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Posts posted by Aakash

  1. Aahahaha you know somehow i cetus and Leo have persuaded me to be a bodhisattva 

    i wonder if understanding is the reason 

    realistically, I'm in it to understand reality! and nirvana is just one point of reality lol! 


    don't want to be crying every time i see Media platforms , LIKE FOX NEWS lol, 

    i will think about it more, but its very delusional inside of nirvana <--- the devilry 

    you can't think much because your too busy having a good time LOL! 

  2. @DrewNows

    there is a PROFOUND irony here


    here it is : 


    ahahaahahahah care full you don't know when its going to stop 



    i can't believe it actually worked, i'm in profound shock 


  3. @FredFred ahahaa unfortunately not. 

    I'm actually in material consciousness, like imagine yourself, before you even start the journey 

    no mystical appearances or anything 

    but i know the heart of the true being 

    so it beats weakly inside of me. mainly i know my own sensations are pure love

    enlightenment was that to show you your buddha nature. 

    do you have any heat in your body that you can feel , a burning feeling that is what pure love is. your sensations but they are probably weak like mine. When your enlightened it extends to your whole "reality" because you mesh in. 

    I guess you can say i'm a bodhisattva 

    i was in it for 8 hours straight , until it dropped because i don't do meditation focus practices, which is understandable. 

    contemplation is a weak focus practice, you probably need some hardcore one- focus minded practice along with what ever your routine is. Just to save you the trip back. 

  4. @tsuki  Well isn't it obvious the one you are currently trapped in and saying you've finished the journey.. the next one after that ... LOL 

    each collapse of sets of duality leads to different results, you can mix and match.. 

    skips sets or not 

    its truly depends on what ever distinctions you've created for yourself 

    All distinctions are personal to all of us, for example i'm super sexy and the other guy isn't . See two distinctions i've made. Now i have two more distinctions to break down and i've caused myself issues. Hence the reason sadhguru doesn't use text books. But he was a special case, since he sat at a tree for 19 days. obviously if you don't make a single distinction for 19 days your going to become enlightened ... 

    Its completely dependant on the individal. That's why techniques don't work for everyone because they've created different dualities. and some find it comfortable breaking dualities with one more than the other. 

    Remember the series sets are just points to understanding, you can skip understanding but then you'll be gambling 

    I'm saying this method is decent to good . As are the rest. it has its benefits and drawbacks. Such as you have to break the dualities yourself, instead of hoping for a mysical state to somehow hit you by magic. Its active not idle. 

  5. we can actually write a map out of life through all dualities 

    body vs not body , where is this barrier someone might as themselves? so they ask themselves "my skin" its my skin, okay am i aware of my skin, yes or no ..... okay no i am the cells , okay am i aware of the cells ? no they are operating themselves, i am only aware of a concept called calls. i have never experienced it in my direct experience. if i have experienced it, was i aware of the experience? yes , so am i the cells themselves or awareness of the cells if they are in my direct experience. i am aware of them this is only true statement that can be made at the time. so now we ask ourselves in all these scenarios. did i only assume myself to be all these cells? when the actuality of the situation was i was only aware of these cells? The truer statement is that you were only aware of these cells. So now i look at a plant, is it true that i am aware of this plant? Yes i am aware of it. Is this plant in my awareness yes, is this an image of a plant inside my own head. There is no need to make it this complicated YET. Simply just notice that you are aware of the plant and it is over there. 

    Now here comes the tricky part, have you ever known of yourself outside of awareness. The only true statement we can proclaim is that all these things i know because i am aware of them in my direct experience. So the duality between body vs not body, if i am aware of my skin and i am aware of my hands. Then where is my awareness coming from? its coming from inside my head, this is what makes me know that i am the body. Because i have a brain. So we ask ourselves, Have i actually seen my brain with my own direct experience? with my own awareness because REMEMBER we have agreed the only 100% true statement that we have come to conclude thus far is that i am aware of my skin, the image of cell in my head, my hands, the plant. This is all the information we have thus far, so we be honest with ourselves, have i seen a picture of a brain in the text book and social media saying that there is a brain there? OR was i aware of a picture of brain in a text book and social media saying that there is a brain there. 

    So far all these things you have been aware of are actuality I know them because I have experienced them, i have not seen an image of a cat and said this is a cat, i have seen a cat and said this is what i would call a cat, when it is the content that you've taken on from experience we can call this actuality, when we have taken content on from experience and misinterpretted it to be that which is not through your analysis. The misinterpretation is that i have seen a cat through direct experience and this is true vs i have seen a cat through a picture of a text book and said this is true. I have mistaken the actuality of the statement for true. When i talk about a cat that i've read in a textbook, i am now truthing statements off this foundational truth i have set for myself, Lets build some information 

    I go to the zoo and see a cat, it is black and it is has grey strips its purrs like this "PRRRRAAAAHHH , MEWHOOO" all the sensations i can trust because we have acknowledge that the only thing i know 100% is the awareness of something. All my senses have taken in the "cat", I have built my truth of awareness of the sensational experience of the cat. 

    Lets take the opposite scenario, i go to the bookstore and i buy a book on zoo animals, it says the cat is the cat is black, it has grey stripes and it purs like this "PRRRRRRR" I can trust the sensations of being aware of this book i've read. My awareness is the truth built over the awareness of reading a book and saying this is the truth about the cat. 

    Now what's the difference 

    All the truth i know, i have built it off two different methods, I have had different experiences with each method. Notice they are not the same but different because REMEMBER again we agreed that the only thing we can ever know 100% is being aware of what we are aware of and that is the actuality of the situation. So we have to acknowledge that these are different. because again we have acknowledge the fact about truth and awareness or direct awareness/ experience. 

    So even in these cases the actuality of the situation, repeats again that WE ARE AWARE OF THAT WHICH WE ARE AWARE. now the beliefs simulate together and mesh together automatically, without our awareness of it, it is aware itself, but we are not aware of the subconsciousness. So now someone tells you they have seen a cat and he has said it goes "PRRRRRAAHHH ,MEWHOO" and you use your subconscious knowledge structure of what you know currently. 

    If that person had a conversation with the guy who has had awareness of a direct experience of the cat going "PRRRRAHH, MEWHOO" they can agree on such a thing. if the person then tells the person who was awareness of a direct experience of reading the book he said "PRRAHHH, MEWHOO" the guy would say no a cat goes "PRRRRRR" the guy would disagree. BECAUSE they fundamentally know no knowledge better or experience. So they fight each other and say they are both right. Both are not saying the truth of how the cat purs. What they are doing is comparing their awareness of the actual cat to the awareness of reading a book about a cat. 

    Again we see how awareness of a thing is what is the actuality that is being compared. 

    So we can now ask ourselves the distance between my body and the air next to the end of my arm. Is the barrier physically there OR am i aware of my arm and then i am aware of the space after my arm. we are saying that there are two awareness of this is a duality, when they collapse we realise that the awareness identical the awareness of the arm and the space are one, there is no different between the awareness, the awareness is a whole and this is what it means to expand your awareness consciousnessly and break down dualities in actuality. So now you are the awarness of the space + arm, what this means is that your awareness is creating boundaries between every obstacle in reality, boundary after boundary created by either awareness of direct experiences and awareness of things read in books and taught in school. All awareness of which are 100% true stacked 

    the dualities are simply this 

    Awareness of 

    awareness of 

    awareness of 

    awarness of 

    awareness of 

    awareness of direct experience of Distinctions after distinctios after distinctiosn of statements truthed. 


    Pure consciousness is when you realise that all these awarnesses of that you have fragmented into seperate things and said they are other to me, they are seperate distinctions because you've misinterpretted the awareness of which is 100% true for "seperate things " this is how we come up with many things 

    But the awareness of them ALL WERE THE SAME! AND WE ALL AGREED ITS 100% TRUE! 

    What this means is 

    That black guy is you, that white guy is, that plant is you, that starts are you, that tea pot is you, that emotion is youy 

    HOW is this the case? because you were Aware of all of them 

    This statement is true for every single one of us including animals, they do the exact same thing. Its pure consciousness, fragmented itself into experiences of itself and truthing it because its 100% true that that was the case in actuality. 

    Then when we say these fragmented consciousness are one we say it is nothing, it was "not the very distinctions" but this was equal to everything with ALL the distinctions, because all statements were 100% true we all agreed. This final break down is the awakening to pure love, pure awarness, pure nothing. This is when the heart will open and you will realise you are love itself. 


    Benefit : eyes open technique + no random mystical states that misguide you + you can listen to music if you want to focus, it hyper focuses you, whatever works for you 

    note: obviously still use leo for theory work, i can not provide nuances of the details of why it is the case that you are the awareness of it and what your actually being aware is in actuality. That's what his youtube videos are

  6. ohh god i've gone from telling jokes to now rating comments for their expressions xD

    should be doing practice of continually breaking down duality and remaining there 

    we can actually write a map out of life through all dualities 

    body vs not body , where is this barrier someone might as themselves? so they ask themselves "my skin" its my skin, okay am i aware of my skin, yes or no ..... okay no i am the cells , okay am i aware of the cells ? no they are operating themselves, i am only aware of a concept called calls. i have never experienced it in my direct experience. if i have experienced it, was i aware of the experience? yes , so am i the cells themselves or awareness of the cells if they are in my direct experience. i am aware of them this is only true statement that can be made at the time. so now we ask ourselves in all these scenarios. did i only assume myself to be all these cells? when the actuality of the situation was i was only aware of these cells? The truer statement is that you were only aware of these cells. So now i look at a plant, is it true that i am aware of this plant? Yes i am aware of it. Is this plant in my awareness yes, is this an image of a plant inside my own head. There is no need to make it this complicated YET. Simply just notice that you are aware of the plant and it is over there. 

    Now here comes the tricky part, have you ever known of yourself outside of awareness. The only true statement we can proclaim is that all these things i know because i am aware of them in my direct experience. So the duality between body vs not body, if i am aware of my skin and i am aware of my hands. Then where is my awareness coming from? its coming from inside my head, this is what makes me know that i am the body. Because i have a brain. So we ask ourselves, Have i actually seen my brain with my own direct experience? with my own awareness because REMEMBER we have agreed the only 100% true statement that we have come to conclude thus far is that i am aware of my skin, the image of cell in my head, my hands, the plant. This is all the information we have thus far, so we be honest with ourselves, have i seen a picture of a brain in the text book and social media saying that there is a brain there? OR was i aware of a picture of brain in a text book and social media saying that there is a brain there. 

    So far all these things you have been aware of are actuality I know them because I have experienced them, i have not seen an image of a cat and said this is a cat, i have seen a cat and said this is what i would call a cat, when it is the content that you've taken on from experience we can call this actuality, when we have taken content on from experience and misinterpretted it to be that which is not through your analysis. The misinterpretation is that i have seen a cat through direct experience and this is true vs i have seen a cat through a picture of a text book and said this is true. I have mistaken the actuality of the statement for true. When i talk about a cat that i've read in a textbook, i am now truthing statements off this foundational truth i have set for myself, Lets build some information 

    I go to the zoo and see a cat, it is black and it is has grey strips its purrs like this "PRRRRAAAAHHH , MEWHOOO" all the sensations i can trust because we have acknowledge that the only thing i know 100% is the awareness of something. All my senses have taken in the "cat", I have built my truth of awareness of the sensational experience of the cat. 

    Lets take the opposite scenario, i go to the bookstore and i buy a book on zoo animals, it says the cat is the cat is black, it has grey stripes and it purs like this "PRRRRRRR" I can trust the sensations of being aware of this book i've read. My awareness is the truth built over the awareness of reading a book and saying this is the truth about the cat. 

    Now what's the difference 

    All the truth i know, i have built it off two different methods, I have had different experiences with each method. Notice they are not the same but different because REMEMBER again we agreed that the only thing we can ever know 100% is being aware of what we are aware of and that is the actuality of the situation. So we have to acknowledge that these are different. because again we have acknowledge the fact about truth and awareness or direct awareness/ experience. 

    So even in these cases the actuality of the situation, repeats again that WE ARE AWARE OF THAT WHICH WE ARE AWARE. now the beliefs simulate together and mesh together automatically, without our awareness of it, it is aware itself, but we are not aware of the subconsciousness. So now someone tells you they have seen a cat and he has said it goes "PRRRRRAAHHH ,MEWHOO" and you use your subconscious knowledge structure of what you know currently. 

    If that person had a conversation with the guy who has had awareness of a direct experience of the cat going "PRRRRAHH, MEWHOO" they can agree on such a thing. if the person then tells the person who was awareness of a direct experience of reading the book he said "PRRAHHH, MEWHOO" the guy would say no a cat goes "PRRRRRR" the guy would disagree. BECAUSE they fundamentally know no knowledge better or experience. So they fight each other and say they are both right. Both are not saying the truth of how the cat purs. What they are doing is comparing their awareness of the actual cat to the awareness of reading a book about a cat. 

    Again we see how awareness of a thing is what is the actuality that is being compared. 

    So we can now ask ourselves the distance between my body and the air next to the end of my arm. Is the barrier physically there OR am i aware of my arm and then i am aware of the space after my arm. we are saying that there are two awareness of this is a duality, when they collapse we realise that the awareness identical the awareness of the arm and the space are one, there is no different between the awareness, the awareness is a whole and this is what it means to expand your awareness consciousnessly and break down dualities in actuality. So now you are the awarness of the space + arm, what this means is that your awareness is creating boundaries between every obstacle in reality, boundary after boundary created by either awareness of direct experiences and awareness of things read in books and taught in school. All awareness of which are 100% true stacked 

    the dualities are simply this 

    Awareness of 

    awareness of 

    awareness of 

    awarness of 

    awareness of 

    awareness of direct experience of Distinctions after distinctios after distinctiosn of statements truthed. 


    Pure consciousness is when you realise that all these awarnesses of that you have fragmented into seperate things and said they are other to me, they are seperate distinctions because you've misinterpretted the awareness of which is 100% true for "seperate things " this is how we come up with many things 

    But the awareness of them ALL WERE THE SAME! AND WE ALL AGREED ITS 100% TRUE! 

    What this means is 

    That black guy is you, that white guy is, that plant is you, that starts are you, that tea pot is you, that emotion is youy 

    HOW is this the case? because you were Aware of all of them 

    This statement is true for every single one of us including animals, they do the exact same thing. Its pure consciousness, fragmented itself into experiences of itself and truthing it because its 100% true that that was the case in actuality. 

    Then when we say these fragmented consciousness are one we say it is nothing, it was "not the very distinctions" but this was equal to everything with ALL the distinctions, because all statements were 100% true we all agreed. This final break down is the awakening to pure love, pure awarness, pure nothing. This is when the heart will open and you will realise you are love itself.