
Young people not having children (example China)

9 posts in this topic

This is an issue everywhere in the developed workd but here the example of china.

young people can’t afford children. From housing/property prices to education etc. 


one guy in the vid said

”back in the day chinese were desperate to have children but the govt didn’t allow them, now the govt is trying everything to get people to have children but people not having them they’re not even getting married. They say in the animal world when animals living conditions deteriorate, animals stop reproducing “


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It's the same in most developed nations. I knew of many ladies. They are in their 30s. Wanted to marry but couldn't find spouse. After a while, given up finding.

They are quality graduates. Some are doctors, dentists or hold very high positions in companies.

It's not just the money. It's also lack of compatible partners.

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I liked the ending where the guy said something like

”you can bully us government, but we can choose to be the last generation to get bullied, we are the last generation”


quite dystopian but nice nonetheless 

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A child costs several hundred euros per month.

The devil is in the details.

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Posted (edited)

The one child policy probably had minimum effect on birth rate, it was already declining. Taiwan didn’t have the policy and their birthrate is even lower.

Edited by Raze

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16 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

This is an issue everywhere in the developed workd but here the example of china.

young people can’t afford children. From housing/property prices to education etc. 


one guy in the vid said

”back in the day chinese were desperate to have children but the govt didn’t allow them, now the govt is trying everything to get people to have children but people not having them they’re not even getting married. They say in the animal world when animals living conditions deteriorate, animals stop reproducing “


   IMO this makes sense, as this is Feminism, egalitarianism and Neoliberalism and capitalism run amok, negatively effecting the traditional and conservative moral system, which holds family unit,nation,and community highly. When you have too many women career orientated qnd on high positions, having to be more rational than feminine, you get high divorce rates and birthrate declines due to legal abortion and lackcof energy and time to family and marriage, andpoor diet, health, nutrition, and sleep due to capitalism, processed food and work culture. This is also the negatives of atheims and secularism, and liberalism, and a blind belief in egalitarianism and multiculturalism, which 

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Posted (edited)

I could never afford it. I might have had one, but I couldn't afford the eight times earnings mortgages for a family home. I couldn't afford to give them a reasonable quality of life, heck I can barely afford my own existence.

People want to continually tell me this isn't the reality, but it was so *shrug*.

Edited by BlueOak

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They actually made a state sponored dating app to help young poeple get to know their potential spouses. 


I wonder if this is a good Idea. Problem with tinder is that it's not actually in the companies interest to make good couples, it's better for it if we keep coming back. Hence the app ignores personality traits and focuses on looks.

I honestly have no Idea what my generation will do. It's obvius that we won't have affordable housing. Landlords don't want pets in their units, letalone a child. And then there's preassure at the workplace to not have childern since the employer wants you to commit full time to your work. 

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