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All men who were in relationship with me were liers...i hate liers and i cant find any honest makes me so sad and i dont know what to do about it.

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You were dealing with an average males,you havent came across a real man that doesnt lie,manipulate but tell you how it is. In that way then you can choose if you gonna follow that or not;there is rarely any skelletons in the closet...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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How many?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I had the most honest and wholesome dates with women while at the same time being very emotionally stimulating. Yet if we don't have sex on the first date my chances of getting the girl goes down dramatically. How girls fall for guys is all ass-backward. My advice is not to have sex on the first date but nonetheless commit to dating the guy. That way you'll know him better how he consistently is.

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24 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

My advice is not to have sex on the first date but nonetheless commit to dating the guy

So, what every girl does by default.


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That's the thing: Girls just don't seem to commit to consistently dating. They will punish you by being flaky and playing games for not having had sex on the first date.  
In my experience, it's the other way around. My chances go down dramatically after every date. Even if the dates are very good and romantic.

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That's because a girl isn't serious until after sex. Until then she's floating around like a butterfly in 20 different directions.

A man must lead a girl into sex. It's a test of your leadership ability. Those guys who lead best naturally get the reward and those who can't are weeded out of the gene pool.

It's a very intelligent mechanism and the girl doesn't even know she's doing it. It's happens.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you fck on the first date she´s not a keeper. Simple. If you date to see how fast you get her to sleep with you, youre a boy not a man & probably soaked by PUA ideology. Harsh truth but tru

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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@UDT @Leo Gura

Oh, it's easy being a leader when you're one-on-one with the girl. Good luck texting her after the date though (if there was no sex). All the leadership of the world won't help you then.

The truth is that all girls will happily have sex on the first if they get stimulated. A girl can justify anything. 

I literally had a (bad) date with a girl where she lectured me about how she doesn't kiss on the first date because of principles but also told me that when she first met her ex "they had such great energy" and were boyfriend and girlfriend on the first day they met. 

Edited by Vrubel

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45 minutes ago, UDT said:

If you fck on the first date she´s not a keeper. Simple.


6 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

@UDT @Leo Gura

Oh, it's easy being a leader when you're one-on-one with the girl. Good luck texting her after the date though (if there was no sex). All the leadership of the world won't help you then.

The point is, if you are a good leader you won't need to text her cause she will be in your bed.

But also, don't exaggerate. If you do a solid date without sex, she will be back for more! I had plenty of girls delay sex on me but still be really interested in the next date. If she's not interested she isn't right for you. The right girl will be excited for date #2.

Don't be so desperate and impatient that you need sex on day 1.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura 

Unfortunately, that's not my experience. I had that very rarely where there were two dates back to back within a reasonable time span. I find those are the girls who are most unwounded, secure and freaky(; .  But for the most part, I could have had a date with an absolute soulmate. But if there was no sex I will be treated with zero respect via text. I mean ignoring, leading me on, and flaking. Sure she might even go on a date again, but when, next year?

Edited by Vrubel

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28 minutes ago, Vrubel said:

Sure she might even go on a date again, but when, next year?

Dude, I hate to break this to ya, but you are a lousy date. Improve that part.

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@Leo Gura  

I had 4 long term relationships(1 or 2 years) and too many short term relationships ( 2 or 3 months) and i borke up with all of them only becouse they dident have good character although they were skillful in sex.

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17 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

@Saraaa Did they all cheat on you? What do you mean by lying?

They lied to me about their family, their past relationships ,their true feelings about me

They pretented to love me but they broke their promises constantly...they were indiffernt to my needs and my feelings

They dident care when i was sad or angry

and they dident care if i break up with them or not


Edited by Saraaa

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@Saraaa I see, that sucks. I would say that it's just bad luck but considering that you've been in so many different relationships it looks like there is a pattern.

Have you considered changing up your dating strategy / type of men you are usually going for?

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1 minute ago, Something Funny said:

@Saraaa I see, that sucks. I would say that it's just bad luck but considering that you've been in so many different relationships it looks like there is a pattern.

Have you considered changing up your dating strategy / type of men you are usually going for?

I was in relationship with different kinds of men..i dont know what is wrong with my strategy and how to change it.

I think there should be a reason that i only attract these monsters

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32 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Dude, I hate to break this to ya, but you are a lousy date. Improve that part.

I understand why you would say that, but on almost every date I make out with the girl. I stimulate her (in respectful ways) and play cute games where we hold eye contact for as long as possible. The last girl I dated told me I had soft lips and when I finished making out she almost fell over forward because she wanted more. 

I guess I am just a little bit wounded at the moment. 

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@Saraaa it will be really hard for people here to give you solid advise because for that they would need to go really in depth in your personal situation.

I think you are the perfect case where working with a psychotherapist or a dating coach might help you a lot. Because you have something specific you want to work on vs just saying "I am sad and depressed, please help me".

But please keep your head up. Not all men are like this that's for sure. Don't give up and don't  lower your standards and I think the chances are high that you will find who you are looking for.

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