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What does the day of judgement refer to?

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This is one of the questions that I'm still investigating. Christianity, Islam and Judaism all talk about it but I can't seem to wrap my head around what they mean.

Is the final judgement when you as God completely wakes up and takes everyone with you? This is thus far my leading theory but any other perspectives that are contrary to that are gladly welcome. What do you say @Leo Gura any thoughts?

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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Some NDErs say that they have experienced everything they have caused others to experience as them themselves, like if you hurt someone's feelings in some way, you experience that very same hurt as that person. The day of judgment might be referring to something like that, as a possible theory. 


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I would say that It's a point where your beliefs are comming into the light of truth. The belief are what is judged, and if you are too attached to one or more belief that you have kept with you all the time up until the day of judgment. Then you will see that belief in the undeniable light of truth. You would not be able to keep false belief for yourself, if that was to be the case.

A belief can easily be mistaken for truth if you cannot be honest enough with yourself. 

Edited by ZzzleepingBear

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I beleive the earth will vibrate weirdly and the distance between particles will increase and those with judgement will be taken underground as judgement weights on your soul. Those with no judgment will float away being without weight.

Edited by Hojo

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The day of judgement in my understanding and experience is the day you become conscious that others were you and that you didn't love them enough. You will become conscious that you're the only conscious being and that there are no others. You will become conscious that all was merely a play to keep yourself company. The judgdment of yourself won't be that hard because you will understand that previous version of yourself wasn't you.

You will be the only one that will understand that all the plays happen from 1 source=the self , meaning nobody is in control and that you have to fool yourself for eternity and that's why you're here with others. 

Edited by Jowblob


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For Christianity, the day of judgement is the day when you will be judged. You are accessed based on whether you have turned your life towards Jesus and whether you have repented.

So even if you sin a lot, if you have truly repented, you will be saved. And if you sin a little but never repent, then you won't.

Edited by hyruga

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According to Islam and Christianity, it’s the decision upon death of whether you go to heaven or hell (based on how well you adhered to their dogma in this life).

It‘s a stupid toxic idea and easily the most detrimental lie in all of human history.

Every philosophy that posits a „other world“ is toxic garbage and turns people into life-denying sheep that are easy to control and manipulate.

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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