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I Don't Drink But Feel Hungover After Socialising??

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Hey guys I wanted to make this post to see if anyone experiences this also.

Basically I have stopped using alcohol to mask my fears for around a year. Recently, whenever I go out to socialise I feel super hungover the next day, like I was drinking. I find this funny. Maybe it's due to the combination of the flatline period in NoFap (currently 1.2 months in), experiencing intense emotions whilst socialising (because not masking the fears and stuff. I think takes a tax on my energy levels and body hugely), maybe due to my diet being on the unhealthy side atm.

I was just wondering if anyone else socialising without drinking experiences this. If so can share ya situations?

Edited by Huz

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I experience the same thing. I'm pretty sure it's because I'm a HSP. A thing that has helped me is leaving the place for a quick 5 minute walk every 30-60 minutes.


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Maybe you are more of an Introvert person? For introverts, socialising can be very energy draining, while extroverts gain energy from social events.

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Food beliefs are much deeper than personality beliefs. Either could be a viable course of solution though.

There are ample examples of people who believed they were 'introverts' and then after cutting things like eating late, eating sugar, carbs, etc - then identify as extroverts. 



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23 minutes ago, see_on_see said:

It's not because you're an "introvert". It's your FEARS that are draining you.

Of course if you're feeling intense emotions and you can't be at ease, you're going to feel drained.

You need to work on your psychology. You need to examine your fears and resolve them in your psyche. So that when you go out and socialize you don't feel like you're going to war.

Chances are it's a massive web of issues, and not just one little thing you need to fix. Observe your own behaviours, thought patterns and emotions, and start documenting them in a journal so you can work through them, and slowly unravel your issues over time.

Also watch out for the reasons why you're doing nofap. Probably out of dogma, because you've been brainwashed into thinking it'll make you more socially confident, which is a false belief. That also can add massively to the stress and anxiety you experience around others, because in reality you're still feeling anxious, because the root problems are still there, and on top of that, you are also sexually frustrated, because you are denying your natural sexual urges. Having regular orgasms is also good for stress release, and if you actually resolve your problems at the root, you can totally fap in moderation and also feel confident and at ease in social situations. 

Of course having a healthy diet also helps a lot.


Yeah I do feel it is the fears. This that is kinda of the work I am doing at the moment, which is why not drinking is so pivotal for this process to me.  If i were to drink these fears would still be kept from my awareness.

So thanks for your advice!!! 

I am doing no fap as an experiment. I want to see what happens if I don't touch my donger for a period of time. If nothing happens then I masturbate moderately. If it seems to have benefical effects I will masturbate infrequently. But I had a huge addiction to porn. Been watching that shit since I was 12. I tried to masturbate w/o porn, but I would always end back watching porn. So I decided to stop all for a while. Along with meditation, no fap had brought up so much shit that I used to suppress when watching porn and i am exited by this.

I am interested to know why you think nofap is dogma? Sure it could be, but that can only be proven if it is tested out for real. Not by assuming that it is just dogma. So have you actually done nofap before?

Edited by Huz

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@Huz Couple of questions hooking in on the idea that it might be fear.

- What do you fear in socializing?

- Is it only with certain people you have that anxiety if so what kind of people are those?

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Sounds like you're exhausted from keeping up the facade of your "acceptable" and "likeable" social image. This takes enormous processing power spent on micro-managing expectations from a point of reactivity. When you are coming from a frame of sharing and authenticity it's usually the other way around - you are relieved that you don't need to protect this front and you become open to the flow of energy, which ends up feeding and refreshing you. The solution however isn't to think your way around the problem, because for the most part being over-analytical IS the problem. The most effective way to break out of the patter is to focus on movement and/or breathing, as both can change your physiology and brain-chemistry, as well as engage different parts of the brain resulting in a more healthy, natural way of socializing.

Edited by ShadowWalker

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Intense emotions while socializing? Chill out man... Haha shiiiiit, man, our minds are fucked huh? We are so concerned about how other human beings perceive us and judge us. Why? Survival, reproduction of genes. Fear of death.  Having friends = more likely to attract a woman = more likely to have sex and get kids and get our genes reproduced.

All fear is ultimately a result of fear of death.

Which is funny, because ultimately; who's afraid? Who's going to die? Where is the self that was born and will die? Can you locate it? Can you locate yourself - your sense of being? Isn't this sense of self just an illusory  set of feelings/thoughts that are hard-wired by nature to run for 24/7? How do we tun it off? Extreme sports? Near-death experiences? Hardcore meditation practices? Shrooms? AL-LAD? DMT? 5-MeO? Mantras? Repeating your own name to yourself until the word loses its meaning and the brain malfunctions? David, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david, david - what is David?

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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my diet is pretty clean, but if every once in a while i eat junk food, i can easily feel shit the next day.

socializing can be sometimes taxing for introverts like myself. So yeah, i get what you are sayíng. 

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I feel drunk after a 60 minutes of socializing and especially if music is playing around..I also start to behave wierdly like a drunk person (I would swear to my friends that I haven't been drinking Alkohol..and they wouldn't believe me) 

Edited by Arab phenix

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