
Am I stoopid for not going to the doc when I get COVID?

13 posts in this topic

I've had COVID about 15-20 times. I got one vaxx years ago and I cant tell exactly but around that time I started getting extreme poking in the heart, almost like needles. Docs dismissed my claims, said im fine and gave me antiinflamatory meds. Long story short that this repeated throughout one year and a half. It kept going away and coming back. Its gone for a year at least and I dont wanna jinx It.

So... I want to hear some opinions. im sick and tired of getting COVID. But I feel like one more vax and my heart would give Up, no joke. I did some research and It may have been miocarditis or pericarditis. I have no idea though i'm just glad It over.


Also I dont take any medicine whatsoever  for anything really. Is that bad? Should I take some meds for COVID?



Edit: currently EFFIN sick AF again. I work in hospitality and lately been going to plenty of clubs.

Edited by mmKay

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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Do you even need vax when you recovered 10-15 times from covid? I honestly dont know, I am not into that subject. 

Maybe you just gotta work on your immune system.

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I thought I wouldnt . Every time its the same but different and sometimes it feels like its trying to kill me. 

Also since this started my hair has been falling out bad. It grows back but its annoying because I have 3+ year long hair

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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Sounds like a tragic choice because both choices of not doing it and doing it are really risky. 

I would talk to other doctors, maybe some vax is less stressful to the body, especially to your heart than other. Also maybe make some tests which covid variants you had to get a clearer picture of where you stand in terms of immunity which might help. 

Also are you otherwise healthy? Healthy nutrition and cardio helps with heart health if that's your main concern. 

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@mmKay I am not an expert in Covid, @undeather is better positioned, far better educated and more experienced than me in this area. 

Could it be long covid that is still raging and that resurfaces each time your immune system gets a bit weakened and flares up over and over? Does it generally get worse when you're stressed, when you don't sleep as well and when you travel?


But maybe what you need is a proper evaluation of your current lifestyle, health, diet etc and maybe identify areas that can be improved? Maybe your immune system needs a boost? 

Do you exercise regularly? Do you go out enough? How's your diet right now? Are you restricting anything? How stressed are you on daily/hourly basis? Are you on any meds? How's your gut health? How's your post workout recovery? Cognitive health? (memory, focus, executive attention) 

Any recent tests revealed anything? 

Also what is your current bodytype? Are you lean, overweight ? 

You could try tracking your diet in for a few days, see if you're missing anything nutrition-eise It is hard to tell without knowing more about you - i don't think this can be fixed with a supplement. 

Also, what makes you suspect you have pericarditis? Because if you do you better march to the ER 

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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7 hours ago, mmKay said:

I've had COVID about 15-20 times. I got one vaxx years ago and I cant tell exactly but around that time I started getting extreme poking in the heart, almost like needles. Docs dismissed my claims, said im fine and gave me antiinflamatory meds. Long story short that this repeated throughout one year and a half. It kept going away and coming back. Its gone for a year at least and I dont wanna jinx It.

So... I want to hear some opinions. im sick and tired of getting COVID. But I feel like one more vax and my heart would give Up, no joke. I did some research and It may have been miocarditis or pericarditis. I have no idea though i'm just glad It over.


Also I dont take any medicine whatsoever  for anything really. Is that bad? Should I take some meds for COVID?



Edit: currently EFFIN sick AF again. I work in hospitality and lately been going to plenty of clubs.

You have had Covid 15-20 times? 
That means, in a 3 year timespan (since the emergence of the virus) you have caught an infection approx. every 2 months? 

Did you verify each time with an antigen test? Are you sure? 

Did you get sick often before Covid?

Did you tell this story to your primary healthcare provider? Did they do any testing on you like a lab?

How is your lifestyle? General health? Overweight?
Basically answer @Michael569's questions as well please. 


Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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Thanks for taking time to anwser guys. Before COVID i would get sick maybe once a year. Pretty much never.

For those years I have been working in a very busy tourist restaurant, where the clients wouldnt ever wear mask. Many of them obviously sick.

Every 3 - 4 months almost everyone in the restaurant ( all the staff of 30 ) would get sick at once, múltiple of them testing positive. Chefs using no gloves at coughing at the food. 

I did not check myself so there is a chance it. wasnt COVID. But im way too familiar with the symptoms to say its all coincidence and I got something else. Ofc i can still be wrong. But its allways the same symptoms but slightly different.

Mucus at the roof of your nose that you cant swallow nor blow out. . No taste , no smell, or neither. Fever, more or less intense. Mucus that drips into your lungs that if you dont spit out It gets stuck there and It makes you cough for days. Body weakness , brain fog...  



Overall I sleep pretty ok and I'm almost never stressed.

I havent lifted weights for the last half year but I do 10-15 thousand steps almost every day. Ive allways been very lean. 179cm 63Kg . I dont look bony . I carry a little muscle, but it's extremely difficult for me to put on weight.

My gut health is good. No problems with digestión pretty much. Perhaps a little lack apetite. I dont really like eating that much.

I could eat way more fruits and veggies, thats missing.


I never talked with a doctor about this. I wanted to a few times but It was really difficult to get in contact with one here.


The point of my post is to ask if if its worth taking medicine when sick with covid, and your thoughts of taking more vaxx in spite of my terrible initial experience.



I cant be 100% sure of what had caused that chronic  heart pinching that I described before.

I went to the ER and they checked my heart and said It was only muscular in my chest and my heart is OK. But I felt huge pain with every few heartbeats.

It was exactly two weeks after taking the first and only vaxx i had taken. Coincideince? Who knows, but I was scared shitless to take another one.


Thanks for reading guys

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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10 hours ago, mmKay said:

Thanks for taking time to anwser guys. Before COVID i would get sick maybe once a year. Pretty much never.

For those years I have been working in a very busy tourist restaurant, where the clients wouldnt ever wear mask. Many of them obviously sick.

Every 3 - 4 months almost everyone in the restaurant ( all the staff of 30 ) would get sick at once, múltiple of them testing positive. Chefs using no gloves at coughing at the food. 

I did not check myself so there is a chance it. wasnt COVID. But im way too familiar with the symptoms to say its all coincidence and I got something else. Ofc i can still be wrong. But its allways the same symptoms but slightly different.

Mucus at the roof of your nose that you cant swallow nor blow out. . No taste , no smell, or neither. Fever, more or less intense. Mucus that drips into your lungs that if you dont spit out It gets stuck there and It makes you cough for days. Body weakness , brain fog...  



Overall I sleep pretty ok and I'm almost never stressed.

I havent lifted weights for the last half year but I do 10-15 thousand steps almost every day. Ive allways been very lean. 179cm 63Kg . I dont look bony . I carry a little muscle, but it's extremely difficult for me to put on weight.

My gut health is good. No problems with digestión pretty much. Perhaps a little lack apetite. I dont really like eating that much.

I could eat way more fruits and veggies, thats missing.


I never talked with a doctor about this. I wanted to a few times but It was really difficult to get in contact with one here.


The point of my post is to ask if if its worth taking medicine when sick with covid, and your thoughts of taking more vaxx in spite of my terrible initial experience.



I cant be 100% sure of what had caused that chronic  heart pinching that I described before.

I went to the ER and they checked my heart and said It was only muscular in my chest and my heart is OK. But I felt huge pain with every few heartbeats.

It was exactly two weeks after taking the first and only vaxx i had taken. Coincideince? Who knows, but I was scared shitless to take another one.


Thanks for reading guys

Yes, you can take Ibuprofen or Paracetamol for symptomatic control.
However, this is more about making the infection less annoying and not beucase you "should take it". Feel free to take those antinflammatory drugs if there is no history of allergic reactions to them of course.

No, I would not reccommend you to get another shot at the moment. In fact, if the story is true and you really cought Covid19 multiple times in a row (even if it wasn't just Covid), you should have gathered quite an antibody-base from those infections. Your risk of dying from the disease in it's current form is miniscule anyway. 

Also, your heart issues - I have seen this exact pattern in other young patients - it's not unconnom. Some short amount of time after the vaccination, they complain about unusual pains in the chest area. However, I can comfort you that in most of those cases I have seen, no damage to the heart was detectable. You went to the ER - my guess is that they did a ECG and maybe a blood test? 

So here would be my advice for you:
1) Visit your family doctor and tell him him about this. When somebody becomes ill that often, you should definitely make some screening efforts to see if there is any underlying condition playing a role in this. If you feel exhausted, weak, knocked off or sweat a lot during the night - tell him  as well. The minimum he should do is a mid-range blood lab including some of the crucial immunogenic vitamins/minerals like VitaminD3 and zinc. 

2) Tell him about your vaccine-reaction as well. In the near future I would recommend you to visit an internal medicine doctor who can do an ultrasound on your heart. This is a very inexpensive and fast way to evaluate if there something wrong with the organ. If they did this in the ER, forget about it. I am almost sure there isn't something wrong, but this is just to be on the safe side.

3) The vaccine is great and saved millions of lifes. However, I would categorize your experience as a potential adverse vaccine reaction. Yes, we don't know exactly what caused your chest-aches (it could have been caused by the chest muscle), but you should really think about getting further vaccination doses. You are young, propably healthy and therefore not really in great danger of dying from the infection. If the virus does not mutate into a super deadly one, it's propably safer for you to not get another mRNA-shot. Bare in mind that this is an internet opinion. I dont know you, so I have to work with limited infromation. This is why it's important for you to visit a doctor in your city that can evaluate you properly. 

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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@undeather thank you so much for taking the time off your day to share this ??

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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After taking the vaccine, do not exercise or carry weights for around 2 weeks. The vaccines produced by Pfizer and moderna seem to act on the muscles a lot and can cause myocarditis in some patients, esp young male.

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@mmKay Did you use to get frequent infections before Covid? make sure to check your heart, Covid can cause inflammation in the heart, and get an x-ray for your lungs.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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