Being A Visionary

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Would you say visionary = very high ambition?

Visionary may be more inclined towards pioneering while ambition towards "just" success.
But I feel that if you're very ambitious you can logic your way to becoming a visionary. 

Not sure about the transition though. I always had decent ambition, and once I started to think for myself and shedded some of my culture of pursuing a career, it came natural to aim for the stars. But at the same time I felt an incredible pull towards innovation and pioneering, more so than success. Didn't have to logic my way through, it was a gut feeling for me.

I still don't think you can be a visionary without ambition, so breaking it down like this may be helpful to understand it.

Edited by The Renaissance Man

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Why don't we substitute ambition with Love?

Is like ambition but leaning toward the positive side. Hitler was very ambitious...

Ambition sounds more selfish. Just caring about me and my tribe. Not saying is bad per se. Just adding nuances.

Having Love as the North Start can be more effective and powerful (think of Gandhi, Mandela, MLK, Jesus...)

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@koops Ambition, Love, Obsession, Passion.

Whatever is the ingredient, we need something to keep us going.

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I think true visionaries are able to cultivate without the need for any dots to connect, they are able to synthesize novel ideas out of nothing. Then they connect it BACKwards so that it is able to meld with prior understanding in order to manifest it in the world. 

This is what original thought is. Visionaries basically have the most naturally limitless minds in society. They don't listen to anyone that imposes limits on them because they know how efficient their mind is at finding brand new solutions with ease. Leo is spot on about them having a specific temperament, they will straight up ignore anyone that tells them that something can't be done, and even cringe at them when they do so.

They basically don't need any kind of framework to think from, they crave for that freedom. Whereas most others will feel unsafe and lost in it, they will feel at home.

If the world was a keyhole, the visionary would find 1000 ways to unlock it without the key.

And again like Leo said, it's important for them not to doubt themselves, they need to be possess some arrogance in order for them to not waste their gift.

Edited by Francis777

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@Francis777 Pirate, Thug, Visionary, Pickup Artist, Pioneer...

All of them hate rules, social order and common sense.

You gotta have some evil, obsession and love for breaking the rules.

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7 minutes ago, CARDOZZO said:

@Francis777 Pirate, Thug, Visionary, Pickup Artist, Pioneer...

All of them hate rules, social order and common sense.

You gotta have some evil, obsession and love for breaking the rules.

yeah, although I wouldn't necessarily call it evil, just a need to not be tied down

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It's definitely something you're born with and something you try to avoid. Like how the Avatar the Last Airbender ran away and got trapped in the iceberg. If you don't care about money or fame then what's the point of going through all that trouble? You just want to be normal and you struggle to figure out why you aren't like everyone else (until you realize its because you are a visionary)

The closest that a average person can come is to learn how to spot trends 5 or 10 years before they happen but visionaries are the ones making them happen and they can see 50 years ahead

It's a curse unless you really like to serve people then its a gift and a curse

I used to just give my ideas to a really ambitious and driven person who had resources to complete them and good intentions 

My current idea I am playing with is the next big thing. Will change human life forever but I would rather just sell it for millions and have whoever buys it make his billions off it 


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10 hours ago, The Renaissance Man said:

Would you say visionary = very high ambition?

No, these are distinct. However, there tends to be overlap of these in highly successful people.

When you are looking at extremely successful people you automatically introduce a selection bias. These people are highly abnormal in there psychology and temperament.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 11/20/2023 at 2:09 PM, CARDOZZO said:

I was reading Leo's blog post on being a visionary.

I want to understand your POV.

  • Can you become a visionary?
  • How can you cultivate your mind in a unique way to be a visionary?
  • What should you practice? read? being? doing? having?


I think we can all be more visionary but I do think there's a certain personality type that is especially visionary.

I'd rather be the best version of me than try to emulate something I'm not suited for. Personally I very much value individuality and vision but I would rather be realistic to my limitations than charge ahead and call myself the new Elon Musk.

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@Leo Gura With all due respect, what “groundbreaking intellectual work” have you been doing this year? There have been no videos and no courses. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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26 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

@Leo Gura With all due respect, what “groundbreaking intellectual work” have you been doing this year? There have been no videos and no courses. 

He took a break and is grounding himself.

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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Ok so from my understanding:

Visionary = thinking outside the box, having a vision 100x what's thought possible, pioneering.

Ambition = more related to the drive, to wanting to do something special.

  • Only ambition = grindset and stuff like that
  • Only visionary = great ideas but more of a dreamer and less of an achiever (?)
  • Both = the highly successful people Leo mentioned in his reply

It's a bit simplistic, but did I get the gist of it at least? Obviously there are many facets and a trait doesn't guarantee nor explain success or every behavior you have.

Edited by The Renaissance Man

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