
How to stop consuming incel, blackpill content?

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On 29.5.2023 at 4:09 PM, koyadr3 said:

I'm constantly bored and to be honest I think self-improvement ruined my life, ever since I came into this thing I lost passion in life for everything anime, movies, video games, friends, social media, etc

How do you think it ruined your life? Anything specific?

Maybe poor choice in hobbies?

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1 hour ago, koyadr3 said:

Relationship with my parents is okay, but my father is never around, only raised by my mother, why?

Because it's literally a form of "moral masochism", instead of advancing your genital agenda you delight in imagining your failure.
That's what this kind of content is for, it's a form of BDSM porn camouflaged in a nebula of sociological ideas.

I didn't really go down the rabbit hole and psychoanalysis is a huge mess, but every time I got into it it pointed to some form of parental guilt or something.
In any case, I would go dig here.

The devil is in the details.

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19 hours ago, koyadr3 said:


Okay, where should I start? What should I read?

Were you being serious when you asked this question to me? This question is very weird you know that? 

At least, what I've done is this. I've known that reading something that interest my brain was most important. Everything is created out of selfishness, passion, greed, need, or love. Love stems from greed, it has the same root word. And greed and need has a similar aspect to it. Tribes are created out of greed, or should I say love? At least the best organizations are created out of healthy 'greed', which could be called love. 

So the book you need to read what you love most about the world. People are different. I have a personality type of an ENTJ, Enneagram 3w2, so I'm geared towards trying to understand how to persuade, charm, influence people, while my ENTJ type would try to understand about success, fighting, manuals, and leadership. So these are the books that I had to read, and speed reading them was so easy since young, because I was 'interested'. 

While my bigger brother was INTP 9w8, possibly. I advise people should not read too much when young, but rather should be physically involved more because eventually, physical activity helps tremendously with reading. Ask Chess and Go players how important physicality is. If you read Sherlock Holmes, you realize why Sherlock was a genius, not because he reads very well. In fact, it's his physical ability, translated to informational data that made him a genius. I assume Sherlock is an INTP more than an ISTP, because his sensory data is translated to his analytical thinking, not vise versa. One cannot analyze a scene, an action, a physical activity, a movie, a picture well if one is only a reader. The best way to analyze a dancer, to analyze a boxer's moves, to analyze a basketball game play is obviously to play the game, to dance yourself. People who approaches to analyze moves by reading is very very unaware of the realities of life, hence why academics are so easily manipulatable by people who don't read as much. The genius of Sherlock is that he applies both phsyical activity with his reading.

Hence, I tell you don't masturbate mentally or physically, but rather read self-help books and apply them outside, and be physically active; it's important, contrary to how your brain thinks and works. 

 My brother was kind of like this. He read fiction books, kind of like knighthood books, but in the Korean style in the early 2000s. I don't know why he could consume all this ferociously, but he couldn't consume any self-help books. I don't know why. My mother bashed my brother for this, and it kind of destroyed his interest in books, while I didn't read too much until the age of 14. People have their own way of reading. But I have to tell you, my brother, if he were to continue reading, because he was physically adept, he would have been a better genius than me, because I didn't read from a young age as my brother, who was reading ferociously at the age of 7 or less. 

I analyze him reading knighthood books and pop fiction well early, because he was lazy. Enneagram 9w8 also shows that he loves fighting. He would always try to make me box him and play games. So I say he has a wing of 8. He read books those books because he loved fighting.

So laziness and the love of fighting translated for my brother to read knighthood books, while my love for success and influence made me read books about leadership and influence.  

So it's important to know what you desire, love, and appreciate about life, so to understand the personality you have, so you can understand what books you will automatically read. 

so your asking me to recommend you a book is very skewed, unless I'm a person you admire, greed for, or love very much, which is highly unlikely. 

Last, recommendation is that this doesn't only go for material books. This can also go for people you admire. So for my own personality type, I have people I admire most, or my own heroes. I find out what they have read, and what mentors they have, because I truly want to be like those people. However difficult the book they have read, I read. For example, the book I've read was Dante's Inferno, because I wanted to understand Leonardo Da Vinci and Machiavelli. They both are my heroes and they drawn tremendous influence on Inferno, Paradiso...etc. I was also recommended to read Notes From UnderGround by OSHO who is also a person I admire very much. Leo has very very good books also. These books recommended by people you admire will get you reading without need for motivation. 

If there are books you want me to recommend, I will kindly do it.

1. Dante's Inferno - his book inspired Da Vinci and Machiavelli's philosophy very much. Need I say more. 

2. Art of War - This has to be read also with commentaries. Every fucking word has to be studied, even if you can't read Chinese, at least try to study why Sun Tzu had phrased a sentence in a certain grammatical structure. You can't say you read this just because you read this once, it's a dumb way of thinking. And never ever get this analysis from academics solely. Try to read commentaries of this book by real life warriors, (Jocko had a good analysis of this book) because a person who went to war once can analyze this book a hundred times better than an academic who read this book a thousand times. 

3. A Study in Scarlett - The first book about Sherlock Holmes. Makes you think very deeply what a true intellectual should live like. I think there are two kinds of intellectuals. One is applied, one is more pure. Sherlock is more applied, because he's not really a pure scientist, but more like Edison and Tesla, applying science on his job. Nevertheless, the book shows how to put joy in your studies, and not be a drab about life. How to be honorable in your intellectual pursuits, and not be corrupt and wearied by the 'real world'. I recommend you read this book most - because two of the persons I study most, Churchill, and there is a historian, you wouldn't know, studied the series very deeply. The history professor, I could see the way he analyzes history (he's very famous in my country), has a mind that's very deep and amusing, so insightful that most audiences are amazed how he deduces a historical fact so well. I saw him try to analyze this book on his youtube channel, and it's great. I guess Churchill loved the series because he saw himself like Sherlock Holmes. Basically, if you read history, Churchill was kind of like him since he defeated Nazi Germany single handedly when all governers were trying to slander him for standing up against the Nazis too preeminently.  

4. Devils - Dostoevsky - I'm nearly finished with this book, and it's a drab in the beginning, but gets intriguing in the end. A book that speaks to you about ambitions of young people against the old. It is a book about politics, yes, but I don't see it that way. It's about how pursuits of the young, if it totally disrespects not the old, but what's fundamental about being a human being, no matter how it started as a noble one, it can create a consequence of horror. And the 'devils' shows us how important the old generation must be responsible of the young. It's not about the fight of the young and the old, it's about how both have to be cooperative. 

5. Becoming Steve Jobs - I haven't finished this yet. The best biography of Steve Jobs. Anyway, Steve Jobs teaches something very fundamental about us. Science and the humanities have to be combined, and that was his main pursuit. He didn't see himself as an entrepreneur or a salesman, or a leader. I think he saw himself as an artist, that's why both subjects were so important to him. It happens to be that Jobs was not very good with technicalities, he was a more social person, a more political person, that was his talent. He gives us insights to how we can use our own talents for our own pursuits. He was not a logical person, nor a technical person. Ironically, that was the best part of him that drove him to help create the best inventions. 


Edited by charlie cho

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Test yourself. Implement trial and error approach. That's the way you know what's inside of you.


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On 5/29/2023 at 4:07 PM, koyadr3 said:

Well, right now I can't focus on my life purpose, my mind is completely obsessed with girls. My plan is to first get a girlfriend and experience a romantic relationship and then once I've had that need fulfilled, I'll be able to get back on track with my life purpose

Do you truly imagine it will be that simple?  It sounds to me like a shallow conception of romance.  Maybe if all you do is Netflix and chill and then break up, it really will be that simple, but if she approaches the relationship with any kind of determination, you're going to have a harder time than you're thinking.  It'll be a level of intimacy you heretofore have never allowed anyone, and in the places in your psyche where she'll be treading, there be dragons.  Chances are, she'll waken insecurities in you that you never knew you had.  And that's in the good case where you don't just bite her head off for having dared to intrude where you let her in.  And of course, the reverse is also true, and the worst case of your two insecurities meeting is possible and likely.


I'm not suggesting that it's all doom and gloom in the forecast.  In a personal development sense, it's a great way of finding out how strong and how weak you really are.  It's just, I think you're overestimating your mental stability that's never been put through this particular test.  I suspect you already have a chip on your shoulder about women and relationships, judging by your cavalier attitude and choice in media.  Not that I'm criticizing;  we don't get chips on our shoulders because we picked them up by choice.  Only, you had best put that chip down if you want anything to go your way when it comes to women.

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@koyadr3 If someone writes to you a long essay, a thank you would be the standard minimal procedure for a decent normal human being. Otherwise if not answered, it wouldn't be too decent of a human being. 

Or maybe you're not.

Edited by charlie cho

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therapy, going out and socialising with people, connecting to family and being honest about how u feel with then, psychedelics to learn self-love and acceptance, fixing mindsets and achieve achieving emotional mastery, learn social skills, make friends, being kind and loving to people and chatting to women you like.

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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observe yourself. awareness alone is curative. that's how I finally stopped smoking so much pot. it became too painful

you could also try rehab, of sorts, by going somewhere without internet for a week.

Edited by Oppositionless

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In my opinion, there's no ideas that's 100% wrong.

Even Black pill is not 100% wrong. For example, there's nothing wrong with man going their own way instead of being led by females. If a man is super obese like 150 kg or something, then obviously many females won't be attracted to him so black pill was right. Females won't be attracted to you if you are obese, lazy and poor.

Similarly, for red pill, most of the stuff isn't wrong. People who said it is wrong should just walk up to the father of red pill and tell him that his book sucks instead of saying 'Hi, I read your book. It was amazing.' I would say red pill is around 80% correct but because our mind is usually focused on the negatives, we tend to remember the negatives mostly.

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On 03/06/2023 at 10:46 PM, charlie cho said:

@koyadr3 If someone writes to you a long essay, a thank you would be the standard minimal procedure for a decent normal human being. Otherwise if not answered, it wouldn't be too decent of a human being. 

Or maybe you're not.

I'm not reading all that sorry

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On 07/06/2023 at 2:53 AM, hyruga said:

In my opinion, there's no ideas that's 100% wrong.

Even Black pill is not 100% wrong. For example, there's nothing wrong with man going their own way instead of being led by females. If a man is super obese like 150 kg or something, then obviously many females won't be attracted to him so black pill was right. Females won't be attracted to you if you are obese, lazy and poor.

Similarly, for red pill, most of the stuff isn't wrong. People who said it is wrong should just walk up to the father of red pill and tell him that his book sucks instead of saying 'Hi, I read your book. It was amazing.' I would say red pill is around 80% correct but because our mind is usually focused on the negatives, we tend to remember the negatives mostly.

Yeah voila like for example i believe looks and money definitely does not matter but height does

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