
What sports/exercise has helped you most?

17 posts in this topic

What sport or exercise benefits you the most? Curious on how it's helped you -mental health, body transformation, achievement?

Do you feel like sport/exercise is a big part of your personal journey?

I've been drawn to a lot of different exercise the past few years. For the past year I've been weight lifting in attempts to improve my physique, but recently slowed down on that and picked up martial arts again (bjj and boxing). I feel like it's benefited me massively in general happiness, fitness, gave me an outlet, and actually showed me that I'm capable of learning something.



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Running in nature.  

When I was younger: Basketball and bouncing on the trampoline pretend playing.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Rock Climbing, Calisthenics, Running, Slack-lining

we are literally God's name, continuously pronouncing.

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Motorcycle racing, downhill biking and shooting helped me become hyper focused. I used to do weight lifting, now I mainly stick with bodyweight workouts as they're more suitable for my lifestyle.

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4 hours ago, Waterboy said:

Jumping rope. There’s a ridiculous amount of moves you can do. If you put on a pair of airbuds and listen to Jumpin’ Jack Flash, you can get really lost in the moment. 


Yesss! I actually used to do that a lot. One of the few forms of cardio that wont bore me 

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43 minutes ago, meta_male said:

Motorcycle racing, downhill biking and shooting helped me become hyper focused. I used to do weight lifting, now I mainly stick with bodyweight workouts as they're more suitable for my lifestyle.

Shooting is really interesting. Always wanted to try it, but it's hard to find a range where the membership isn't mad expensive 

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Trekking-Running in mountain trails. 

Not only you do fun exercise you also breath fresh air and be in contact with nature which makes it even more fun and better.

Now I have to try climbing. 

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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I love walking a lot, it's very therapeutic for me. I also run and practice yoga sometimes.

Martial arts sounds good, I always was curious about it :) 

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@Lila9 I feel you on walking being therapeutic ? Very simple, but always helps change my mood

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Rock climbing for adventure and getting closer to nature/outdoors and understanding my body movements better. I also have done trail running in the warmer months. I like indoor exercise in the colder months though.

When I was younger I loved the trampoline doing gymnastics on it - flipping, backhand springs, jumping with my friends... Just fun flying through the air.

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