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Everything posted by Rigel

  1. 😂 I’ve been skiing for 18years and never broke anything. Bunch of friends that been skiing for as long and didn’t break anything.
  2. In a e-liquid like you guys like to do with 5-Meo. I don’t have access to 5-Meo but I still have a few dozen mg of 4-Aco.
  3. That's interesting thanks for sharing. About the 4-types becoming brown & loosing potency, I noticed that the powder I have did become dark brown with time but I have tried it rectally & didn't notice any reduction of potency. I don't know why this happens but it seems not to affect the potency. Maybe it being in solution could have an impact.
  4. Nothing’s preventing you from building social status if he managed it. That’s your thinking mind again. Most of what appears in it is ripe for the trash where it belongs. There’s a big difference between arrogance & confidence. Arrogant people aren’t confident. They are compensating in a dysfunctional way. Know within yourself what arrogance & confidence are. You are seeking approval. That’s the problem. Who gives a shit if some people find you arrogant? Others won’t. Focus on people that vibe with you. You can’t please everyone and you shouldn’t want to. I won’t look up “the halo effect”, that’s more bullshit you gotta rid yourself of. “Yeah but x!” <- Trash ”Yeah but y!” <- Trash ”Yeah but z!” <- Trash
  5. @Growly This guy has the same thinking problem as you. I am 5”0 as a guy. Not terrible looking but I got bullied in school for my physique. I used to trap myself with victim mindset as well. Back then it seemed like the world was rejecting me. It wasn’t. I was rejecting myself. Eventually I grew some self esteem and it became a complete non issue. Yeah people will judge you on your looks on first impression, but if you are more confident & ALIVE than anyone in the room, they’ll revise their opinions. And if they don’t, you won’t give a single fuck about it cause you love yourself independently of anyone’s approval. Until you learn to accept and love yourself, no one will be able to love you.
  6. People don’t respect you because you think like that, not because of your looks. You see yourself as a victim which makes you miserable and unhappy. You then project that misery on the world and that’s what repels people. What is ugly about you isn’t how you look, it’s how you think. Find a way to gain some distance from your thoughts. When your mind starts to think about blackpill bullshit, notice it & go: “aaah cool my mind is horseshitting again, let’s do the dishes, it’ll tire itself.”
  7. He isn’t squandering anything. His content & businesses are the reason he has a huge audience. If he started talking about the stuff we are interested in here he would loose his audience. If McDonald changed their whole menu tomorrow and started selling celery juice it would loose millions of consumers. It’s not like those consumers would magically start liking celery juice. You can only teach an audience that wants to learn. People will be people.
  8. Reading & studying every single book about mastery is a nice baby step of an intro to the prelude of your journey to mastery.😅 Yes it is a good book. There’s no such thing as the best self improvement book of all time tho.
  9. @Thought Art That’s cool. I bought a kindle many years ago. Ended up reading 10-ish books on it and never touched it again. I wish I had money to buy paper and audio of every book though. Kindle is clearly more practical. You can not only take it everywhere easy but you can also export highlights and such which is annoying to do on paper. But damn is it ugly lol. I just like looking at pretty things. There’s just something about a bookshelf’s aesthetic that’s appealing to me. I want to read those books way more.
  10. Your bookshelf is art! A kindle on an empty shelf is booooring.
  11. Exercise makes you more alive right now
  12. I’ve had a mild form of it for as long as I can remember. It’s very obvious that it’s not a physical wave hitting my eardrums. It’s qualitatively different and does not impact my hearing in any way. It’s there whenever I put my attention on it. Haven’t tried anything to remedy it since it’s so benign in my case.
  13. Coffee. But it’s not what you think. I just love the taste of great coffee so much. I am wide awake before I even had it, in anticipation of having it. I wake up, drink a huge glass of water, stretch my body & get the blood moving. By that point I am wide awake. I then make the coffee as a ritual & practice in mindfulness. I grind it fresh & shiver from the aroma. After that I poor water on it and literally stand there watching it drain for three minutes. Let it cool down a bit so that my first sip is a taste of the divine(you can’t taste well when it’s too hot). It’s so rewarding to me. I go to sleep, listening to ocean sounds & I can’t wait to wake up to savour it again.
  14. I love plantain these days. It’s like potato but better. Mushrooms aren’t plants I know but I got those pink oysters recently. What a revelation. People sleep on cabbages. I put those in my scrambled eggs.
  15. I remember a guy a while back arguing here that you should not write down your thoughts but try to remember everything inside your head. He was arguing that by doing this you increase the capacity of your mind to hold information. To me that is idiocy. Let me explain. The real estate of your mind is going to be filled at full capacity no matter what’s held within it. Which leads me to the insight(very obvious): Learn to use a goddam calendar & to do list. If you try to remember every appointment & shit you gotta do on a daily basis, you are not training your mind to increase its real estate, you are actively taking it away from things like creativity, spontaneous insights or general awareness of your emotions and your surroundings. Earlier today I was on the bus, commuting and I started to tear up looking at the beauty of my hands. That sort of moment can’t happen if I have useless junk in my mind like: “I gotta remember to pay the rent tomorrow”. Fuck that useless information😅 I’d much rather have an app remember for me and send me a notification when I have to do it. If you are delegating the task of remembering chores, appointments, action steps toward your goals, calling your grandmother, brushing your teeth even, you aren’t decreasing the ability of your mind to hold information. You are just freeing space for your mind to hold better information. Your mind is made to have creative thoughts not to remember them. Calendar & to do list are as important as a common place book in remembering what’s important to you. Have a block in your calendar just to contemplate what you want, what you need to do to get there & fill it up with those high quality action steps instead of just going about your day being swayed by things that aren’t on purpose.
  16. Well lets add the information necessary to be accomplished in a thousand other disciplines of similar complexity to what I said. My point was that life is infinite. There’s infinite specific knowledge to be learned and your human mind is not. You have limited time to learn unlimited information. Leo’s video on decisiveness is à propos here. I want to keep this practical. This was about calendars and to do lists😄
  17. I think you are right about that. It’s just a metaphor. Your mind is much more complex than a hard drive. Much more complex than I make it out to be here. I should have been more careful there.
  18. Yes it does. Your human mind is finite. Only an infinite mind wouldn’t have a limit of capacity and at that point it wouldn’t be here having this discussion. A human can’t be an astronaut and a musician and an author and a psychologist and a race car driver and a programmer and the president of 10 different countries and the starter of 34 different businesses in different fields at once. Humans are finite.
  19. @Bobby_2021 That’s reasonable. Maybe you got some kind of mind that remembers better than most. I still think using a calendar and to do list is good advice for most people hence the post.
  20. @Chadders A lot of people will want to sue us but I love apple reminders as well😅 That’s the one I use.
  21. @Bobby_2021 You do you brother. I am biased and ain’t ashamed of it. I don’t see any value in remembering licence plates. To me it’s taking space on the hard drive for no reason. My bias is towards creativity & awareness, not remembering the door lock code on the 15 different places I gotta go teach every month and where I’ll never go again. It’s not like I don’t care about the things I write down. I write them down because I care about them and I understand my human mind is finite. Every time I sit down to practice my instrument I increase my capacity to hold information like you are saying. But you gotta choose what’s important and what’s not at some point. You can’t remember everything about everything. My point is that by deciding what’s important and putting it in the calendar or the notes saves all the energy you would be directing towards remembering it. That energy is not wasted. You just use it for bigger and better things.
  22. Who claims that? I’ve never heard anyone say that. But if I ever met one I would respond in the same manner I would a flat earther handing out flyers at the exit of the subway. “Ok cool, bye” or just ignore. It’s not like a person saying this would be interested in having a serious discussion anyways lol. Just a waste of time.
  23. I guess that’s the same answer as any other “how”: With consciousness! but that’s no very useful is it.