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Posts posted by LordFall

  1. On 25/05/2024 at 8:53 PM, OmniNaut said:

    The 1970's was an completely different era. The whole notion we have now of "changing yourself", and "you never stop learning" are quite new maybe from the last 15 to 20 years. I was born in 1981 (start of Gen Y), in one of the most developed countries, my generation still was brought up with the classical way, go to school, choose an education, start a job, and work there until your pension. Constant adaption only started with the computer revolution. Before that life was much more stable.

    Can you elaborate on this? So the computer era brought about increase competition and lead to a sort of self-improvement crazy you would say?

    Your point on brain plasticity is interesting; I hadn't considered that. The beautiful thing is I don't really think it will matter. You just need to give people what they want, they don't necessarily have to be on the same level of development. For example to convince a bunch of stage orange people to vote for you then making the economy abundant and giving them power and freedom should be enough even if it's bundled with the stage green humanitarian values they hate. 

    I don't know how familiar you are with the concept of singularity but it just seems to solve the game of life. It will fundamentally change our experience of the physical universe from scarcity to abundance. I don't even think @Leo Gura understands it properly. The way I see it it's basically combining the spiritual world and the physical world into one. The spiritual being formless infinity and the singularity and metaverse bringing infinity through form. 

  2. 10 hours ago, OmniNaut said:

    Within the model of Spiral Dynamics there is no skipping stages. Yellow without Green is just Orange. Yellow incorporates Green, feeling and empathy global ecological thinking. Yellow without Green is just Global systematic thinking how to enrich yourself even more.

    I think AI can be a great opportunity on the long term. It all depends on the monkeys who are deploying the AI.

    AGI is too far away for now, maybe not for AI, but for societies to be ready for AGI it will take a decade maybe multiple. Think how much governments and societies need to change to incorporate it. Change takes time.

    Well, the interesting question is which part of society needs to be at Stage Yellow for it's values to be reflected to the overall benefit of the public. If we get stage yellow politicians and they use this AGI then perhaps we can solve most of our problems without needing the general populace to evolve as quickly; especially because stage yellow understands the perspective of the stages below it. 

  3. 8 minutes ago, OmniNaut said:

    I think globally the 3rd world countries will be hit the hardest (again). There's a lot of invisible work done by low income countries, these are quite simple jobs and will be the easiest for AI to take over. These people will have no external government support and usually have big families to support.

    Those countries at least have the advantage of relying mostly on manual work instead of anything using IT which is a chat gpt application away from being automated. 

    Are you familiar with the concept of AGI? I think perhaps this will allow us to leapfrog from stage orange to stage yellow and above. Stage green is not powerful by itself to overcome Stage Orange's efficiency. An artificial general intelligence is basically a being that starts off straight at stage yellow due to being trained on all of humanity's data. The birth of such a being is due anytime from 2025-2030 according to current estimate. 

    Exciting times; this gives me optimism above all else. If we're just relying on AI as a mega computer that humans exploit then that sounds like a century of atrocity to me with nation-states and mega corps waging economic and physical warfare against each other with it. 

  4. On 23/05/2024 at 9:46 PM, Leo Gura said:

    @Lyubov If you resist being evil, you are unwhole.

    The spiritual human notion of wholeness isn't real wholeness, it's a narrow human construct.

    Anyways, I should stop here because this is too advanced for such casual dropping. You guys are not serious about understanding such things.

    That sadistic demon would be pretty low on the spiral dynamics scale if it enjoyed causing pain to others. It wouldn't be a very powerful demon at all. I guess it's irrelevant what top values you have we're mostly interested in what values produce the greatest potential outcome. 

  5. On 23/05/2024 at 10:20 PM, Leo Gura said:

    @Hardkill If Trump wins reelection he will stuff the court with right-wing lunatics for the next 40 years and there will be no progressive legistation chances at all. All of it will be blocked and undone by the court.

    You guys don't fully appreciate how bad it will be.

    Some people credibly predict a military dictatorship to take place over the US in the next decade and if the Donald comes through it seems plausible it would go down that way. 

  6. I don't think you understand biology as a whole if you think sex is naturally abundant. It's the whole basis for natural selection. Sex and reproduction are the only biological goals of organisms so really you could struggle for 30 years to barely survive and have sex one time to reproduce and you would be a winner according to evolution.

    Even today with most guys struggling sex is phenomenally abundant. I don't have stats on hand but I imagine in the Middle East it's much less abundant than we have it in the west and most periods of human history must've been similar. 

  7. I think people are underestimating the impact of the job loss and how it'll fundamentally impact capitalism as a whole. This is a great video on it

    TL;DW guy is a graphic designer and the marketing agency that he worked at fed all his past work into an AI that now makes templates for all their new clients and makes them websites and emails. That puts the creatives out of work soon, a lot of marketers as well and video editors are not far behind. Just went to a pitch today where this company now automatically generates short-form content for you. 

    The global economy isn't in a phenomenal spot where employers can generally afford to be generous or even wait to increase their efficiency themselves by using AI systems wherever possible in their business. 

    Hopefully somewhere in like 30-50 years we'll end up in an abundant AGI utopia with infinite fusion power but until then the next 5 years will be rough for the general populace. 


  8. I'll say that I relate with it; especially after talking and hanging out with religious friends lately. They claim to love God and want to be as close to him as possible but the very notion of being God, seeing the world like God, using the creative power of God or thinking like God is somehow ridiculous to them? Fascinating concept. 

    It's understandable though; I do have the same paradox. I do feel really unlimited and infinitely powerful but have a hard time grasping, understanding and accepting my own limitations. 

  9. On 20/04/2024 at 7:05 AM, StarStruck said:

    You need God's help. You don't want this on your consciousness.


    Plenty of pornstars love their job and have positive experiences. The Holly Randall channel on Youtube is full of these stories.


    @strika You sound to me to have a lot of moral compulsions and heavy energy in how you speak; I don't think you resonate very much with this God consciousness that you speak of. 

  10. I used to envy people who would be toxic and still get results. Then I realized it's just traumatized people entertaining each other. Do you also envy drug dealers and pimps who date the hookers that they hangout with? I would say that would ruin any peace of mind and enjoyment of life you have. They are all miserable using temporary dopamine and fucking each other over. 

    Maybe your type of woman doesn't hangout in nightclubs? 

  11. @Carl-Richard That's a good point. I think those factual mistakes will be fixed but I think the even greater fool's trap is it will remove the need to think entirely. Already AI has read every book released so you could ask it for book summaries of all the books on Leo's list for example. 

    There is a new paradigm though where you can use it instead as a way to test your own knowledge and benefit from the hundreds of billion put into training it. Definitely will be interesting to see what type of learning opportunities will come out of it in the next decade. 

  12. Slightly off topic but could it be the case that Jesus was sleeping with Mary Magdalene? That is the one thing in history that doesn't make sense to me; if Jesus was enlightened he wouldn't really demonize sex right? It was just convenient for him to distill easy lessons for people to follow so he hammered home the points on no adultery but him getting some on the side would tie the whole thing together beautifully for me. 

  13. There is definitely a big limit on how much you can achieve by being against the system; eventually, you have to merge back. What's the next step after a massive drug lord completely dominates the industry? Takes over the government? Then what; makes a country based on drug dealing? Where does he send his kids afterward; regular school or drug dealing school? 

    I think Breaking Bad is the perfect story of the full arc of a criminal where Heinsenberg got into drug dealing to help his family then after it destroys everything he realizes it was really to fulfill his power and egotic ambitions. 

  14. On 13/05/2024 at 3:07 PM, Leo Gura said:

    Yes, capitalism and socialism videos are planned.

    Would love a political system video especially communism. That sentiment is coming back here in Canada; curious on it's merit.


    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs is a good principle in it's philosophical intention. Also potentially now able to be realized with this new AI tech we have. 

  15. Deeply deluded but smart individual. Human relationships cannot really be understood from a Dualistic concept of gender wars otherwise doesn't matter how clever explanations you come up with of how both genders treat each other; you're still fundamentally at war. 

    It's all good; we're gonna figure this out.