
Career for a Woman

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Are woman meant to be receivers in society rather than providers when it comes to career?

Is it the same for womans as the mans to build a career that generates good amount of money while they provide massive value for society?

If not, than what would be the main important guidance steps for a woman building the career. 

I am in the stage of life seriously planing my career, seeing what value I can bring to the world with my whole life. I noticed that I do not feel the need of designing the career in such a way so that it would generate massive amounts of money. However, I live alone and I do not need very much of materiality around, just some high quality tools for working and high quality food. 

So does it work the same for woman and for man in terms of planning the spiritual career?

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@teraflu It is not true, fundamentally, that women are meant to be receivers and men are meant to be providers. However, mothers do need to receive and fathers do need to provide. And, if as a man or woman you don't accept this, you will struggle as a parent. 

Because men have a physical advantage over women, the conditions of society impact women more than men. And men have more of a responsibility to protect society in general than women do. So, in careers that require you to be territorial, men will be favored. This part is fundamental and it probably won't change. 

Also, there are a lot of cultural factors that make some careers very competitive. This favors men more than women. This could change as the world develops more and becomes more conscious. 

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14 hours ago, teraflu said:


So does it work the same for woman and for man in terms of planning the spiritual career?

Never heard such a thing as spiritual career. I think the word ''career'' and ''spirituality'' doesn't fit or blend together. In todays standarts the idea of career stands for survival of fittest, I don't know if Darwin's animals can both survive and be spiritual at the same time. Please let me know if I am wrong.

I think @mr_engineer is right about  some careers being more competitive and this mostly favors men because they are somewhat familiar with harsh conditions.

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What men and women are "meant" to do is just a social construct. If that's too PC for some, i don't give a shit. 

State then, without citing the Bible or Koran some such, where it's stated men and women "should' do something. 

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I'm an artist at heart, I love to paint, write stories and poetry.

Yoga is also my passion, as well as dancing, cooking, and reading tarot. However, there isn't enough money in these pursuits to make a living.

To sustain myself financially, I've learned a bit of coding (which is interesting but not my ultimate passion) and found a job.

It wasn't easy, after applying to 20+ companies, only 2 got back to me, and one of them suits me. It doesn't pay high, but it pays me enough to survive and allows the flexibility to do whatever I want.

I believe that for women, especially those who prefer living from their divine feminine energy, like me, finding a job that pays enough to survive and allows flexibility would be perfect.

With my flexible job, I have the freedom to sell my art and make extra income from my hobbies and passions if I want, but I don't have the pressure to do that. 


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@Lila9 wow you did all of that as a girl, am an artist too at the heart making it professionally surviving on my art was Brutally hard still not where i wanna be yet i wanna do full animations

i really feel like girls that can't take care of them self and are dependent on man they are immature in someway or another, but i do love giving as a man too what do you think about that @Lila9 , girls where am from are traditional house wife type they dont know much and they can't do much


On 12/24/2023 at 11:50 PM, teraflu said:

Are woman meant to be receivers in society rather than providers when it comes to career?

the way i imagine my relationship now is that i want a successful girl i can provide everything for her no problem but i want her to be successful to have a good character also girls with passion are much more attractive to me like when i see a girl that love art and yoga or love music id love her much more and there will be more common ground in the relationship too

but build a career to do the things you love to do the most not the things that makes you most money : D
and you can pick more feminine fields too

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also @Lila9 do you feel girls like you are rare or is it that most girls in your culture are like that ? the most successful girl i met was my ex irl lol we couldn't make it we where living in different cities, and most girls i meet are just not into it at all (not successful) or having the most boring job

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6 hours ago, Ash55 said:

i really feel like girls that can't take care of them self and are dependent on man they are immature in someway or another, but i do love giving as a man too what do you think about that @Lila9 , girls where am from are traditional house wife type they dont know much and they can't do much

If a woman lives in a traditional society, gets married, has children and takes care of the house, that is considered mature for me, even if her husband is the only breadwinner.

The traditional woman's labour is a labour that consumes a lot of time, attention, physical and mental health and isn't valued enough by society to officially get paid, so the minimum the husband can do to balance it is to be the only provider of money.

In the individualistic and the western society it's different, I think that for every human, regardless their gender, it's always beneficial to know how to earn money to sustain themselves, and not to be dependent on the mercy of others.

Despite that, women are still attracted to generous men and not to the non generous ones, and it's not about rich men being more attractive, it's about the energy of the man. There are rich men who are cheap in every aspect of their lives, while there are men with average income or below who are generous towards their beloved women, financially, emotionally, sexually, they invest time and effort in the women they love and their children if they have. 

6 hours ago, Ash55 said:

also @Lila9 do you feel girls like you are rare or is it that most girls in your culture are like that ? the most successful girl i met was my ex irl lol we couldn't make it we where living in different cities, and most girls i meet are just not into it at all (not successful) or having the most boring job

I don't think that it's rare for women to sustain themselves and to be successful in their pursuits, the term 'successful' is more subjective than objective and everybody define success differently. 

Most people have boring jobs, because most jobs are boring, and people have to survive, but it doesn't mean that these people are boring. Maybe they don't have any other options at the moment or do that until they will achieve some greater goals.

6 hours ago, Ash55 said:

am an artist too at the heart making it professionally surviving on my art was Brutally hard still not where i wanna be yet i wanna do full animations

I see, that's awesome, good luck!


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12 hours ago, Lila9 said:

If a woman lives in a traditional society, gets married, has children and takes care of the house, that is considered mature for me,

You know what i had experience with a girl that want me to do all the things from the traditional society and want all the freedom from the modern one without she taking any responsibility lol, not only that i'm the one who clean and make food too lol


12 hours ago, Lila9 said:

The traditional woman's labour is a labour that consumes a lot of time, attention, physical and mental health and isn't valued enough by society to officially get paid, so the minimum the husband can do to balance it is to be the only provider of money.

I do agree its SO much work if there is kids

12 hours ago, Lila9 said:

In the individualistic and the western society it's different, I think that for every human, regardless their gender, it's always beneficial to know how to earn money to sustain themselves, and not to be dependent on the mercy of others.

Despite that, women are still attracted to generous men and not to the non generous ones, and it's not about rich men being more attractive, it's about the energy of the man. There are rich men who are cheap in every aspect of their lives, while there are men with average income or below who are generous towards their beloved women, financially, emotionally, sexually, they invest time and effort in the women they love and their children if they have. 

i spent tons of money on my ex relative to our slanderers and she wasn't happy, i dont expect any money from a girl but girls that are more successful tend to understand me more and appreciate the effort am putting more, girls that are not that successful now a day for me they dont have a realistic expectation they have tiktok expectation LOL, ill try to give more to the next girl am with tho or maybe see what makes her feel the best

her father she tells me used to spent literally all his money maybe that has a lots of influence on her

12 hours ago, Lila9 said:

I see, that's awesome, good luck!

Thank you @Lila9 you too

Edited by Ash55

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13 hours ago, Lila9 said:

Most people have boring jobs, because most jobs are boring, and people have to survive, but it doesn't mean that these people are boring. Maybe they don't have any other options at the moment or do that until they will achieve some greater goals.

let me add this i do feel empathy and compassion toward many people that are stuck in a dead end job, but when ever i tried to communicate that they can create a totally different life for them they dont really believe its possible or understand how or see a way into that especially girl that are conforming to what they got already and what saw in society

i feel like people stuck in a boring job they are also stuck in  patterns and can't get out of it too

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3 hours ago, Ash55 said:

i feel like people stuck in a boring job they are also stuck in  patterns and can't get out of it too

for me it was the case when I got out of old cycles, changed my life for exciting one (with the huge help of masters) and after some time got back into the old cycle, because it was too quick change and my psyche did not had enough time to adapt.

I guess change have to come slow, 

To ilustrate this, I was jumping out from a very dark place and leaving everything behind including the family, country, basically having just a luggage with me from the old life. And got onto the new wave of fresh energy that felt just about amazing, After some time passed it started to feel weird as my old survival mechanisms was not useful anymore, it was so unusual that I had no prior experience on how to act in the new circumstances. It felt good at the same time was threatening. It was challenge for identity and also felt longing for the family members. THough that perhaps my mission is to contribute to that current dark old environment that I was spending most of my time in. 

In the end I came back to think and analyse all possible future strategies on how to survive in the new life the other time. Also the relation with old environment completely changed as this time maintained a really solid boundaries with family members and not complaining about the bad circumstances, but kind of looking what I can do better in this area for other people to help them grow. 

Also financial independence played a huge role here too I am working on financial independence being still relatively young building the career skills in new field first to be able to travel freely and come back only for short visits next time back to this old dark space that I am currently living in. 

Wow I told my life story well here you have it maybe its beneficial to someone. 

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4 hours ago, teraflu said:

I guess change have to come slow, 

indeed, takes insane amount of work to unwire old habit pattern also ancestral patterns


4 hours ago, teraflu said:

time back to this old dark space that I am currently living in. 

relatable tho more and more am changing my life to be in a very bright place

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On 12/28/2023 at 6:04 AM, Ash55 said:

i really feel like girls that can't take care of them self and are dependent on man they are immature in someway or another, but i do love giving as a man too what do you think about that @Lila9 , girls where am from are traditional house wife type they dont know much and they can't do much

If you are a naturally feminine woman, there is no reason to be super-ambitious because of the indoctrination of rah-rah feminism.  That's great for naturally masculine women with high testosterone but it's not for everyone.  You see these women crying about it on social media because they are clearly trying to fit into some mold they are ill-suited for.

It's perfectly fine to be a wife/homemaker/whatever if that's what suits you best.  

You have to know where you fit between the extremes and what the appropriate balance is for you; no-one can tell you what's right for you in this regard (they would only be projecting their beliefs onto you.)  If you want to work just enough to make a living while you're single, that's fine.

Edited by SeaMonster

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On 2023-12-29 at 6:25 PM, Ash55 said:

unwire old habit pattern also ancestral patterns

You have more information on ancestral patterns? Super interesting, was trying to access ancestral knowledge, only scratched the surface tho, did it intuitively only and very minimal so far

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11 hours ago, teraflu said:

You have more information on ancestral patterns? Super interesting, was trying to access ancestral knowledge, only scratched the surface tho, did it intuitively only and very minimal so far

after learning about it from teal swan and reading karma book by sadguru i start noticing it intuitively in my self and work on it that way, aslo doing yoga have helped me A TONS, i love teal swan she is the go to for relationships and emotions for me too, her book the completion process also really good too


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Women have never been just "receivers" of anything in human history. Women in traditional roles provide a more innately social resource as opposed to a physical one. That's the difference.

You can completely disregard traditional gender roles when planning your career. Just focus on your life purpose, the kind of impact you want to have, etc.

Edited by Basman

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