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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 11 hours ago, Psychedelic seeker said:

    Ketamine or 5-MeO-DMT results in ego death and solipsism. Why can't there be some substance which would result in ego life and proving that others exist through some radically different mental state which shows the existence of all others who are beyond me? Why 5-MeO should be right and not this new substance: anti-5-MeO-DMT?

    The point is Ketamine or 5-MeO-DMT does not prove anything. Is you that constructs a meaning out of It.

    When you trip reality opens Up a bit, you can see through that crack for some hours, is beautiful, but then if it when It closes you construct a Circus inside your head, thats not Spirituality.


    @Leo Gura And as any self-created creation one is invested in, one must suffer.

    You think that you are so smart to create something better than what already exists.

    And therefore thats your limitation, thats your knot, thats your karma. Surprisingly you do not see this yet.

    You projecting It here to everybody is a disservice to people who seek clarity and not fantasies.

    And dont ask me to join you in that endeveour, my business is being aligned with the Creators Creation.

    Not the one from any mind that believes It can create something better than this. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Haha. Okay, whatever you gotta tell yourself.

    I don´t tell myself anything. My work is in dissolution and dissolution until nothing but Creation remains.

    See are that sweet and magical the states I touched when really everything disappears, that I wouldn´t be so fool to dare creating anything in my mind again. 

    But you do you. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    Maybe that's not a bug but a feature.

    Maybe that's because you are the center of the universe. 

    Don't act so humble than you overlook the obviousness of You.

    Is not from humility.

    Is Truly because Creation is Real, meanwhile I as a constructed self am not.

    Now that you say it Just yesterday I was in a meditation circle and we were saying each one of what we are grateful of.

    Everyone was saying, "my family, health, job, etc..." Meanwhile, I said "I´m grateful I am so infinite and powerful I created all beings" :D

    1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Javfly33 Riddle me this, when Ramana Maharshi was asked, "What about other?" and he said, "There is no other."

    Was he just being cute, you think?

    Just what do you think "No other" means?!

    I guess It depends on how you understand it. I don´t understand it as solipsism.

    I dont know man, In my experience there is only One Dream. But that doesn't mean solipsism. It means a magical dream of One.

    When I thought my existence was real (as a human) reality felt like really small and boring. I like this way more.( And it can only get more interesting from now on)

  4. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    If your consciousness becomes high enough you will realize that you imagined all of humanity.

    Humanity doesn't really exist. It's a construct. This includes all individual humans.

    It's really relative to your level of consciousness. So-called enlightened people have such low levels of consciousness that most of them don't realize that they are imagining humans.

    The higher your consciousness goes the more you realize that everything outside of you is imaginary, because you have no outside and there is nothing but you. But unraveling this illusion takes serious brains and balls. Because any attachment or loyalty you have to humanity will hold you back. Humans are not really ready for such consciousness. And don't surprised if it blackpills you. You are just a human and everything human must ultimately be bullshit, including all humans themselves.

    Humans are such a deep level of bullshit that you invented them in order to keep yourself asleep. You are constantly spinning a dream. That's what all this is. And you don't want it to stop because then you'd be all alone.

    I don't like talking about it because people are not ready to hear it or cope with it.

    @Leo Gura Facts!!

    Life is a process for God to realize his own bullshit 😝.


    "You did escape the trap

    of elemental hive


    But It is your own doing

    that is the ultimate trap


    Until you dont go beyond your own crap

    There is no way out of this trap."


  5. 9 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    I have serious doubts about the veracity of that guy, 

    The Guy seems fake as fuck

    Because psychedelics is not just about ego dissolution, I dont deny that in that sense they might not feel such a difference, but they have also an important impact in the chemistry.

    You cant deny that they change in a drastical way the chemistry for some hours

    You can not just bypass that with simply being aware of Who you are.

    If what they mean with psychedelics their Self is the same as without psychedelics, yes.

    Also their Self is the same when eating an ice cream Vs when getting tortured by the mexican cartel.

    So what? What is that they are trying to tell us here? 

    If these two say psychedelics dont affect them, and particularly Boytsov says "an Acid Only last him 20minutes", i Guess if i IV him a strong dose of fentanyl the effect will be gone also in 20 minutes, and of course he will remain clear minded.

    So now the Guy is a superhuman after enlightment? He now knows all the tricks of the body to produce or block chemical states at Will?

    Not denying that is not possible, but the Guy does not seem like a Yogui that has been on a cave doing sadhana for 3 lifetimes. Looks like he is trying to sell me something. 

    9 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

     If, for example, some people from a Mexican cartel tell me: we are going to amputate your penis and then you are going to eat it, 


  6. 10 hours ago, James123 said:

    İmpossible. İ tried that with psychedelics, and i fucked up my neurological system. You might completely surrender, not suffer, at peace, free etc... However, i have never seen anyone including any teacher who bliss the fuck out 24/7. Did you?


    10 hours ago, Someone here said:

    No you did explain it perfectly. Whatever it is that is your goal here is unrealistic . You understand that you can't lock yourself into a specific mode of being or a state of consciousness for more than one fucking second ? Because everything is running away and qualia is like a malleable syrup of chaotic changes ?

    OK so I'm open minded to that . You say I can only know it by experiencing it .did you experience it yourself?  And how ? Was it sober or under drug high etc please break it down to me .

    @James123 @Someone here You guys are wrong and are not doing the Work to really become Free.

    What I´m exploring in my own experience prove otherwise. Bliss is fundamental to the nature of Reality and what I am, and at this point I see a complete possibility to be in a state of Bliss indepent of external situations.

    But it is because is not a state. iS NOT A STATE! IS YOU!

    Right now I can not explain to you guys how the dream works but it is how it is being revealed. .

    People think having a certain experience or certain enlightment is all there is and that's it.

    No, the real work is to make STABLE everything, actually going SOMEWHERE REAL.

    Activating and Realising something within this dream that changes everything. 


    IF not, everybody can have enlightment, ecstatic, high, experiences. They come and go. So what?

    People doing psychedelics at Burning Man already do this, and they do not need to be in a spiritual forum to do this.

    So...if you guys are here is because you are supposed to Aim towards something Real. Something more than just fleeting states of highs and lows. Yet...you say that´s all there is to this.

    I ask then, why are you guys doing here then?

    In anyway, do not assume all that you have seen is what there is.

    Not want to preach anyone but at the same time I need to be honest with that is true in my experience. Doesn´t matter if 1000 people come tell me I´m wrong, what I´m discovering is something that 1 million people can not break. 


    9 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Maybe those mystical philosophers were wrong, it seems that the human dimension is a low dimension even at levels like Buddha or Christ. more complex and deeper than the dimension of a dog, but still on a scale not sufficient for total unity with infinite existence.

    Even if I'm totally open to the absolute existence, in absolute communion whit the real thing, I think I will restart, maybe not as a human but as another structure 

    Im fact, it's impossible that there is an end of the well etc. If it were an end , it would already arrived because we are in eternity. Then it arrives and restart eternally. We are trapped for ever in that game , because it's infinity. If you see this, it's quite scary. 

    @Breakingthewall Is difficult to explain but in my experience Consciousness is free from any kind of memory or form. 

    I put it like this: When one is 30 years old and it realises is being attached and entangled to the same kind of  thoughts of 15 years ago, and the kind of thoughts and energy structures of their father, grandfather, or whatever other kind of humans he might share they karmic structure, it tells you one thing:

    Obviously there is something fundamental there that is entangled, no? 

    Consciousness, Intelligence, or however you want to call it, that is attaching itself to that structure of memory.

    It is attaching itself all the time. It keeps doing that.

    But it is not bound to do that.  It is not actually that.

  7. 36 minutes ago, What Am I said:

    I don't think he means the type of bliss where you're nonfunctional rolling around on the ground though. I don't think it'd be too high of a bar to aim for the three characteristics of ultimate reality (sat chit ananda) to be consistently realized as your true natural state.

    This is awesome. I wish I had access to people who are so dedicated.

    That is correct @Someone here I was not referring to being on an MDMA ROLL. Lol 

    I am talking about a subtle Bliss that keeps you in a certain place of intense awareness and freedom from low vibratory thoughts.

    In this state, you can have a normal Life, raise kids, go to work, etc... Is not an impairing extreme Ectasy or something like that. Maybe i did not explained myself accurately.

    31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    Nothing is ever "constant ". Existence is  in a continuous flux . Your true nature is not bliss .your true nature is EVERYTHING. 

    That is not correct. 

    What you are has a certain quality. But is not a Bliss that is from the Mind because It has no physical quality.

    This Bliss exists before Universe or Even Creation/Form.

    Is something that you can not imagine if you havent touch It.

    Once you touch It you see this Bliss exists before Creation and after Creation.

    But again, you can not imagine It because when i say bliss you think of a mental or brain state, and im not talking about that.

    20 minutes ago, James123 said:

    This is totally right and wrong at the same time. Because, when breakthrough happens, that's where the bliss peak happens. But time is infinite there. However, when you consider the human body, it is impossible. That's how I fucked up myself with psychedelic addiction.. Meanwhile bliss for human being is just to be simple as birth free of any addiction. Cleansing. 

    @James123 I see what you are saying.

    But can you open your Mind that that Bliss Still exists when you are being tortured to death? 😂😂😂

  8. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Agree, but the fact is that pain creates the self because it is designed to create the urgency to do something, and thus survive. If you are, let's say, enlightened, that is, you perceive total reality through form, and you are slowly roasted on a grill or tortured by a professional torturer, in my opinion you will stop being enlightened during that time.

    That is, the perception will be totally focused on the form, and that form will be extreme pain. If you bury Sadhguru or Ralston in an anthill of carnivorous ants for a few hours, I would say that their enlightenment would disappear completely. 

    Of course, some people could train themselves to support extreme pain. Muhammad Ali endured beatings of maximum intensity smiling, a medieval warrior fought until he bled to death from multiple wounds and broken bones that would have made Ali faint, and the guy who set himself on fire at the US embassy in Vietnam without lifting a finger surpassed them both. 

    I get that, neither of those two are perfect in the sense that if they Still have physical forms some kind of survival instinct must be there, but ideally is taken to a minimum and is at a certain distance from them at all times.

    But if you can handle certain amount of pain with no sense of friction , then you have a lot of work done already .

    Of course that doesn't mean that if turns out you get the Worst of tortures you Will feel completely fine, enlightment seems like a spectrum, probably nobody Alive in a body is untouchable if we push them in the Worst way, but if they have 80% of pain handled is great news. Means the work is real, is not just saying you are God and you are Dreaming everything :D

  9. Couple of real examples:

    • Peter Ralston: He said it didn´t require anaesthesia when going to the dentist.
    • Sadhguru: When he fell on his bike and required stitches by the doctor in a rural aerea, the doctor said that he couldn´t stitch him because he had no morphine. But sadhguru said he didn't care because he couldn´t wait for the medicine to arrive. 

    Both of them support the affirmation that pain still exists (because is information, just like your Battery Indicator), but pain disappears (sensation of an 'I' existing anywhere is completely gone). 

    When you are enlightened basically you understand human body completely as a machine, as you understand your phone or laptop. Completely crystal clear is not you.

  10. 21 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Yes sure, the idea of you, but if you break a bone , there is pain right? That's existence. Then, what's the point to remove the illusion of the you? Pain is the same.

    Body creates pain as a way to signal information of the state of the body, just like the panel of control of your laptop or phone about if the CPU is very hot or the battery is low. 

    But the suffering about the pain is where the I exist, and they say if there is not an I then there can not be any suffering because the suffering is a reaction to the pain (fear+panic of dying

    When there is not an I that can have fear or panic about death, they say suffering about the pain disappears.

    So pain is experienced as you would experience reading the 'LOW BATTERY' indicator on your phone. Just like pure information. 


  11. When doing Yoga you trascend all of this human history stuff, it is completely relative.

    Time does not exist in the dimension I´m talking about. So going to read a book or something about if the technique is ancient or not loses completely the point. 

    Unity is absolute and direct, it transcends all of that. 


    Is like if when you are in the Peak of a psychedelic calling your mom to ask her if what you are feeling is true or not.

  12. 7 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

    Ahah, why such expensive and mediocre food ? In addition, it seems to me that I interacted with you and told me that you were an occasional smoker. I have no problem with that but I don't see why you would suddenly be orthorexic talking about eating pistachio, unless of course it's a troll. xD

    If you have difficulty finding the time or money to eat, for example, you can simply sip on a gallon of whole milk all day. And end the day with a big, full meal.

    Or if you have time, for exemple :

    Morning : Strong coffee with whole milk, or even better :


    Meal 1 : 100g of organic brown rice (because of arcenic) weighed raw, with beef heart or 6 eggs cooked in a good tablespoon of coconut oil. Punnet of cherry tomatoes.
    For dessert, half a liter of orange juice (even industrial, no problem) and 50 cashew nuts.

    Snack : Two bananas, a Pineapple, a Coke, bag of gummy bears...

    Supper : Like at noon if you really don't have time.

    If you want to save time, you can simply make sweet or savory shakes like instead of a "real" meal :
    -100g oatmeal.
    -100g of any nut.
    -50 whey or rice/pea proteins.
    - bananas, dates, apple, cinnamon etc.

    I pulled these recipes out of my butt, nothing complicated.

    why you say mediocre? They are amazing, and I find a deal from Iran that are not that expensive.

    There's a lot of difference between pistachios from USA and pistachios from Iran. The ones from USA are really clunky and mediocre, yes. But there are good ones.

    beef heart?? Jesus 

    50 nuts?? that will demolish my stomach.

    and what's with the orange juice BRO?? 😹

  13. Quote


    Ānanda (Sanskrit: आनन्द) literally means bliss or happiness. In the Hindu Vedas, Upanishads and Bhagavad gita, ānanda signifies eternal bliss which accompanies the ending of the rebirth cycle. Those who renounce the fruits of their actions and submit themselves completely to the divine will, arrive at the final termination of the cyclical life process (saṃsāra) to enjoy eternal bliss (ānanda) in perfect union with the godhead.




    Simply because Seeking more and more Higher ways of Being means Becoming More Close to Who You Are (less fluctuations or distortions to your real nature).

    Before Ending the bondage from the Dream and dissolving with the God Head, it is necessary a total complete Mastery of the energies and vibration of your Being.

    For example, 20 years of non-stop Bliss Peak. That´s the level of mastery you need to achieve within the human mechanism to prove yourself you truly are Absolute. 

    In a way, you need to test yourself that you are the Being. And Nothing else but the Bliss. During the human life. 

    Once your vibration and Beingness can no longer be disturbed by:

    • A) External actions
    • B) Internal Disturbances (thoughts, karmic energetic influences, etc). 

    You are on the last track of the run.

    At that point, you do not need anything or anyone for the last push. You will be able to consciously chose everything, including dissolution.


  14. 11 hours ago, Jannes said:

    You have also built more body awareness with lifting so you might also just become more aware that you are weaker. 

    Also couldn't you increase the one meal you have per day? why does it have so few calories?

    I don think that is the reason.

    I eat more than one meal per day of course, what happened was an exception

    12 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

    Low energy, weak metabolism in general


    Would you recommend pistachios as a good way to handle my nutrition deficit? Since it has protein and magnesium