day and the other told me to recite and make a dua for one thing when you fish reciting it. As i was recommended i did every day it become part of me Revelation Day, How And one Magarib i was sitting in Masjid, I used to retreat (ithikhaf) for one hour everyday after fajr and after maghreb And one that day (before 2023 Ramadan) after reciting surah Yaseen i sat down in first line waiting for Isha Prayer and i was going through my phone and I opened an app called hadith and going through hadith and i came upon hadith that said Prophet Muhammed saws, Had said there a sura that worth much to be then anything under the sun, it said it is surah fath (opening) this was new to me i just begun learning to recite quran i haven’t reached this surah but i used to recite everyday new sura even if were broken and I immediately open Al quran begun going through. When I finished, I began to contemplate what makes it so. My heart began to beat, Isha prayer started and we stood. I don’t remember what happened but at the end just when we were about to finish, something came over, calmness, lightness upon my heart and I had small visions. When I finish praying, finish salamat to right and left and begun having this knowledge i didn’t had before I laughed out loud and looked at my hands and fingers right and left hands and said to myself this is pair to to this one This is pair to this one This is pair to this one Afterward i begun seeing everything in pairs How come we have never seen these before How come no one spoke of it before. I didn’t know what happened to me I thought it was an awakening So this is how it feels This was huge significant knowledge for month I wonder looking at everything not finding anything in pairs Then I even become Hungry for knowledge, every time i got online I am searching for something that will make sense Little bit Ibn Arabi and his like people made sense to me I have searched and downloaded books on sufism and anything related esoteric knowledge never read them but had glimpse This one lead me to that this lead me to this by now I have download over 3000 books that i thought would light shed on this subject Questions and Answers Is this the first visit or experience? No, by this time it was the 6th or 7th conscious spiritual experience but it was the second revelation of the Quranic Ayat Opening, the first was a partial understanding of 2:25. The First was something I don’t even remember but Lost a lot of time and it was Magnificent, I can’t even explain the second time the same. Is this to brag about, like you feel you are chosen or something? No, I don’t think so but Maybe who knows I am subconsciously feeling that way, it might be a self-importance trick. But I just wanted to share this, because ever since then my world, my understanding, the way I see the world has changed. It tore the world into two half, isn’t what we are seeking, clarity. I wish you could experience it instead of being told. Ever since then The meaning of Azawaj has changed, The type of knowledge i seek has changed, a lot of things has changed including my personality. Other note. At this moment, I am not in the same spiritual state as i was. Note: I am not a Scholar, i am not academic, i am not spiritual guru, i am not many thing you may assume, In fact I i am not good reader or an arabic language speaker as primary, I didn’t spend a lot of time studying Quran, It is a Gift and also a Trial From Our Lord. This is not taken from any book or any speech or from any human, Alhamdulliha its Gift From Allah SWT.
  12. No, i speak 4 different languages. 2 natives, as secondary English and Arabic. Why did you ask?